Off Topic Thread


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Coffee sure smells a lot better than it tastes.

AMEN! I may have been the only person in the history of the Nav that loved the smell of coffee beans and the brewing of it, but could never tolerate the taste. Diet Coke for my caffeine.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
AMEN! I may have been the only person in the history of the Nav that loved the smell of coffee beans and the brewing of it, but could never tolerate the taste. Diet Coke for my caffeine.

I like goober in my coffee. When I get a cup the way I like it, it's more like a meal replacement than a beverage. I love getting a cappuccino corretto when I'm in Italy. I put all sorts of things in it like caramel, hazelnut, cream, chocolate, ice cream, whipped cream, flavored syrups.

I'm enjoying 1 right now!


Adopt me please !
Listen mother####ers..... put down your mother####in' phone and drive your piece of #### mother####ing car!!!!!!!!! :strangle:

I don't even bother to answer my phone anymore when I'm driving. The speakerphone on most phones sucks, the corded ear pieces suck, and every Bluetooth I've tried wasn't worth the money I spent. So to use my phone I need to be in a quiet environment to actually be able to hear well enough!


Did you know there are more than 500,000 pieces of space junk flying around up there moving at about 17,500 mph?