Ol' Willie Don is just a dirty old man

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
They've been discussing this on the radio and one very important point was brought up. If Ehrlich does not discipline or dismiss Schaefer, then the door has been opened to sexual harassment and other types of abuse on all levels of State Employment. He will have set a precedent of it being acceptable behavior.

I was listening too and I totally agree. Why have sexual harassment policy if you don't enforce it for everyone? It doesn't matter if you're the Comptroller or a ditch digger - the same rules should and must apply to everyone.


PrettyLady0874 said:
Well I guess my comment comes from working in an enviroment of 150 men and maybe 3 women. I just know that I have to watch what I wear to work so that the men don't gaulk.

It's interesting that you should say that as I spent last year working with an organization of close to 3,000 employees where 80% of them are women. I was surprised to learn that women are just as bad at gawking at other woman as men are. Men look at them sexually, but women look at them in terms of critical assessment. I would hear comments like "she looks like a slut in that dress", but also "she has no business wearing that color with that hair", "she needs to lose about 20 pounds before wearing that again", "I don't want anyone working with me who looks like that!" While the comments were not sexual in nature, they were just as belittling in intent. Women were also very free with their compliments about the appearance of other women, and they were free to say things that would have gotten me fired at any male-dominated company.


Lem Putt
Pete said:
Isn't comptroller an elected position?
You beat me to it. I believe the legislature would have to take action to impeach him (or whatever it's called in MD.)


Lem Putt
MMDad said:
You beat me to it. I believe the legislature would have to take action to impeach him (or whatever it's called in MD.)

Okay, I looked it up. The house of delegates must charge the Comptroller, and the trial is held in the state senate. If the legislature is not in session, then it is the Governors responsibility.

The legislature is in session, so there is nothing the Governor can do.

If they want to see action, this woman needs to file a harrassment claim today, and a lawsuit on Monday.


In My Opinion
MysticalMom said:
Am I the only one who thinks this is all just funny? :shrug:
I think its funny, but I think that the setting and the timing were off.
I would have been uncomfortable to be sitting in his meeting when that happened.

however, if we were at a bar and he did it I could find it more amusing.. like, when the waitress bounced the drink tray off of his head for being ignorant.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Isn't comptroller an elected position?
Yes, it is.

Ehrlich cannot dismiss Schaeffer. Ehrlich could make a public statement that he thinks Schaeffer was out of line. Beyond that, he is powerless to do much of anything to affect Schaeffer.


wandering aimlessly
Sooo.....we have to approach our delegates to get anything done....I wonder what JPC would do? :coffee:

Personally, I think I'll call my delegates.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
My email to my delegate:

Delegate O'Donnell,
Comptroller William Donald Schaefer should be reprimanded for his actions toward the aide to Gov. Robert Ehrlich at a meeting of the Board of Public Works. His actions are a disgrace. I am not particularly "politically correct" and do appreciate a good looking woman, but if I had done the same thing as Mr. Schaefer, it is quite likely that I would be reprimanded, have to attend a sensitivity course. or be fired.

Please have the courage to approach this subject.

Thank you,


New Member
bcp said:
If I saw someone do that in my company, I would have to fire them on the spot. No second chances. YOUR DECISION


There is no room in the workplace for that kind of activity. AGREED - (unless she's really hot :hot:)

And with an elected official that is representing the state, there should be no room for that kind of activity in public away from the job either. AGREED - REGARDLESS HOW HOT SHE IS

Im not saying that I dont look, but I try as hard as I can not to be so obvious about it as to make anyone uncomfortable. KEEP LOOKING, MEANS YOU'RE NORMAL

To look was what I refer to as dirty old man. LOOKING NEVER MADE ANYONE "DIRTY"

To call her back is what I call sick and demeaning to the women. ONLY WHEN DONE IN PUBLIC AS THIS WAS...

now, let me go find a thread that I can make totally useless jokes on and get back to who I am.
