On April 22nd...


Witchy Woman
Bottles and Diapers

My youngest daughter had her bottle and diapers until she was almost 3. She took longer than any of the other girls to be "trained" and I didn't kill myself over it. When she was ready she gave them up. No trauma. No crying. Just a smooth transition from baby to big girl.

She is a bright, happy, well adjusted child.

I think parents get too hung up on "training." Bottles and diapers are security issues for babies. I let mine decide when the time was right. :shrug:


TWL's wife said:
My baby daughter Faith turns 2 years old.
Look how big she is now!!
They grow up so fast! BTW that's a good day to have a b-day! My mom and two of my best friends were born on Apr 22!


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday Faith, she is precious.

I can't believe how cruel people on here can be. Some children mature faster than others. My mother says I had a pacifier until I was over 2 and didn't want to give it up. Eventually I did, when I was ready, no lasting emotional scares from it!


Congratulation Faithie on turning 2.

I wouldn't worry about the bottle thing. She just develops slower.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
What is the difference between a baby bottle and a sippy cup? Does a child do anything different developmentally? Does it require a different set of skills to use a sippy, rather than a bottle? Sippy's didn't exist 35 years ago, what did kids do then?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Pete said:
Straight from the cow.
Yep, and they didn't carry that cow around with them when they were 4 or 5, cause mom was too lazy to sit them down and make them drink out of a real cup.

Nanny Pam

Dymphna said:
What is the difference between a baby bottle and a sippy cup? Does a child do anything different developmentally? Does it require a different set of skills to use a sippy, rather than a bottle? Sippy's didn't exist 35 years ago, what did kids do then?
IMHO bottles & sippy cups are both evil if you give it to the child when the child is in bed. Milk on the teeth, causes tooth decay. If you have to put the kid down with something....give the kid water.


New Member
Dymphna said:
What is the difference between a baby bottle and a sippy cup? Does a child do anything different developmentally? Does it require a different set of skills to use a sippy, rather than a bottle? Sippy's didn't exist 35 years ago, what did kids do then?

Yep they existed. I drank out of a cup called a Tommy Tippee Cup and I am older than 35 :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Nanny Pam said:
IMHO bottles & sippy cups are both evil if you give it to the child when the child is in bed. Milk on the teeth, causes tooth decay. If you have to put the kid down with something....give the kid water.
OMG. Have you ever seen pics of kids with bottle rot? :barf:


Witchy Woman
sockgirl77 said:
OMG. Have you ever seen pics of kids with bottle rot? :barf:

I knew a woman who had 4 boys. Gave all of them bottles of milk to go to bed with from the time they could hold it themselves. Their teeth were all ROTTEN by 3 or 4! Brown and yukky and disgusting. Looked horribly painful too.


Well-Known Member
MysticalMom said:
I knew a woman who had 4 boys. Gave all of them bottles of milk to go to bed with from the time they could hold it themselves. Their teeth were all ROTTEN by 3 or 4! Brown and yukky and disgusting. Looked horribly painful too.
Didn't the mother learn after the firsts one?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
morganj614 said:
Yep they existed. I drank out of a cup called a Tommy Tippee Cup and I am older than 35 :lmao:
yes, but they didn't have valves in them that required a sucking action. If you put it up to your mouth and tipped it, (or held it upside down over your lap) it poured out, like a real cup and you were forced to learn how to control the flow by yourself.


New Member
Dymphna said:
yes, but they didn't have valves in them that required a sucking action. If you put it up to your mouth and tipped it, (or held it upside down over your lap) it poured out, like a real cup and you were forced to learn how to control the flow by yourself.

:lol: I guess I didn't remember that cuz it was sooooo long ago. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Dymphna said:
yes, but they didn't have valves in them that required a sucking action. If you put it up to your mouth and tipped it, (or held it upside down over your lap) it poured out, like a real cup and you were forced to learn how to control the flow by yourself.

I think most people use sippy cups because they are leak proof. We use a sippy cup for girl, and she's 21 mos. We tried non-leak proof ones, and she soon figured out it was great fun to pour out the drink and play with it. It's easier to use a leak-proof one until they are coordinated enough to use it without dropping/spilling/etc. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
I think most people use sippy cups because they are leak proof. We use a sippy cup for girl, and she's 21 mos. We tried non-leak proof ones, and she soon figured out it was great fun to pour out the drink and play with it. It's easier to use a leak-proof one until they are coordinated enough to use it without dropping/spilling/etc. :shrug:
:yeahthat: They are spill proof but not shake proof. My son always find a way to shake drops of juice all over the place. So, there are no cups beyond the kitchen floor. :yay:


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
:yeahthat: They are spill proof but not shake proof. My son always find a way to shake drops of juice all over the place. So, there are no cups beyond the kitchen floor. :yay:

She's never been able to make Nubys leak....and she has a Gerber one...hard nipple though, and that thing is bomb-proof. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
She's never been able to make Nubys leak....and she has a Gerber one...hard nipple though, and that thing is bomb-proof. :yay:
Son has donated all of his Nuby cups to Baby Booti. He's just using the hard ones now. I have bought some of those Take N Toss ones. They seem to work well. But he really likes the new ones that go in the freezer.