Outrage At The System



kom526 said:
but a minister in Salisbury was arrested for sex abuse/assault of a minor earlier this week. Well it seems that his church burned to the ground on Sat. night. "The police suspect arson." according to channel 7 news. Thank you very much Captain Obvious.

Damaged goods here. :howdy:

They are everywhere, and if you are going to reproduce, take care of them...please.


Trust anybody else...whether, family, friend, priest or next door neighbor.

The only one I wasn't abused by at the age of 11 was the priest, and we can't trust him/her either (from this story) and from reality.

If you are going to reproduce, take care of them, and never cry foul if something happens to them.



From your posting, it seems you hired a nanny to enable you to get a well-paying job at Family Dollar.

I am very saddened at what your child had to suffer.

Everyone, repeat after me:


Repeat again until you understand.

Where are the husbands? Where are the fathers? Sh!t like this doesn't happen in a strong household.


Lem Putt
tikipirate said:

From your posting, it seems you hired a nanny to enable you to get a well-paying job at Family Dollar.

I am very saddened at what your child had to suffer.

Everyone, repeat after me:


Repeat again until you understand.

Where are the husbands? Where are the fathers? Sh!t like this doesn't happen in a strong household.

:bs: Happens every day. You are way off track here.


tikipirate said:

From your posting, it seems you hired a nanny to enable you to get a well-paying job at Family Dollar.

I am very saddened at what your child had to suffer.

Everyone, repeat after me:


Repeat again until you understand.

Where are the husbands? Where are the fathers? Sh!t like this doesn't happen in a strong household.


husband - father- mother

your household has nothing to do with haveing your trust broken by some sicko pervert :smack:

I think you are way outa line and should appoligize dingleberry!


New Member
tikipirate said:

From your posting, it seems you hired a nanny to enable you to get a well-paying job at Family Dollar.

I am very saddened at what your child had to suffer.

Everyone, repeat after me:


Repeat again until you understand.

Where are the husbands? Where are the fathers? Sh!t like this doesn't happen in a strong household.

WTF are you talking about?????????
I grew up in a great household, mom, dad, four children......Good church going family.....
and guess what it happened to both my sister and I, so don't even try to say that it doesn't happen in "good" household....have you lost your effin mind?


Dougstermd said:
I think you are way outa line and should appoligize dingleberry!
Agreed, and please consider this an apology.

The mention of a nanny caught me wrong, because when I think of a nanny I think of clay tennis courts and Rolls Royces. That was what drove my snide comment. I apologize.

I will maintain that a two parent household reduces the opportunities for a predator to abuse a child. Two sets of eyes on the child. A reduced exposure to sitters. No male suitors with a hidden agenda. And an irate father is a great deterrent. But marriages do fail and children are born to single women. I will not be so presumptuous as to judge, as I have no experience with either marriage or parenthood.

Once again, I am sorry if I offended you good people.


tikipirate said:
Agreed, and please consider this an apology.

The mention of a nanny caught me wrong, because when I think of a nanny I think of clay tennis courts and Rolls Royces. That was what drove my snide comment. I apologize.

I will maintain that a two parent household reduces the opportunities for a predator to abuse a child. Two sets of eyes on the child. A reduced exposure to sitters. No male suitors with a hidden agenda. And an irate father is a great deterrent. But marriages do fail and children are born to single women. I will not be so presumptuous as to judge, as I have no experience with either marriage or parenthood.

Once again, I am sorry if I offended you good people.

Ok Iguess I was too quick to give you red squares. I have to spread some rep before I can give you some green. It takes good charcter to appoligize thanks.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Dougstermd said:
Ok Iguess I was too quick to give you red squares. I have to spread some rep before I can give you some green. It takes good charcter to appoligize thanks.
got him for you.


New Member
tikipirate said:
I will not be so presumptuous as to judge, as I have no experience with either marriage or parenthood.

Once again, I am sorry if I offended you good people.

And apparently no experience with sexual abuse either, it is a HORRIBLE thing for a child to have to go through, and to even make mention that it could be the parents fault BECAUSE there is not a father around is ludacris and VERY insensitive thing to say.........
Now you did apologize, so letting it go would bethe best thing to do, but just please realize that when you are talking about sexual abuse, it is not something people take lightly, nor is it something a child will ever be able to forget or completly heal from......



Your apology is accepted here.

A PM to BeerWench would not hurt.

It takes a strong man to admit that he was wrong.


New Member
I agree Civil suit, atleast then it will be documented that he molested her. Go for pain and suffering and what ever else you can get. If you don't want the bastards money take it and donate it to an organization that helps other children in this situation.

