Ooh baby! Who looked at their IRA/401K performance for 2020?


Well-Known Member
Well that is quite a callous attitude considering these exact same people were getting along just fine until Biden was elected.
I don't have ANY problem with someone becoming wealthy with their own sweat or brain. But I do have a major problem with those funds being given to following generations, to build a dynasty. Like Kennedy's, Bush's, Rockefeller's because I believe that is where a major portion of this country's problems reside!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, about all of this.

But 40 years ago people were building houses and when people moved they didn’t hold onto the old homes and rent them out.

There is NO new housing and everyone wants to be a landlord.

You can do that, be a landlord.

You can annihilate communities, just so you can get that bloomin onion
How old are you? This was definitely a thing 40 years ago, especially in military-adjacent communities.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
There is NO new housing and everyone wants to be a landlord.

I would suggest you get your eyeglasses Rx updated.

I see new homes being built all over the place.

Single family structures, townhouses, duplexes, apartments....

You should stop watching MSNBC and get out from behind your keyboard a little more often.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I would suggest you get your eyeglasses Rx updated.

I see new homes being built all over the place.

Single family structures, townhouses, duplexes, apartments....
True that! Developments everywhere I look and more coming on line every day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But I do have a major problem with those funds being given to following generations, to build a dynasty.

Well what are they supposed to do with their money besides pass it down? Give it to illegal aliens?

Political dynasties are built because We the People are stupid. We get stuck on last names when each individual should stand on their own merit despite who their Daddy is.

That said, we call them nepo babies but all they're really doing is working in the family business. If you own, say, a hardware store and say your daughter works for you, is that bad? Say your daughter decides to open up a hardware store in the same county using the family name because it's recognizable and has a good reputation, is that creating a dynasty?

Dakota Johnson got a lift up because of her parents and she's succeeded on some level, but you also have a Rumer Willis who has two superstars as parents and all she can get is celebrity day on game shows. So to a degree they do have to stand on their own merit.

So if Barron Trump decides to go into politics, he's going to have to stand on his own merit because name and parentage really only gets you so far.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well what are they supposed to do with their money besides pass it down? Give it to illegal aliens?

Political dynasties are built because We the People are stupid. We get stuck on last names when each individual should stand on their own merit despite who their Daddy is.

He's forgetting the Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves factor.


Well-Known Member
Well what are they supposed to do with their money besides pass it down? Give it to illegal aliens?

Political dynasties are built because We the People are stupid. We get stuck on last names when each individual should stand on their own merit despite who their Daddy is.

That said, we call them nepo babies but all they're really doing is working in the family business. If you own, say, a hardware store and say your daughter works for you, is that bad? Say your daughter decides to open up a hardware store in the same county using the family name because it's recognizable and has a good reputation, is that creating a dynasty?

Dakota Johnson got a lift up because of her parents and she's succeeded on some level, but you also have a Rumer Willis who has two superstars as parents and all she can get is celebrity day on game shows. So to a degree they do have to stand on their own merit.

So if Barron Trump decides to go into politics, he's going to have to stand on his own merit because name and parentage really only gets you so far.
Political dynasties are built and paid for with money plain and simple.

Once again morons like you equate passing on billions to your descendants in the same light as passing a few million onto your children or their children. But then again when you are not capable of thinking outside the box that is the result you get.

Most countries are run by the elite and old money rules, yeah you may become a billionaire, but your influence will be restricted by the fact that you are a newbie, after a few generations their influence increases as they acquire powerful friends and become known in the accepted circles of the elite. Money and power are connected at the hip, don't kid yourself.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Money and power are connected at the hip, don't kid yourself.

Well....yeah... I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.

So what do you want billionaires to do with their money, since you don't want them passing it down to the family? And don't say "pay more in taxes" because anyone with even a small brain cell knows that rich people pay politicians to write laws protecting their wealth from Uncle Sam.


Well-Known Member
Well....yeah... I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.

So what do you want billionaires to do with their money, since you don't want them passing it down to the family? And don't say "pay more in taxes" because anyone with even a small brain cell knows that rich people pay politicians to write laws protecting their wealth from Uncle Sam.
To be honest with you I'm not sure how to deal with it .
But I think that it is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed.
I'd like to hear from you what you would propose and for any others who think that this is a issue. If you or they are OK with passing it on so be it.

Just remember that I am talking about the super wealthy and not mom and pop passing on a few million to their heirs.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
To be honest with you I'm not sure how to deal with it .
But I think that it is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed.
I'd like to hear from you what you would propose and for any others who think that this is a issue. If you or they are OK with passing it on so be it.

Just remember that I am talking about the super wealthy and not mom and pop passing on a few million to their heirs.

Honestly, most of those bazillionaires kids who inherit extreme wealth end up getting strung out on drugs and/or killing themselves. They have their own problems and largely aren't worth a sh*t.

I rail against generational wealth much less than pure greed. As in a trillionaire who has employees living in tents because they only make $10/hr. Talking to you, Amazon. I can't relate to greed like that, or the mental illness that causes people to hoard money. And then they have the nerve to say "we" should be paying our fair share in taxes....or put on ritzy fundraisers where all the proceeds go to underprivileged kids, except there are no proceeds because the event cost a piss ton of $$$.

Obama said it - "At some point you've made enough money." I mean, it was just talktalk and he didn't mean it, but he was still right. At some point you've made enough money.

I wish I knew of a way to make people do the right thing, but I don't. Humans gonna human.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, most of those bazillionaires kids who inherit extreme wealth end up getting strung out on drugs and/or killing themselves. They have their own problems and largely aren't worth a sh*t.

I rail against generational wealth much less than pure greed. As in a trillionaire who has employees living in tents because they only make $10/hr. Talking to you, Amazon. I can't relate to greed like that, or the mental illness that causes people to hoard money. And then they have the nerve to say "we" should be paying our fair share in taxes....or put on ritzy fundraisers where all the proceeds go to underprivileged kids, except there are no proceeds because the event cost a piss ton of $$$.

Obama said it - "At some point you've made enough money." I mean, it was just talktalk and he didn't mean it, but he was still right. At some point you've made enough money.

I wish I knew of a way to make people do the right thing, but I don't. Humans gonna human.

There it is.

YOU think YOU know what is the “right thing” for a capitalist who has ushered his ideas into fruition.



PREMO Member
Obama said it - "At some point you've made enough money." I mean, it was just talk talk and he didn't mean it, but he was still right.

Yeah no, I'm going to call bullshit and disagree .....

Obama meant EXACTLY what he said ... fomenting class warfare / jealousy

' enough money ' ONLY counts for people to whom Progressives Oppose

Koch Bro / Conservatives / Trump / Energy Companies = Evil Money

Hollyweird Elites / Taylor Swift / W Buffet / Bezos / Suckerberg / Woke Tech Companies / Soros / Pelosi / Hillary / Other Congress Critters who maid 100's of millions = Good Money


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah no, I'm going to call bullshit and disagree .....

Obama meant EXACTLY what he said ... fomenting class warfare / jealousy

' enough money ' ONLY counts for people to whom Progressives Oppose

Koch Bro / Conservatives / Trump / Energy Companies = Evil Money

Hollyweird Elites / Taylor Swift / W Buffet / Bezos / Suckerberg / Woke Tech Companies / Soros / Pelosi / Hillary / Other Congress Critters who maid 100's of millions = Good Money

Obama's motive and sincerity don't matter - the point still stands. There are people who would hit the lottery for $1 billion and it would change their life; and there are people who would win and it would change a LOT of lives.

It's like if I had a popsicle and you had none, I may or may not give you my popsicle. If I had two popsicles, I'd probably give you one, or maybe not. But if I had a thousand popsicles you could have a popsicle, and so could everyone around me who wanted one. Because what's a person going to do with a thousand popsicles? At that point it's not a matter of me going without, it's a matter of whether I'm a greedy stingy ahole or not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So while Elon Musk is investing in neurological technology that could change the life of millions of people with brain disorders and spinal paralysis, here's what hardcore Democrat and climate change activist Mark Zuckerberg is doing with his money:
