On April 22nd...


New Member
:bdaycake: Happy Birthday Faith!

p.s. I nursed my kids well past 2. If I could work up some lactation I would breastfeed my kids right now just to watch Socki's head spin :huggy:


New Member
Geek said:
:bdaycake: Happy Birthday Faith!

p.s. I nursed my kids well past 2. If I could work up some lactation I would breastfeed my kids right now just to watch Socki's head spin :huggy:

Funny is funny and that was funny! :killingme


CableChick said:
My 4 year old is only 33 lbs and my 2 year old is only 23 lbs. They are perfectly healthy. Give it rest.
My 10 year old is 104lbs and typically gets cans but will take a bottle. :yay:


Nice lady!
sockgirl77 said:
I have no idea why. I have no idea why I feel the need to voice my opinion when something irks me. :shrug:

The bigger question would be...why does it irk you in the first place? Seriously, if it doesn't directly affect me, nothing irks me enough to where I just can't keep my mouth shut. I know you have issues with Tigg or whatever but there is no need to let every little thing she says or does get to you. :huggy: