Cleopatra Jones
I'm shallow....
Maybe shallow isn't a good word. I'm honest enough with myself to feel ok saying that looks are important. Like someone said earlier, everyone's opinion is different. I don't care if best friend Betty doesn't think my guy is attractive as long as I find him attractive. Physical attraction is often the FIRST step and one that should be nurtured and maintained. If more people stayed attracted to their mates than adultery would be much less prevalent. I maintain my appearance number one for myself but number two because if I expect my mate not to wander I have to give them incentive. Don't give me wrong, I don't put too much emphasis on attraction but I do believe it's important.
Whomever made the comment about white women with black and Hispanic men... Good Lord! Take off the freaking KKK outfit. The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen. Variety is the spice of life and I would never turn down a guy based on race. Never.

Whomever made the comment about white women with black and Hispanic men... Good Lord! Take off the freaking KKK outfit. The most attractive guy I ever dated was 1/4 black, 1/4 Puerto Rican and 1/2 white. I to this day have never personally seen a more perfect physical specimen. Variety is the spice of life and I would never turn down a guy based on race. Never.