OH and you wanna hear something sad...
I worked at the Family Dollar years ago... I had a customer who'd come in there almost daily, so I talked to her often..
She was, not quite with in her faculties, if you know what I mean..
Well, she had a daughter who was about 8 or 9 then.. The child looked terrified everytime I saw her..She never spoke and and constantly kept her hands down over her stomach.Staring at the floor.
I though she was odd, but I marked it off as her just being born from a mentally disabled parent..
One, day they came in to my store and the daughter looked EXTREMELY upset. Near the back of the store she began to cry and before she could get back to the cash register, she had urinated in her pants and was telling her mom she had to, "go poop".
I asked if she was ok, and the woman remarked that she was ok, but since she's been sleeping in bed with Daddy, she's hasn't been feeling well.
The woman went on to tell me that she was now sleeping on the couch and her husband wouldn't let either of them go to the doctor...
I quit working there soon after, and saw the two of them a few more times around town.. Soon though, I noticed that the child wasn't with her mom anymore..
I was afraid to ask why.