OK...I've had enough..


fttrsbeerwench said:
This has very little to do with him. Yeah he has like 1% body fat and pecs bigger than most women's boobs. Apparently he digs chubby chicks.:confused:

I've not even talked to him about it.

I just know that when I had to buy two new pair of "fat jeans", something was wrong.

My thing is flexibility, I used to do yoga and could tie myself in to a good knot. Those days are gone now, and I get tired at work. I blame it on the fat more than just getting old.
My mom seems to think I have the same thyroid problem she has, I've show the symptoms, but the diagnosis came back( a few years ago) negative.:shrug:

I'm also hypoglycemic and a little anemic, and with the migraines I have, I need to eat regularly.

Taking pills is out of the question, I hate taking anything and don't trust doctors opinions. I'm not "lardy" enough to get gastric bypass, nor would I want that.


New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
tikipirate said:
Eat an enormous Caesar salad topped with a pound of steak and still be losing weight. But if you eat a crouton, your ass will explode like the scene from 'Backdraft'.
Very quotable! :yay:
Yeah, that's what I need.. A butt-whoopin' buddy!
You know, I joined the gym for a year back in 1999, I didn't like it.. The trainer said, do this , do this , do that, and bailed out on me.. :pout: I lost interest after six months of going alone. I think I can do this without putting a lot of $$ in to it.

My problem area is my tummy. I'm not really flabby, I don't have cottage cheese(yet) and I'm still solid everywhere but there. :barf:


fttrsbeerwench said:
I'll reveal my weakness.....
An average Friday night consists of a few 10oz. Bud Lights to chase down the four of five Jagerbombs I get warmed up with before I even leave my own bar...Then once I get rolling I average about 2 beers an hour along with shots of either Southern Comfort w/ lime or Crown Royal w/ Peachtree Schnapps. After bartending this long, I can really put the booze down. I have always been able to drink like that. :ohwell:
During the week I'll drink a few vodka tonics or what ever I feel like when I get off.

When my ex was complaining about gaining weight, I told her that her drinking problem is the cause of gaining weight. She didn't believe me at first so I told her to research and find out. She found out that her favorite drink which is Long Island tea has over 400 calories per drink. :dur:

All alcoholic drinks have calories anywhere from 50 calories (two ounces of wine with six ounces of seltzer) up to few hundred calories for mixed drinks.
The more you mix the drink, the more calories. The popular holiday drinks such as punch or egg nog can have as much as 250 calories per 4-ounce serving.

In reality, post-exercise alcohol is a straight-to-the-fat-pads beverage. People who are overweight actually gain weight more easily when they drink alcohol and don't really give a #### after a while. Calories from alcohol tend to be stored in the abdomen. If you want six-pack abs, abstain from alcohol.

12 oz good beer = 150 calories
12 oz lite beer = 110 calories
5 oz wine = 90 calories
1 1/2 oz liquor = 90 calories (with 6 oz carbonated drink mix add another 75 calories)

So.. you wanna lose weight? Try no drinky-drinky for six months and see what happens.


aka Mrs. Giant
:dur: I done tole ya, start eating more small portion meals/snacks - ie fruit, and snack all day long. It'll help speed up your metabolism. You need to eat breakfast everyday. :nono: And no more :buddies: : We'll have to be :angel:


New Member
I started doing the breakfast thing last week after the migraine.. I can't go all morning on coffee anymore.
This Friday will be the start of my :bawl: alcohol hiatus :bawl:, I'm not going to drink more than wine or Mich Ultra. If I can handle it, I'll cut back or try to stomach the Bacardi /diet. I can't imagine not drinking on Friday night.. It's like going to church. I'm also drinking mint tea or having a Juniormint to fix my sugar craving.. It seems to curb my desire to eat..
No more eating after 8 pm..
That's always been a big problem.. I get used to get off late and end up staying up for hours catching up on the food I hadn't eaten all day.
I dont work nights anymore , so I have no reason to stay up all night or sleep all day.:yay:


New Member
Hmm, my daily schedule is rather tight... After reading that :killingme: thread about Dems.. I'm wondering if I should just give up breathing on my own and waste away like Shivo.



