What does he think about this pic/bit ch ?
I think she looks like a Lab. And a happy one.

What does he think about this pic/bit ch ?
Mine tries to eat the lawn mower whenever it's running.Dogs are so weird. How's he with the vaccume? My dog hated it with a passion. Also the poodle next door. Any other dog she pretty much ignored..the min she saw that poodle, whom she never "met" she would bark her head off. Which sh rarely did any other time.
Apollo doesn't like trash can bags. Every time I take the full bag out of the can to put it outside, he barks and lunges at it, trying to bite it.
Now, why do you suppose he'd have a quirk like that? That's an odd thing for a dog to get freaked out over.
Maybe he doesn't like the smell of the trash. :shrug:No, he doesn't like it when I pull the bag out of the can. Putting a new bag in the can doesn't seem to annoy him.
My Dog rarely barks. I think it's the Breed. But when the Rototiller is out, she goes crazy, even if it's not tilling! She will stand there, and bark until it's taken away. Maybe Apollo was slapped with the bag full of trash in his other life. :shrug:
maybe you are on to something.
She said Apollo was found roaming the streets. Maybe his owner was chopped up into little pieces and disposed of via trash bags by the mob. He's trying to find his other owner.Poor Apollo
Remember Turner and Hooch? Hooch solved his owner's murder. Apollo is trying to do the same. He's a hero
What does he think about this pic/bit ch ?