On April 22nd...


Well-Known Member
LexiGirl75 said:
My cousin-nephew is 9mos 20lbs and has been on a sippy cup for 2mos but his mom still nurses PT and he is on formula via sippy cup when at daycare.
Some women nurse longer than others. At 9 months she's still in the okay range.


Well-Known Member
Nickel said:
Ahhh, life according to Sockgirl. :popcorn:
Sockgirl does not understand why a 2 year old still uses a bottle. That is all. Oh and obviously the doctor thinks that she is under weight. Otherwise, he would not have her on the high dollar Pedia Sure. :yay:


100% Goapele Head!
sockgirl77 said:
Some women nurse longer than others. At 9 months she's still in the okay range.

She stopped FT when he moved to the bigger classroom and they began feeding him foods but she is into the Whole Foods cause and buys organic this and that so I was shocked she went to formula but she will probably cut nursing off by 1yrs.


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
You are a jerk.
Probably. But I am correct. 2 year olds should not still be on the bottle. The Bottle Fairy should have come to their trailer and yanked all bottles out of it months ago. :yay:


Nice lady!
missperky said:
:banghead: T, keep her on the bottle as long as the dr says it's ok.

:yeahthat: Keep in mind that in just a few years, no one in the whole world will give a shiat how long she was drinking a bottle. It's just not important. :huggy: