Open Letter to Spain..


Not dead yet.
Thanks for cheering me up. :bawl:

But you're right. The limp noodle spined Europeans have shown the terrorists of the world that people can be scared into a certain behavior. Can't wait to surrender my guns to President Kerry just before I convert to Islam!


jack of all trades
letter was :bs:

trying to use a tragedy to undermine democracy, that's what the letter was about.

also, the letter writer was very arrogant, and we wonder why quite a few countries despise the US... it's because of people like that!
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Super Genius
Originally posted by SuperGrover
letter was :bs:

trying to use a tragedy to undermine democracy, that's what the letter was about.

also, the letter writer was very arrogant, and we wonder why quite a few countries despise the US... it's because of people like that!
"Laura Mansfield is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience dealing with Middle East issues. She is fluent in written and spoken Arabic, and has an excellent understanding of the complex cultural, religious and historical issues of the region. Her experience includes nearly seven years living and working in the region for a wide range of private and government clients."

So which one of you has a more informed opinion?


jack of all trades
the people of spain have spoken and the losers are making it into an issue that its because of the terrorist attacks.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
also, the letter writer was very arrogant, and we wonder why quite a few countries despise the US... it's because of people like that!
What part struck you as arrogant? The part that wasn't fact-based and was just her opinion sounded like pure cause-and-effect common sense to me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
the people of spain have spoken and the losers are making it into an issue that its because of the terrorist attacks.
But...that's what happened. :confused: The news reports made it pretty clear that the terrorist attacks changed the election. Do you not believe them, either?


jack of all trades
Originally posted by cariblue
Isn't it?

how can we know for sure unless we lived in spain and voted. isn't it quite possible that the previous party was not doing a good job?


Originally posted by SuperGrover
how can we know for sure unless we lived in spain and voted. isn't it quite possible that the previous party was not doing a good job?

This is what I want to know... before 3-11, how many people were planning on reelecting Azner - and how many changed their minds after the blast?

I haven't seen any polling data one way or the other.

Regardless - the group who pulled the explosions off, whether it be Al Qaeda or it turns out to be someone else, it's going to appear to them that they were successful in their mission, and this sort of perceived success can only have one result.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
how can we know for sure unless we lived in spain and voted.

Around two-thirds of Spain's 35 million voters turned out, a relatively high proportion that belied the strong upswell of emotion sparked by Thursday's bomb attacks in which 200 people died and 1,500 were wounded.
Up to 90 percent of the population was against the Iraq war and occupation, to which Aznar has contributed 1,300 Spanish troops.
In a threat which experts said came from Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), the Al-Qaeda leader on October 18 warned his operatives would strike at Spain, Australia, Britain, Italy and other countries which helped the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What part of this is so mysterious?


Does it really matter if the election was changed? The facts are that the new regime pulled its support for the war and showed the al-Qaida that they influenced something. The al-Qaida in turn will not pull another attack on Spain just to prove that point. They will attack the next on the list of those that support the war to see if their acts can influence someone else, i.e. England or the US, but I think they already know they won't influence the United States.


jack of all trades

"Spain supported the US-led war on Iraq despite much domestic opposition. It currently has 1,300 troops in the Polish-led multinational force in the central-south sector. "

That opposition was BEFORE the bombing. We need to respect the decisions of other countries if that decision was based on democratic values and not berate them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
We need to respect the decisions of other countries if that decision was based on democratic values and not berate them.
Pizz on them. They just endangered the people of Austrailia, Great Britain and Italy, not to mention us. I don't respect the little chicken-sh*ts - I spit on them. *ptooie*


jack of all trades
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pizz on them. They just endangered the people of Austrailia, Great Britain and Italy, not to mention us. I don't respect the little chicken-sh*ts - I spit on them. *ptooie*

instead of getting pizzed at spain, get pizzed at al queda. the new gov't is also against terrorism... they are not endorsing it.

no support for iraq<>supporting terrorism

hey, i'm for getting rid of all forms of terrorism, but we can't do it by berating other countries that dont agree with our policies.

P.S. i didn't know the correct spelling of pizzed would come back as ####ed. didn't realize it was a bad word like the F word!
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fascinating! Good find, Grover!

I think the result is good for Spain and the socialists will do better things for the country.

But I thought they were going to win before the attacks happened. Better Zapatero than Aznar.

I hope he does pull out of Iraq. Spain should not be involved in something that is nothing to do with us. :lol:

Pascual Hernandez, 19, unemployed

Grover, nobody is denying that the people of Spain want a Socialist dove in office - they clearly voted for him. What we're disparaging is their motive in doing so.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Fasinating! Good find, Grover!

Grover, nobody is denying that the people of Spain want a Socialist dove in office - they clearly voted for him. What we're disparaging is their motive in doing so.

i do agree that by being an isolationist will not make the problem go away. but i believe the new gov't has vowed to fight terrorism, they just don't want to support the war on iraq.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
instead of getting pizzed at spain, get pizzed at al queda. the new gov't is also against terrorism... they are not endorsing it.
Grover, I'm going to connect some dots for you - ready?

Al Qaeda attacked Spain because of them siding with the US in the Iraq War. What does this tell you?