Online Dating


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
After my last marriage ended, I signed up on one those on-line dating sites. Not one that I've forgotten the name of. Was deluged with obvious scammers...did go on one date and it was pretty much a disaster. We had zippy in common as it turned out. We had met at a restaurant and as we were parting ways in the parking lot she insisted that surely I must want to kiss her. I didn't want to..but gave it a feeble attempt. OMG..she tried to swallow my face whole. I escaped. End of story.


I had a few dates that it was clear we weren't going to be a love connection, but we liked each other well enough to be friends. One guy I introduced him to a woman in my Meet Up group that he ended up marrying. It's never a bad idea to have a wide circle of friends.


Resident PIA
What is that?
I was trying to spell cannula and got auto corrected


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I like having a companion and wish everyone had a happy comfortable relationship. When Monello and I took up, more than one of my friends suggested that we were an unlikely match for a number of reasons because they'd seen what I dragged home in the past and that's what they were basing "my type" on. But those relationships didn't work out for a reason.

Once you hit a certain age what you really want is someone reasonably cute with similar interests to hang out with and no drama. It's not a laundry list, it's just a basic compatibility.

If the rest of the person is a good fit for you, the nose cannoli takes on less importance.


Resident PIA
I've never done it before and doubt if I ever will. I'd prefer to just meet a man the old fashioned way - you know have him magically appear at my front door so I don't have to get out of my pajamas. Having said that, I just wanted to tell you that I admire your courage. It's so much easier to just give up and pretend that it doesn't matter that you won't care about someone again. To take a step forward and put yourself out there takes guts and that's one thing Bernie you definitely got going for you. Wish you the very best of luck.
I've learned that for as smart as I am, I'm stupid. Never learned how to play "the game". Whether it's as an ass kisser in the office or online dating.
As Popeye said, "I am what I am". Don't ask me my opinion if you only want to hear a certain answer, I am not a "yes" man.
What I'm learning is that's not going to work in the online dating game. I have to go against character and be, shall we say, "more creative" in promoting ones self.


Resident PIA
Did you already give up on online dating then? I must have read something wrong
Apparently the assumption is everything is a lie. You can put down your "preferences" and they are ignored. Distance is miss leading, if I could fly Easton would be within 50 miles, as would Fredericksburg

I guess I'll grab my cane, walker and oxygen bottle and head to the senior center.
Only problem with that is they will all be heading to bed when I get out of work.

nobody really

I need a nap
I agree. I met a great guy. Really hit it off. Several months go by, and he's "kinda still married". I met another "great" guy, his retirement plan consisted of running up all his credit cards, buying an rv, and claiming bankruptcy. I met another "great" guy, and turns out he had a fetish of peeing in women's mouths. Yes, he actually had some that enjoyed it (WTFUUUUUUUUC). And a bunch that sent dick pics after the 2nd or 3rd date. Another who said he didn't drink -- and showed up at our first date hammered. then proceeded to call me and come by my house until I threatened a restraining order. Oh, and another -- who tried to pay for dinner with not one, but two credit cards that were declinded.

I'm writing a book, "why I hike alone".


Raisin cane
I met my late Fiance on line - sort of. We both would comment in the online WTOP comment sections of current articles. We knew quite a bit about each other by reading each others comments and knowing the others views before we contacted each other and met in person. We knew we were very compatible before we ever even laid eyes on each other. We were extremely happy together for almost 10 years before he passed.

I had not gotten back into the swing of thinking about dating again when, a little over 5 months ago, I received a friend request on FB from a gentleman who had some of the same mutual friends. I'm not sure how he found me, but I'm glad he did. I'm pleased to say, things are going very well. I have actually thanked him for saving me from the 'online dating scene'. :)


Well-Known Member
I never could go thru with online dating except one time. We had talked a good 2 months and he called nearly everyday. We seemed to have a lot in common. I nosed around online and found his ex and kids lived in another state like he told me. We finally met for dinner and I thought it went well. He brought me flowers and called after we got home and told me what a nice time he had. I never heard from him again. WTH


Well-Known Member
He had another full time relationship and was catting around on the side. There's a lot of that going on and until you know what's going on you think it's something wrong with you.

Trust me on this, it was him and he did you a favor by disappearing.

I'm sure he did me the favor. This was a long time ago but soured me with online dating (I was hesitant in the first place). I'd rather meet someone in person and if we like each other then plan a date. Most of those were flops too and I was the one doing the ignoring. I'm too old for this crap :lmao:


Active Member
I signed up on a dating site a few years ago. I have a pretty low tolerance for disrespectful or untruthful behavior so I got tired of it pretty quickly. Oh, and the unsolicited pictures of man parts...gross!!
After weeding through the wankers, there was a man who I almost didn’t even speak to, because I had simply made up my mind to delete my profile and just live my life as a stray cat collector. But instead, I messaged him back, apologized for not responding, and truthfully told him how much I hated the online crap and was on my way out. We met shortly afterward and have been inseparable. He’s my person.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I “met” my wife and best friend on line..sorta. We were both members of a vintage Bronco enthusiasts forum for years and a bunch of the folks on it became internet friends and some even friends irl. We didn’t actually change the nature of our internet relationship until by chance, both of us became single again at around the same time. She flew cross country to actually meet me in person. We were together over 8 years after that before we got married. Been together for going on 13 years now...she’s my bestest friend...that really matters, it turns out.