Paganism In The Navy


Lem Putt
appendixqh said:
She can hop her a$$ a ride to Antarctica! :doh: Doh....That's is our military aircraft (albeit USAF :lmao: ) that provides the transportation to there. Perhaps the Artic Circle is a better fit. :whistle:
The Russian, Canadian, and Danish military are all claiming ownership. Our subs go there as well. Maybe Gilligans island?


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
MMDad said:
The Russian, Canadian, and Danish military are all claiming ownership. Our subs go there as well. Maybe Gilligans island?

:whistle: Sounds good! Notice how my initial question was never answered!


What about the Crusades?

From Wikipedia "The Crusades were a series of military conflicts of a religious character waged by Christians during 1095–1291, most of which were sanctioned by the Pope in the name of Christendom.[1] "


Lem Putt
kris31280 said:
What about the Crusades?

From Wikipedia "The Crusades were a series of military conflicts of a religious character waged by Christians during 1095–1291, most of which were sanctioned by the Pope in the name of Christendom.[1] "
kris31280 said:
my claim that christianity has started more wars than any other belief.
You are using something that happened 800 years ago to justify your claim? Do you have anything with substance to back your statement?

I understand that you don't like christians and you feel you beliefs are superior, but you are definitely showing yourself to be a kook.


MMDad said:
You are using something that happened 800 years ago to justify your claim? Do you have anything with substance to back your statement?

I understand that you don't like christians and you feel you beliefs are superior, but you are definitely showing yourself to be a kook.
Weren't the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians pagans, and didn't they do their fair share of slaying each other?


b*tch rocket
Pete said:
Weren't the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians pagans, and didn't they do their fair share of slaying each other?

Not to mention the Celts, they were waging war with Rome and Greece before Christ was even born.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Weren't the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians pagans, and didn't they do their fair share of slaying each other?
Those were just all pre-Christians living up to their future reputation.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kris31280 said:
What about the Crusades?

From Wikipedia "The Crusades were a series of military conflicts of a religious character waged by Christians during 1095–1291, most of which were sanctioned by the Pope in the name of Christendom.[1] "
I find it annoying when anti-Christian zealots cite the Crusades without really knowing anything about them.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
For Arguments sake' let say I am a Christian purely as a fall back plan. (not my true feelings...just trying to get in touch with that "Athiest" side) Is there an afterlife??? If I am a Christian now, and their is really no God, then guess what...I am still just a dead harm, no foul! BUT...if I am an Athiest / Wiccan, Pagan, etc, and I believe their is no God....well...I'd better be right!


New Member
kris31280 said:
The Wiccan Creed, which is the one and only law/rule in wiccanism, is stated as follows:
"Bide the Wiccan law ye must
In perfect love, in perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
And ye harm none, do as ye will.
And ever mind the rule of three:
And what ye sends out comes back to thee.
Follow this with mind and heart,
And merry ye meet, and merry ye part."
Wow, that's gay.


appendixqh said:
She can hop her a$$ a ride to Antarctica! :doh: Doh....That's is our military aircraft (albeit USAF :lmao: ) that provides the transportation to there. Perhaps the Artic Circle is a better fit. :whistle:
1959 - 1999 The US Navy Flew Operation Deepfreeze to the Antarctic. After that the Air National Guard tried to perform the same Operation. Didn't quite meet the same standards or schedule.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Vince said:
1959 - 1999 The US Navy Flew Operation Deepfreeze to the Antarctic. After that the Air National Guard tried to perform the same Operation. Didn't quite meet the same standards or schedule.

Party on Puckered Penguins! (bahhh to the PC Ice Pirates!)
Are you OAE?
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appendixqh said:
Party on Puckered Penguins! (bahhh to the PC Ice Pirates!)
Are you OAE?


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Lem Putt
Ahhh, the good old days......

I disagree... everyone in the military is the "bad guy" on a spiritual level. The 19 year old down in the mess hall is enrolled himself in to a killing machine. How is that not being the "bad guy"? That 19 year old in the mess hall could be working on becoming an active member on the front, perhaps he just wanted to see what it was all about before he took the leap.

Are you Janet Napolitano? You hate veterans for being veterans?


I bowl overhand
"Like their peers in 1999 and 2003, recruits in 2004 and 2005 came primarily from middle-class areas... The poorest areas continue to be underrep#resented, while middle-class areas are overrepre#sented. Although the richest income brackets are underrepresented"

I can give you the scoop on that one..

I've lived it, having been a successful recruiter in NH when the economy was booming and unemployment being nil, to being mediocre to poor in a poor area of PA where unemployment was high, and there were no industries or companies to support the local population.


Well-Known Member
I can give you the scoop on that one..

I've lived it, having been a successful recruiter in NH when the economy was booming and unemployment being nil, to being mediocre to poor in a poor area of PA where unemployment was high, and there were no industries or companies to support the local population.
i'm curious what your take is, as someone who's been involved in it yourself, as to the reason for this.

The upper income bracket is pretty easy to discern, but what is your take on the under-representation in the lower income brackets? (I'll bet your take is the same as mine, though you have first hand experience in figuring out why and I do not.)


I bowl overhand
i'm curious what your take is, as someone who's been involved in it yourself, as to the reason for this.

