Okay, I finally see it


Cleopatra Jones
I'm shallow.... :howdy: Maybe shallow isn't a good word. I'm honest enough with myself to feel ok saying that looks are important. Like someone said earlier, everyone's opinion is different. I don't care if best friend Betty doesn't think my guy is attractive as long as I find him attractive. Physical attraction is often the FIRST step and one that should be nurtured and maintained. If more people stayed attracted to their mates than adultery would be much less prevalent. I maintain my appearance number one for myself but number two because if I expect my mate not to wander I have to give them incentive. Don't give me wrong, I don't put too much emphasis on attraction but I do believe it's important.

Whomever made the comment about white women with black and Hispanic men... Good Lord! Take off the freaking KKK outfit. The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen. Variety is the spice of life and I would never turn down a guy based on race. Never.


pixiegirl said:
The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen....well except for Pete :drool:.
:blushing: It's the belly isn't it?


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
I'm shallow.... :howdy: Maybe shallow isn't a good word. I'm honest enough with myself to feel ok saying that looks are important. Like someone said earlier, everyone's opinion is different. I don't care if best friend Betty doesn't think my guy is attractive as long as I find him attractive. Physical attraction is often the FIRST step and one that should be nurtured and maintained. If more people stayed attracted to their mates than adultery would be much less prevalent. I maintain my appearance number one for myself but number two because if I expect my mate not to wander I have to give them incentive. Don't give me wrong, I don't put too much emphasis on attraction but I do believe it's important.

Whomever made the comment about white women with black and Hispanic men... Good Lord! Take off the freaking KKK outfit. The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen. Variety is the spice of life and I would never turn down a guy based on race. Never.

Juggy will be pleased to know there is another white girl that he can hook up with.


aka Mrs. Giant
LexiGirl75 said:
:huggy: You ARE beautiful you southern belle. I finally figured out who I think you look like. Check your pm'r.

I agree it is in the eye of the beholder thank goodness. :flowers:
I want everybody to know how purtie I was before all my hairs went missing! :lmao:

Lexi thought I looked like Holly Marie Combs - and ya know I see a slight resemblance. :diva:
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
I'm shallow.... :howdy: Maybe shallow isn't a good word. I'm honest enough with myself to feel ok saying that looks are important.

It's not shallow in the slightest. It's absurd to embrace some pie-in-the-sky notion of beauty is only skin deep stuff, as if to suggest that you should ONLY ever be attracted to the person inside.

Years ago, I used to belong to what might now be termed a cult (and it does appear in some cult books as one). We once got a lecture from the head of the church about placing value on looks. He asked - sort of rhetorically - if looks were important in a successful marriage. Expecting him to dismiss it as being unspiritual, we were surprised to hear him say "you're damned right it is". There's just a point where you realize, if looks didn't mean anything, the human race might have died out long ago. It's only human nature to place value on looks, and for people to desire to be attractive, themselves. It's ridiculous to deny such a basic part of human nature.

I think what IS shallow is to place a completely disproportionate value on looks. I'm reminded of the famous comment that goes, no matter how gorgeous she is, somewhere there's a guy who's sick of her sh**. Because eventually, looks take second place to how well the two of you are able to get along over the long haul - no matter how good looking they are, if you can't stand to be in the same room with them, looks don't matter much.

And I know people - too many - who get hung up on looks. Their own LACK of them - or develop friendships largely BASED on them - or can't leave a relationship because they're WITH someone attractive - or they base their own self-worth on the attractiveness of the one they're with - and so on.

I'm somewhat blessed with having extraordinarily average looks. I've never been hung up on them, been bothered by the way I look, or worried about being around the right crowd. I'm lucky that way.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
I'm shallow.... :howdy: Maybe shallow isn't a good word. I'm honest enough with myself to feel ok saying that looks are important. Like someone said earlier, everyone's opinion is different. I don't care if best friend Betty doesn't think my guy is attractive as long as I find him attractive. Physical attraction is often the FIRST step and one that should be nurtured and maintained. If more people stayed attracted to their mates than adultery would be much less prevalent. I maintain my appearance number one for myself but number two because if I expect my mate not to wander I have to give them incentive. Don't give me wrong, I don't put too much emphasis on attraction but I do believe it's important.

Whomever made the comment about white women with black and Hispanic men... Good Lord! Take off the freaking KKK outfit. The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen. Variety is the spice of life and I would never turn down a guy based on race. Never.
So you are saying I still have a chance? I'm 1/4 fat, 1/4 retarded, 1/4 ugly and 1/4 broke :confused: