Thanks for the lovely comment on my creations. i was really excited that i came out with a wearable product. I was enjoying our little conflict and having fun with it. But screw you. If you dont like my outfits, leave me the hell alone. Now that i look at it, you've been replying to all of my comments with jelously disguised by sarcasm. Normally i would be on a rampant rage, but you're probably ugly and just trying to make up for it. Let me give you a hint, try not being such a biatch. k, bye.
Don't flatter yourself.
I did make lovely comments about your outfit and I meant what I said, it is pretty and you do look hot in it, see post #7 and #47. I refrained from telling you the rest of my opinion about it because I was trying to be nice.
I also helped you out and took up for you in this thread, see posts #31, #33, #40, #106, #109, #112, and #113.
I was just talking to you in post #118 and #121.
In post #122 you went

on me and from thereon out the sarcasm was turned on.
Im not leaving. shes leaving.
I am? Oh please do put me on ignore, then I can say all the sarcastic crap I want and you won't get your little feelings hurt!
I hate stupid people and i very much dislike ugly people. R1 is the epidemy(sp?) of both.
And where were you, to take care of my light work?
I'm so stupid that I can spell epitome without having to look it up and 20-something men beg me to go out with them. I should end my life right now!
Yeah 4d, take care of her light work for her, she can't be bothered to waste her rampant rage on me. Some go-to guy you are!