Cleopatra Jones
fttrsbeerwench said:
I can't imagine not drinking on Friday night.. It's like going to church.

Well then there's your problem. I'm not here to cast judgement but I have a VERY hard time feeling sorry for heavy people who are only heavy because they have poor habits and lack the will power to change. The above is a VERY poor statement. Are you an alcoholic? Before piggy #2 I use to go out every other weekend but NEVER was there a time where I felt like I HAD to go or that life was going to be less fufilling if I didn't go.

Pete had a WONDERFUL suggestion and you've just totally brushed him off. Find yourself a healthier hobby.

You pretty much bragging about how much you drink and wondering why you're fat?

I'm thin but it's not due to the blessing of genetics. Plenty here have seen my parents and my brother; I'm the only one that's not at least 30 pounds overweight. It's due to healthy eating habits and self control.


fttrsbeerwench said:
Yeah, that's what I need.. A butt-whoopin' buddy!
You know, I joined the gym for a year back in 1999, I didn't like it.. The trainer said, do this , do this , do that, and bailed out on me.. :pout: I lost interest after six months of going alone. I think I can do this without putting a lot of $$ in to it.

My problem area is my tummy. I'm not really flabby, I don't have cottage cheese(yet) and I'm still solid everywhere but there. :barf:
TKD is fun

You get to scream and hit people and not get arrested.

It is a good workout, 30 minutes of stretching/excercise-30 min of drills

Great to get back flexibilities.

You can go 2,3 or 4 times a week.

You can go to 1hr or stay for a 2nd if you want.

You have intermediate goals (belts) so you are always challenged and goals are within reach.

When you are done working out after 6 months at the gym you know nothing more than when you started. After 6 months of TKD you can kick the snot out of someone 4 different ways if you have to defend yourself.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pete said:
TKD is fun

You get to scream and hit people and not get arrested.

It is a good workout, 30 minutes of stretching/excercise-30 min of drills

Great to get back flexibilities.

You can go 2,3 or 4 times a week.

You can go to 1hr or stay for a 2nd if you want.

You have intermediate goals (belts) so you are always challenged and goals are within reach.

When you are done working out after 6 months at the gym you know nothing more than when you started. After 6 months of TKD you can kick the snot out of someone if you have to defend yourself.

If I ever join Pete, I am SO going to ask to "spar" with you! How'd you like being knocked down by a fellow forumite? :biggrin: A girly type at that?


aka Mrs. Giant
Pete said:
TKD is fun

You get to scream and hit people and not get arrested.

After 6 months of TKD you can kick the snot out of someone 4 different ways
Hours of operation and location?


New Member
Daily Schedule:
7am: wake up, get dressed ,wake kids, yell at kids, dress kids, feed kids, pack lunches, watch Spiderman, yell at kids, start car, throw kids out of house, yell at kids to get in car.
8:55am: Drop kid 1 off at school.
9am -9:20 am: Pry kid two from my leg at daycare, tell him I love him fifteen times, pry him off again, apolgize to sitter for disturbing the class since all the other kids get there before dawn, promise to pick kid 2 up at least 5 times, promise to call his dad and tell him he loves him .
9:25am: Smoke two Camels and reflect on why I love children.
9:30 am -9:55 am: shower quickly, dress and pray my pants fit.
I either go to work at 9 or 11... work 'til 6 or 8 and go fetch kid 1 and kid 2 from their respective places of care.
Get home, strip kids, cook food, eat fast, bathe kids, jammie up kids, wrassle kids away from TV to do home work or chores. Fight kids in to bed for at least and hour and sit on forums or watch Lost/ CSI/ or BBC til I fall asleep in my own tears,sweat, blood or Haagen Daz.

Whew! You'd think I had plenty of time to work out for and hour a day!!:faint: