"ooooo I'm Tellin"



kwillia said:
No problemo with this.

:eyebrow: This crosses the line in my book. I consider the neck to be too stimulating of an area to be considered just 'friendly'.

Oooohhhhhh, love me some neck kisses.....come here you sweet thing you!
julz20684 said:
Oooohhhhhh, love me some neck kisses.....come here you sweet thing you!
Dag nabbit... wish I would have known this earlier... the 6th grade concert didn't have to be so boring...:ohwell:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
Consequence #1.
Yeah. It was a bad, bad, bad situation. He started speaking to me again about six months ago, so things are much more comfortable now. I still think he's an a-hole, but they have a beautiful kid and BFF is very happy, so I guess that's all that matters? :confused:


kwillia said:
Dag nabbit... wish I would have known this earlier... the 6th grade concert didn't have to be so boring...:ohwell:

Guess that would've made the show of the evening. :lmao:


Watch it
Qurious said:
Consequence #1.

Hope you are never in that boat where a "friend" doesn't tell you something...he's more than likely cheating on her. Your girlfriend gets no chance to protect herself from nasty diseases by sleeping with him thinking it is monogomous. That's just wrong...especially with a baby involved.

I'd put my own interests in losing a friend aside and do what is right.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
And as a result you have learned that what happens at Wawa should stay at Wawa, right...:huggy:

I should add that my BFF thanked me for telling her and said she would have done the same thing. :shrug:


If it was me that saw it, I'd talk to the guy before running to BF with this or the girfriend. I'd go directly to the source and confront him. It could have been his sister or cousin or something and they kissed and then hugged and that can appear to be kissing on the neck or something. Not everything is what is seems, so I'd talk to him and just say hey! I saw you out at Legends X night and see if he bites and agree's it was him there. Then I'd feel him out and say, hey, who was that chic you were with, she looks famliar... and then if he still doesn't say its a relative or offer up an explantion, after awhile I'd say - let's cut to the chase... this is what I saw and explain to him and let him explain it to his wife. I know probalby not the best answer, but that's me, I'd MYOB and try to plant the seed and mention his baby, etc... and pray he comes to the right decision :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Q- I would say something. So what if they have a kid? Better for her to find out now that her BF/hubby whatever is a slimeball. It's much better than finding out 10 years down the road when the kid(s) are going to be hit harder. At 8 months the kid won't know any different. :shrug:

K_Jo, I think you did the right thing. I would want a friend to tell me if she saw my BF doing something....and I would most certainly tell my BFF if I saw her BF doing something.

And Kwillia- you think it's ok for guys and girls (friends) to kiss multiple times on the lips? Even if it is just little pecks, I'm not so sure I'd be ok with that. I have a lot of guy friends, some of them very close...and I still wouldn't be comfortable kissing them on the lips...maybe if I wasn't in a relationship I'd feel differently.
dems4me said:
If it was me that saw it, I'd talk to the guy before running to BF with this or the girfriend. I'd go directly to the source and confront him. It could have been his sister or cousin or something and they kissed and then hugged and that can appear to be kissing on the neck or something.
OMG... this cause a huge "true story" flashback...:roflmao:

When I had just started dating the man that became my hubby, we were out one night and were hanging out at a local bar/dance hall. Next thing I knew, this really cute blue-eyed, long curly strawberry-blonde locked young thang ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big ole kiss and excitedly said, "R, I haven't seen you in ages!" I was :eyebrow: then :faint: then :burning: in a timespan of three seconds. He had no clue I was :burning: at first but when he realized it he was like, "OMG! I'm sorry that was V. She's just my neice!" I was like, "Yeah right! None of my nieces look like that and are that old!" he was :lol: followed by :lmao: followed by :roflmao: in a timespan of three seconds. He brought her back over... turns out she really was his neice. :doh:


kwillia said:
OMG... this cause a huge "true story" flashback...:roflmao:

When I had just started dating the man that became my hubby, we were out one night and were hanging out at a local bar/dance hall. Next thing I knew, this really cute blue-eyed, long curly strawberry-blonde locked young thang ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big ole kiss and excitedly said, "R, I haven't seen you in ages!" I was :eyebrow: then :faint: then :burning: in a timespan of three seconds. He had no clue I was :burning: at first but when he realized it he was like, "OMG! I'm sorry that was V. She's just my neice!" I was like, "Yeah right! None of my nieces look like that and are that old!" he was :lol: followed by :lmao: followed by :roflmao: in a timespan of three seconds. He brought her back over... turns out she really was his neiceQUOTE]

Exactly, that's what I'm trying to say, instead of running to BF or running to girlfriend, or mutual friends, or a forum, why not just ask the source to confirm first. Here it from him directly. THEN decide what to do after you make sure you have all the facts. Something like that can hurt people if you are not 100% sure WHO that lady was. :shrug:


Cowgirl said:
Q- I would say something. So what if they have a kid? Better for her to find out now that her BF/hubby whatever is a slimeball. It's much better than finding out 10 years down the road when the kid(s) are going to be hit harder. At 8 months the kid won't know any different. :shrug:

K_Jo, I think you did the right thing. I would want a friend to tell me if she saw my BF doing something....and I would most certainly tell my BFF if I saw her BF doing something.

And Kwillia- you think it's ok for guys and girls (friends) to kiss multiple times on the lips? Even if it is just little pecks, I'm not so sure I'd be ok with that. I have a lot of guy friends, some of them very close...and I still wouldn't be comfortable kissing them on the lips...maybe if I wasn't in a relationship I'd feel differently.

So it's not okay if Kwillia and I kiss anymore :bawl:


USMC 1983-1995
1. Guy outside bar kissing and laughing up with girlie

2. Wife at home with 8 month old baby

3. know things have been cold at the home

my two cents
1. tell him you know,
2. ask him how he can be so mean to his wife and child
3. tell him to grow up, be a man and assume his responsibilities
4. suggest to your friend that if things are bad at home they may need counseling and to speak to their pastor or local counseling agency. A trained professional will know he's lying.


Im On 1.
Nucklesack said:
Whats the rest of the story that you are not telling us? You have a habbit of coming back later and mentioning some important tidbit you (happened to) "forgot" to mention when you start your threads

:blahblah: I've told everything.

Do you have some questions?


sccrmommy said:
Neices, nephews, aunts, uncles, etc DO NOT kiss on that neck-at least not here in MD!

He could have been giving her a hug and someone's imagination got the best of them and saw neck... you'd have to be kind of close up to see if it was a kiss on the neck or a hug :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Qurious said:
:blahblah: I've told everything.

Do you have some questions?

not really questions, just good luck i am sure you will do what you think is best... and then remember to let us know what happened :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Quit changing...

Qurious said:
my boyfriend saw him "kiss" another woman, not sleep with her....

is kissing really cheating? what if he isn't flucking her?

I want to tell her but then I don't.....they just had a baby....

I told my man don't get involved just yet....we are both torn....

...the damn story; this is serious business accusing people.

Either your BF saw him KISSING another women or he saw him give his customary peck on the cheek that everyone knows he does with females. If your BF doesn't know the difference, butt out.

Which is it?


Im On 1.
Larry Gude said:
...the damn story; this is serious business accusing people.

Either your BF saw him KISSING another women or he saw him give his customary peck on the cheek that everyone knows he does with females. If your BF doesn't know the difference, butt out.

Which is it?

how did I change the story??