Outrage At The System


Asperger's Poster Child
harleygirl said:
Anyone see Dateline last night on sexual predators? Even I was shocked. Tons of pedophiles showed up for a sting thinking they were going to have sex with a 13 year old. Disgusting. Many were repeat offenders.
I heard about that. The worst part was, none of them could be legally arrested because what Dateline did was considered entrapment. Apparently, the pervs had to be the ones to propose the meeting. I understand that police and DAs in Virginia were furious at ABC for not consulting them before the sting.


I agree with the suggestion of getting a hold of Bill O'Reilly. This is exactly what happened with that case in Vermont, and he brought so much heat on to the judge there that he had to change the punishment. Definately email him now!


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
I agree with the suggestion of getting a hold of Bill O'Reilly. This is exactly what happened with that case in Vermont, and he brought so much heat on to the judge there that he had to change the punishment. Definately email him now!
Third vote for contacting O'Reilly. I think he talks about a case like this just about every night and he's a pitbull about it. (no offense to the pitbull owners :wink:)


Tonio said:
I heard about that. The worst part was, none of them could be legally arrested because what Dateline did was considered entrapment. Apparently, the pervs had to be the ones to propose the meeting. I understand that police and DAs in Virginia were furious at ABC for not consulting them before the sting.

Virginia? what are you talking about? Not legally arrested? what?

Obviously you didn't hear the whole thing about the tv show last night. I watched the show last night. It's the third time "Dateline" are doing this.

The Riverside county cops were outside waiting to arrest every one that steps out of the house or walking up to the house. Oh man, you miss the action!

It was NOT entrapment because the Riverside county has this jointed task operation called, "Perverted-Justice" where they set up a decoy and collect evidences ,etc. More info here.

50 men has been arrested over the course of three days.
All walks of life: teacher, cop, criminal investigator(homeland security federal agent, fired the next day), retired, registered offenders, ex-convicts, first timers, towelhead, dirty man, two punks, etc.

If you want to glance over the information on MSNBC-DATELINE "To Catch a Predator III", CLICK HERE


MysticalMom said:
OK everyone. To hell with it....if you are in Charles County or anywhere near this man keep your children way...His name is Jason Fallin.
:clap: If I were you, I'd do that same. :huggy:


Calvert newbie said:
sorry for the little girl maybe one day the courts will look out for the children
By the time they do it will be too late, it already is. So many disappointed families.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Actually, there is. She can sue in civil court. It's not much, but at least she can make his life miserable for him.

Our court system in this country sucks and completely favors the criminal, which is why there are so many of them.

OJ won in criminal court but lost in civil court.

Most States Attorneys are elected. Make sure that this plea bargain becomes a campaign issue. Get the SA tossed in the next election. That should also prevent the SA from becoming a Congress person (got to be PC), Senator (none sexist term), Governor, or holding other political office. Once tossed, they are seldom the "fair haired person" again and are dumped by their party.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
kom526 said:
Call O'Reilly, (seriously) he lives for this stuff. As far as saying the guys name as far as I know it is already a matter of public record (court) so why not make it more public. :whistle:
I was going to suggest that.
Let O'Reilly rake him thru the coals. :yay:


rack'm said:
That's why I would kill the maggot if I was the parent, the court system can not be trusted to hand down justice....
:yeahthat: I don't know that I could control myself if it were my child. I would probably end up doing something I would regret later. Our court system sucks. Too much is given to the criminals rights and nothing to the victim. It makes me sick.


Asperger's Poster Child
SeaRide said:
Obviously you didn't hear the whole thing about the tv show last night. I watched the show last night. It's the third time "Dateline" are doing this.
I didn't see last night's show. I read about the first installment a few months ago, the one that apparently got the Virginia authorities worked up. Here's what I read: if the person posing as the 13-year-old proposes a meeting, then the perv is not breaking any law. But if the perv proposes the meeting, then he's breaking the law and he's fair game. As the story went, the same rules apply when female cops pose as prostitutes for vice stings. Maybe Ken King would have more information, since he's fairly knowledgable about the law. In any case, I like the idea of these stings, as long as they're done by the book so these pervs will be off the streets.


off the shelf
I saw part 2 and it made me so sick

One guy was a special education teacher, one was a priest and there was one guy that came in the house and striped before walking in the kitchen

I just couldn't/can't believe that someone would want to do that to a child!....not only are they robbing that child of their dignity and innocence....they are also taking their life
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Painted Spirit
What about this low-lifes' family. HOW can they embrace him knowing what they know!!!!! They share the guilt and reponsibility for ANYTHING that happens in the future (and you know it will). What scum.


