Okay, I finally see it


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Literally, you could have bounced a quarter off the cart guy's ass. But his woman was this dough blob from hell.

I don't get it.

I have a cousin who got married a couple summers ago to a guy who looks like a cross between Fabio and Heath Ledger. She's overweight and rather homely although a very sweet and kind person.

I really like her husband - but he's NOT the sharpest tool in the shed, and I can't talk to him for more than a minute without realizing - there ain't nothing else to talk about. Women think he's nice to look at, but he's basically kind of dull. Somehow, they suit each other, and they're doing well.

You've said before, there's a seat for every butt. Somehow, I think things tend to even out that way, over time. I've had co-workers I thought were hot, and when I started talking with them, it wasn't hard to figure out why the world WASN'T beating a path to their door. I don't care how good looking you are, if you're a continual downer, if you're an incessant chatterbox, if you're extremely hard to please and complain all the time - it just ain't worth it.

But for some people - hey, maybe that works for them. You know - she's a shrew, he's a doormat, and somehow they got together.

I just figure when I see situations like that, there's a reason at least for THAT situation.


professional daydreamer
citysherry said:
To judge anything by mere appearance would seem the perfect example of shallowness... “people should not judge a book by a cover.”

She was b!tchin' the guy out for being a gentleman. I guess that makes her a kind, loving wife and mother. :rolleyes:


Infinite Impetus
No well put together attractive female would want to settle down with someone who can't speak much English, a man who 'owns' her, pop out 5+ children, and stay at home while he goes out and makes little over 7.00 an hour.

More attracitve women can get the looks AND decent job/lifestyle out of a man.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
awpitt said:
On the flipside, I've seen some pretty hot chics out & about in the company of some scruffy look'n dudes that look like they just got out of jail.

it's the bad boy syndrome...


Salt Life
CRoyal said:
No well put together attractive female would want to settle down with someone who can't speak much English, a man who 'owns' her, pop out 5+ children, and stay at home while he goes out and makes little over 7.00 an hour.
If the love is there, why would it matter what language an individual speaks, how many kids they have and what their income is?


I Need a Beer
elaine said:
She was b!tchin' the guy out for being a gentleman. I guess that makes her a kind, loving wife and mother. :rolleyes:

And I’m sure because he’s smokin’ hot with buns of steel that makes him a loyal and perfect husband, father and provider. :rolleyes:


professional daydreamer
citysherry said:
And I’m sure because he’s smokin’ hot with buns of steel that makes him a loyal and perfect husband, father and provider. :rolleyes:

Are you saying that if a man is smokin' with buns of steel that he automatically cheats?


I Need a Beer
elaine said:
Are you saying that if a man is smokin' with buns of steel that he automatically cheats?

Of course not, just trying to point out that maybe this guy has given the woman reason to suspect that his actions are motivated by more than merely being a gentleman - we don’t know for sure. We also don’t know for sure that just because this woman is overweight that she’s a slob, a slut, a nasty dough ball from hell unworthy of being in a relationship with such a smokin’ hot guy.


professional daydreamer
citysherry said:
Of course not, just trying to point out that maybe this guy has given the woman reason to suspect that his actions are motivated by more than merely being a gentleman

I'm sure he was trying to pick up some chickie babe at the grocery store right in front of his wife. :lmao:


Infinite Impetus
Chasey_Lane said:
If the love is there, why would it matter what language an individual speaks, how many kids they have and what their income is?

We're talkin about outward appearances here.. Love doesnt come before initial attraction.

Also -- it takes much more than Love to make a relationship work.
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