If you are babysitting your grandchild, and the grandchild pulls a small tv off the stand (thank God it didn't hit him) and it breaks. Who should be responsible for replacing the tv? Before anyone starts bashing me, I was 6 feet away getting his sippy cup, this happened in 30 seconds.
I say the kid who destroyed the TV should be responsible for it. If he can't afford it, then sue his ass.
Not bashing, but if you agreed to babysit a small child, then technically you are responsible for replacing the TV...
I say "technically" because ... who cares? I assume that everyone involved is
family, yes? I'm sure that splitting the bill, or just someone taking the initiative to replace themselves is not out of the realm of possibility, before everyone puts their attorneys back on retainer?
It was a boo-boo. Everyone put your pointing fingers away.