I was asking what the alternative is to religious tolerance. If subscribers to Christianity and Islam cannot tolerate one another's faith, then what is the solution?
Jihad. Obviously.
I was asking what the alternative is to religious tolerance. If subscribers to Christianity and Islam cannot tolerate one another's faith, then what is the solution?
I was asking what the alternative is to religious tolerance. If subscribers to Christianity and Islam cannot tolerate one another's faith, then what is the solution?
I think much of the religious world is handicapped by self-inflicted fear and ignorance. When you go through life in fear that you'll be condemned to an imagined eternal hell if you don't think or believe in a religiously prescribed fashion dictated by other humans, that is a true handicap. Gods did not write the bible or Koran; humans did. These books have since been translated, re-translated, interpreted, and re-interpreted by humans to meet human agendas.
Show me some Christians that are committing these heinous crimes today, show me other religions that have not turned the other cheek hundreds of times in the last decade concerning Islam. Please? your whining of something like "why can't we all just get along and tolerate each other?" is kind of lost on the muslim ear that is hell bent on jihad, don't you think?
So...steering it back toward the origin of the discussion...
How do "strict separation" people feel about obama allowing funds to rebuild muslim sites, but nothing to protect other sites (ie Hindu/Christian/Buddhist?)
How about new restrictions on chaplains in the military praying in Christ's name,...but encouraging more mullahs,...or even satanists?
obama is 100%in favor of screwing up morale, squandering our funds, and providing aid & comfort to the enemy. (All under the guise of his religion).
I do not quite know how to deal with leftist who throw out these odd arguments that "everybody should just be left alone"...or Islam is "misunderstood" ...or "Our actions just create more hostitlity, which creates more terrorists"....
The "Coexist" crowd who are so naive,...thinking that we need to open a dialogue, try to understand them,..."Up with People" crap.
Do they think this is some sort of charade? A shallow little game? Do they think that islam will disarm & return to Krapistan once we pledge not to defend ourselves? Do they not see the islamization of Europe and what the natural outcome will be in just 10-15 years?...Because of this bizzaro world that they have accepted as reality,...others will have to fight as long as possible to allow home-grown islamophiles to continue living in their bubble,...while blaming all the world's problems on a "misunderstanding" and a lack of cultural appreciation.
Don't know what would rattle their world...a bombing in DC? A Starbucks hostage crisis? muslims lighting fires to our western forests (like Jihadists recommended)?
Certainly logic & facts don't seem to have any effect on them. (Post-Modern much?)
So...steering it back toward the origin of the discussion...
How do "strict separation" people feel about obama allowing funds to rebuild muslim sites, but nothing to protect other sites (ie Hindu/Christian/Buddhist?)
How about new restrictions on chaplains in the military praying in Christ's name,...but encouraging more mullahs,...or even satanists?
obama is 100%in favor of screwing up morale, squandering our funds, and providing aid & comfort to the enemy. (All under the guise of his religion).
I do not quite know how to deal with leftist who throw out these odd arguments that "everybody should just be left alone"...or Islam is "misunderstood" ...or "Our actions just create more hostitlity, which creates more terrorists"....
The "Coexist" crowd who are so naive,...thinking that we need to open a dialogue, try to understand them,..."Up with People" crap.
Do they think this is some sort of charade? A shallow little game? Do they think that islam will disarm & return to Krapistan once we pledge not to defend ourselves? Do they not see the islamization of Europe and what the natural outcome will be in just 10-15 years?...Because of this bizzaro world that they have accepted as reality,...others will have to fight as long as possible to allow home-grown islamophiles to continue living in their bubble,...while blaming all the world's problems on a "misunderstanding" and a lack of cultural appreciation.
Don't know what would rattle their world...a bombing in DC? A Starbucks hostage crisis? muslims lighting fires to our western forests (like Jihadists recommended)?
Certainly logic & facts don't seem to have any effect on them. (Post-Modern much?)
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Islam must stop being considered a religion....
It is a neo fascist movement, oppressive to women, dividing races, and rests on physical & emotional abuse.
If civil laws were fairly applied, mullahs & muslim bullies would be arrested, charged, fined, separated from their followers.
All "student" visas slashed and all illegal aliens expelled.
Financial support for muslim countries that our INTEL communities have revealed as hosting jihadist cells....Zero the balance. Not another dime.
States must pass laws saying that Sharia law will NOT be considered in court rulings, and that police will not accommodate shariah dictates...ever.
Muslim mullahs & teachers are not permitted as chaplains in prisons.
just a start...
You should read Mein Kampf to get some ideas on enacting your plan to rid the world of Islam.
"Islam must stop being considered a religion" That's quite a first step! There are 1.6B Muslims, so you certainly have your work cut out for you! I guess you could start by amending the Wikipedia definition of Islam.
What civil laws would you invoke to arrest the mullahs? Would you also discharge the Muslims serving in the US Armed Forces? The Pentagon (I have seen Muslim civilians praying in the chapel)? You should read Mein Kampf to get some ideas on enacting your plan to rid the world of Islam.
"Islam must stop being considered a religion" That's quite a first step! There are 1.6B Muslims, so you certainly have your work cut out for you! I guess you could start by amending the Wikipedia definition of Islam.
What civil laws would you invoke to arrest the mullahs? Would you also discharge the Muslims serving in the US Armed Forces? The Pentagon (I have seen Muslim civilians praying in the chapel)? You should read Mein Kampf to get some ideas on enacting your plan to rid the world of Islam.
Yep,...waste of time dealing with people who have NO clue of what is coming down the road....Goodnight Neville.
The Muslims have far more instructions in print right now on how to rid the world of us infidels and apostates. Does that mean they win? LOL.
When islamic jihad breaks out in Wildewood, I'll remember you warned me...
Gute nacht Adolf!
I don't get your whimsical/blase'/can't happen here attitude. Do you really not consider jihadists/radical Muslims/ISIL a serious threat? Just wondering.
I consider all religion a threat to the planet, but I don't live my life in fear.
I consider all religion a threat to the planet, but I don't live my life in fear.