

Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
It seems that all sports have decided to cave to the left with the outcome being that no one rally cares about the outcomes. I personally gave up on the NFL about 5 years ago because of it. Never watched the NBA, but they went to the left and to China. Soccer just started out there and went further left. Now the Olympics I haven't seen anyone watching any of it, they're not even keeping track of the medal count. Thanks lefties, you screw up everything.


Well-Known Member
My wife is watching gymnastics and swimming. As much as she is interested - that is usually the extent of her viewing anyway.

Me, I gave up decades ago. No longer interested. Once they started letting professionals play, it lost its attraction to me.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
My wife is watching gymnastics and swimming. As much as she is interested - that is usually the extent of her viewing anyway.

Me, I gave up decades ago. No longer interested. Once they started letting professionals play, it lost its attraction to me.
Kind of like when NASCAR decided the Stock part was overated


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Democrats have ruined the Olympics just like they ruin everything else. Here's this ignorant turd:

An ESPN sportswriter said Monday he couldn't enjoy the opening ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympics because the presence of the American flag reminded him of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the "rise of white nationalism."
Liberal "Undefeated" scribe William Rhoden said on "CBS This Morning" that he had enjoyed covering the Olympics during his long career but felt differently in 2021.
"I love the opening ceremonies, march of countries. Then I realized, you know, man, particularly after these last four years, I had it wrong. Nationalism is not good. We've seen the rise of white nationalism. Nationalism is not good," he said in a clip flagged by NewsBusters. "And also, this whole idea — I keep thinking back on the Capitol riots, and I saw a lot of, you know, U.S. flags."
OMG I wish these people would go die already. I always thought of sports reporters as real guys, not these little candy asses princing around clutching their pearls. Trump's election revealed them to be thoroughly indoctrinated products of left wing j-schools and they've just gotten worse from there.


Well-Known Member
You know what else? I'm tired of the deliberate conflation between items that are not the same.
We all know that the left equates "illegal immigration" - with immigration. It is bad enough, that the administration keeps turning a blind eye to what is going on, on our southern border. Because they're ignoring it - trying to be "welcoming" to people pouring into our nation - they're not even trying to do due diligence with regard to COVID. Yep. While organizations and agencies and companies and universities are starting to REQUIRE PROOF of vaccination - all that is tossed out the window at our southern border.

Evidently - "white nationalism" is the same as "nationalism". That is, being proud of your nation, honoring it, defending it, rooting for it - all that - is the same as "white nationalism" which means something entirely different. Funny, that. They embrace socialism, but make a determined reaction to "national socialists" - otherwise known as Nazis.


Well-Known Member
BTW - what happened to Simone Biles? My wife told me something last night I have not been able to confirm on the news - that one of her routines was ignored, because although she executed it perfectly, because it was dangerous, they didn't want others to try it.

Is this true? Has the Olympics completely turned candy ass?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
"I love the opening ceremonies, march of countries. Then I realized, you know, man, particularly after these last four years, I had it wrong. Nationalism is not good. We've seen the rise of white nationalism. Nationalism is not good,"

Everyone hates white nationalism. They hate it right up to the point where they flee their home nation and march across several nations. Nations where the people that live there they very closely resemble in culture. They bring with them and proudly wave the flag of their birth country. To decide that they'd rather live in the nation where white nationals rule the country and are the majority demographic. Or they fly from Africa to Mexico to scramble across the apparently now open border.

Until refugees and economic illegal migrants start to flock to non white nations, I'm calling BS on America's white supremist label.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
BTW - what happened to Simone Biles? My wife told me something last night I have not been able to confirm on the news - that one of her routines was ignored, because although she executed it perfectly, because it was dangerous, they didn't want others to try it.

Is this true? Has the Olympics completely turned candy ass?
Not really sure. I saw a chyron this morning saying she dropped out of the team competition.


Just sneakin' around....
Noontime news said she will not participate in team events, but would still participate in singles events, but her doctor needs to bless off for each event. They alluded to a physical problem, but were not clear on it.