Witchy Woman
Well we e-mailed O'Reily. So we'll see.

She is considering a civil suit, but he's a loser with nothing. Ya can't get blood out of a turnip. She consults with a lawyer tomorrow...

I'll keep you updated.

As a side note they all came over to my house last night...My friends daughter is doing ok. Smiling and laughing and running around with my kids.

Kids are amazingly resilient. She has a good family and an awesome mom. She enjoys her psychologist and is coming along nicely. I think (hope) she's going to be just fine.


Witchy Woman
HorseLady said:
What about this low-lifes' family. HOW can they embrace him knowing what they know!!!!! They share the guilt and reponsibility for ANYTHING that happens in the future (and you know it will). What scum.

The low life's family.... I dunno. :shrug: They were there to pick him up from court and hugged him etc etc.

This guy doesn't think he did anything wrong. He shows no remorse what so ever. Blamed what he did on depression etc etc. I KNOW it will happen again! It's the kind of man he is.

My friends brother's wanted to take care of it their way in the 1st place and she stopped them. She really thought that he was going to do time over this. She was convinced that the system would protect her child. She was so wrong.

Now....her brothers are chomping at the bit to get him, and she's keeping her mouth shut.

She's got some awfully BIG brothers too. :clap:


off the shelf
MysticalMom said:
Well we e-mailed O'Reily. So we'll see.

She is considering a civil suit, but he's a loser with nothing. Ya can't get blood out of a turnip. She consults with a lawyer tomorrow...

I'll keep you updated.

As a side note they all came over to my house last night...My friends daughter is doing ok. Smiling and laughing and running around with my kids.

Kids are amazingly resilient. She has a good family and an awesome mom. She enjoys her psychologist and is coming along nicely. I think (hope) she's going to be just fine.

She, as with all of the victims of abuse, will be in my prayers always :huggy:


New Member
I have been in this boat.. I was devastated when the boyfriend of my kids nanny got 5 years reduced to 18 months in the St. Mary's County Jail for basically having my then 6 year old daughter perform a "manual sex act" on him two summers ago.
I was informed that this was not his first time being charged, but it was his first conviction..I never pursued a civil case bacause I just wanted to wipe clean my daughter's memory of the assault and then having to face a man she look on as a father figure in court.. She cried when they put him in hand cuffs.. She's doing very well now, but i'm a paranoid freak about men around my kids.. This man will be released from jail this summer and I don't really have any sense of security, since everyone invloved knows where I live and my daughter was threatened several times by members of his family and his, now EX, girlfriends family..
This POS's name is

JOHN EDWARD HEALY and I have no idea how I'm going to feel when he gets out of jail..
Will his EX take him back, even though she has two children and custody of another child who happens to be my cousin??
WIll he do it again?
Will he try to make some kind of contact with me or my child, even to apologize? That freaks me out, because I already went after him once.. NO telling what I'd do if given the chance again..
I tell you one thing... Perverts are all over this area.. I think there should be a local task force or something..An advocacy group , anything.. To get the word out.. Run these bastages out of town on rails..


New Member
OH and you wanna hear something sad...
I worked at the Family Dollar years ago... I had a customer who'd come in there almost daily, so I talked to her often..
She was, not quite with in her faculties, if you know what I mean..
Well, she had a daughter who was about 8 or 9 then.. The child looked terrified everytime I saw her..She never spoke and and constantly kept her hands down over her stomach.Staring at the floor.
I though she was odd, but I marked it off as her just being born from a mentally disabled parent..
One, day they came in to my store and the daughter looked EXTREMELY upset. Near the back of the store she began to cry and before she could get back to the cash register, she had urinated in her pants and was telling her mom she had to, "go poop".
I asked if she was ok, and the woman remarked that she was ok, but since she's been sleeping in bed with Daddy, she's hasn't been feeling well.
The woman went on to tell me that she was now sleeping on the couch and her husband wouldn't let either of them go to the doctor...
I quit working there soon after, and saw the two of them a few more times around town.. Soon though, I noticed that the child wasn't with her mom anymore..
I was afraid to ask why.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Not quite off topic

but a minister in Salisbury was arrested for sex abuse/assault of a minor earlier this week. Well it seems that his church burned to the ground on Sat. night. "The police suspect arson." according to channel 7 news. Thank you very much Captain Obvious.