What is the attorneys name? I am going to see two lawyers in St. Mary's about a custody issue and possible representation and I want to make sure its not one of them!


curiouser and curiouser
MysticalMom said:
OK everyone. To hell with it....if you are in Charles County or anywhere near this man keep your children way...His name is Jason Fallin.
How old is he? I went to school with a Fallin but can't remember the first name. :ohwell:


New Member
MysticalMom said:
Well we e-mailed O'Reily. So we'll see.

She is considering a civil suit, but he's a loser with nothing. Ya can't get blood out of a turnip. She consults with a lawyer tomorrow...

I'll keep you updated.

As a side note they all came over to my house last night...My friends daughter is doing ok. Smiling and laughing and running around with my kids.

Kids are amazingly resilient. She has a good family and an awesome mom. She enjoys her psychologist and is coming along nicely. I think (hope) she's going to be just fine.

But you can also asure that he NEVER HAS NOTHING! He gets his pay on Friday, all but 25% of it can be garnished. Even if you get nothing, just as OJ in the civil trial was found guilty of the murder it will be on public record that he is a child molester and you can then possibly make him register as a sex offender. Assuring it will never happen to another child is worth more than any amount of money!


New Member
kom526 said:
but a minister in Salisbury was arrested for sex abuse/assault of a minor earlier this week. Well it seems that his church burned to the ground on Sat. night. "The police suspect arson." according to channel 7 news. Thank you very much Captain Obvious.

A long time pastor of a North Beach church is on the sex offender registry and I think he still may be a pastor or whatever at the church, I am not sure.

Reverend Fruik....dont know if I spelled Reverend right?????


off the shelf
sinwagon said:
I agree Civil suit, atleast then it will be documented that he molested her. Go for pain and suffering and what ever else you can get. I

Make sure they also get the cost of any future therapy that is needed....a lot of the time the child needs therapy into adulthood


New Member
Also for the record, no child is safe from a determined predator. Regardless of whether you are a two parent household, single parent, white, black, rich or poor. It could be "Uncle Bob" with whom you spend your weekends with, it could be a school teacher, a priest. I don't care what the upbringing is or how good a parent you are, it can happen to any one of our children. People need to stop blaming the parents (accept for those who know something is going on and turn a blind eye or don't believe the child) and start blaming the person really responsible. Until the laws change and these people are put away and black balled from society for the rest of their life, our children will never be safe.

Until state, county and federal officials make child abuse, neglect, molestation and rape a real issue instead of appeasing those in front of them at the time, the system will never change. Until the government stops worrying about huddling in a corner like a pack of hens talking about the current president and how to oust him rather than working together on the real issue, our children will never be safe. Until the government decides to devote as much time to protecting our children as they do their precious parking spaces, our children will never be safe!

I say, you give us this judges name, the states attorneys name and the defense attorneys name and we bombard him with faxes and letter of our outrage! I am not sure which court you went to but whether it be Maryland or Virginia, we should still do it. I am committed and will gladly do it and proudly sign my name at the bottom!

One more thing, until we as a community stop caring about what only affects our kids or what is in our own back yard and start caring about children as a whole and protecting them, our children will never be safe! After all, that child who is hurt and you turn a blind eye to, lives down the street, goes to the same school and due to that childs neglect or abuse, it could turn him/her into an angry adult who could very possibly harm someone right in your backyard!


New Member
FYI, DonkeyButt,
I worked at Family Dollar when I was 19 years old..Before I had children..
Second, my mother was a single mother and her mother(of 6) as well for a time. I have always been a single mother, with or without the DONOR! They are MY children and I accept the resposibility for them..
The nanny was an old friend who lived across the street from me and had been watching my kids for over 2 years. She was a nanny because I paid lots of her bills and expenses, I bought gifts in her name for her children and she regularly kept my kids at her house overnight and vise versa. It was nearly a live in situation.

What a crass statement, why not go get in line with JPC before you open your mouth again to me about anything involving my children.. When you push two 8 pound babies from your nether-crevice and spent every day of your life trying to give them "normal" , then and only then can you join this conversation.



New Member

I never got an apology or a PM...

I had sent you one earlier in regard to another thread..
Don't bother responding.. I don't care to hear your opinion.

You've made yourself VERY clear.


Asperger's Poster Child
When the pedophilia priest scandal first broke, I went through period where I was concerned about letting my daughters anywhere near a Catholic church. What turns a person into the kind of monster who would hurt a child that way? It seem like these sickos have a sick need to control and dominate. Maybe that need comes from the fact that some of them were sexually abused themselves as children. That definitely doesn't excuse the harm they've done. Is there a way we can prevent people from becoming molesters in the first place, to make sure no one else's kids are hurt?