The upper income bracket is pretty easy to discern, but what is your take on the under-representation in the lower income brackets? (I'll bet your take is the same as mine, though you have first hand experience in figuring out why and I do not.)

I went from recruiting in Southern NH in the mid 90's (booming economy) and the kids didn't want to work where Dad and Mom worked.. didn't want the office hours, the commute.. etc.. Not hard to find kids looking for something a little more exciting that what mom and dad did. Also had a good go at getting kids from what would at least APPEAR to be high income bracket housesholds.. Mercedes in front of the mansion types.. The parents were married to their lifestyle, no money saved to pay for Jr's college, and too much income to qualify for any aid.. Army College Fund was actually attractive, that and, believe it or not. many rich(er) parents wanted their kids to go out on their own and DO something before inheriting or working for dad's company.

Now, we move to NW PA, totally failed economy. The richest (?) people in town were the teachers, the nicest neighborhood was called teachers row. Average HOUSEHOLD (not individual) income was $29060 in 2000 (Nationwide avg $42,000 IN 2000).

Kids grew up on welfare, or they knew families and had friends whose parents were on welfare and stayed at home all day. They knew they could do the same and not have to do a thing to get it. Up there I even competed with WAL-MART of all places. We had a new Wal-Mart opening up, and a big objection to joining the Army was.. "I'm waiting for Wal-Mart to come to town, and I'll get a job there".. AND then what? Entire neighborhoods there of section 8 housing.. I've never seen nastier living conditions in my life.. the smellist nastiest houses, kids growing to adults that had NO idea how to care for themselves, and of course they had their own welfare kids..

I delivered Pizza part time up there.. and there were houses I would NOT step foot into to get out of freezing rain.. while they counted their pennies to give me EXACTLY what was due.. or give me $5 for their $4.98 bill and in their best Donald Trump Voice.. "Keep the Change!" You learned where the teachers lived quick and JUMPED on those deliveries.

(I have an story about the teachers too.. would have been funny if it wasn't ridiculously sad)

NH there was still a sense of Duty, Patriotism.. Saw it a lot, and it came down to which service got to these young men and women first. PA.. Not so much. The gov't was the CAUSE of all their problems.. yet they were sucking the gov't teat EVERY day of their lives.

I got to PA thinking "Man, I'm going to be a hero.. I came from a TOUGH market in NH to this? They'll be lining up to get the hell out of here!!" I've never been so wrong.
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Well-Known Member
I went from recruiting in Southern NH in the mid 90's (booming economy) and the kids didn't want to work where Dad and Mom worked.. didn't want the office hours, the commute.. etc.. Not hard to find kids looking for something a little more exciting that what mom and dad did. Also had a good go at getting kids from what would at least APPEAR to be high income bracket housesholds.. Mercedes in front of the mansion types.. The parents were married to their lifestyle, no money saved to pay for Jr's college, and too much income to qualify for any aid.. Army College Fund was actually attractive, that and, believe it or not. many rich(er) parents wanted their kids to go out on their own and DO something before inheriting or working for dad's company.

Now, we move to NW PA, totally failed economy. The richest (?) people in town were the teachers, the nicest neighborhood was called teachers row. Average HOUSEHOLD (not individual) income was $29060 in 2000 (Nationwide avg $42,000 IN 2000).

Kids grew up on welfare, or they knew families and had friends whose parents were on welfare and stayed at home all day. They knew they could do the same and not have to do a thing to get it. Up there I even competed with WAL-MART of all places. We had a new Wal-Mart opening up, and a big objection to joining the Army was.. "I'm waiting for Wal-Mart to come to town, and I'll get a job there".. AND then what? Entire neighborhoods there of section 8 housing.. I've never seen nastier living conditions in my life.. the smellist nastiest houses, kids growing to adults that had NO idea how to care for themselves, and of course they had their own welfare kids..

I delivered Pizza part time up there.. and there were houses I would NOT step foot into to get out of freezing rain.. while they counted their pennies to give me EXACTLY what was due.. or give me $5 for their $4.98 bill and in their best Donald Trump Voice.. "Keep the Change!" You learned where the teachers lived quick and JUMPED on those deliveries.

(I have an story about the teachers too.. would have been funny if it wasn't ridiculously sad)

NH there was still a sense of Duty, Patriotism.. Saw it a lot, and it came down to which service got to these young men and women first. PA.. Not so much. The gov't was the CAUSE of all their problems.. yet they were sucking the gov't teat EVERY day of their lives.

I got to PA thinking "Man, I'm going to be a hero.. I came from a TOUGH market in NH to this? They'll be lining up to get the hell out of here!!" I've never been so wrong.
Everything you said here makes a lot of sense.
I disagree... everyone in the military is the "bad guy" on a spiritual level. The 19 year old down in the mess hall is enrolled himself in to a killing machine. How is that not being the "bad guy"? That 19 year old in the mess hall could be working on becoming an active member on the front, perhaps he just wanted to see what it was all about before he took the leap.

Perhaps they haven't hurt a person physically, but is plotting to hurt someone not also hurting someone indirectly?

On a mental level I understand the military, I understand war, I understand that it was war which brought America it's freedoms and therefore I understand the greater good as the driving force behind the military.

On a spiritual level, however, I'm very much against the tactics used by the military and I don't believe that we should persecute people in our own country for leveling a gun at someone and firing when we don't persecute those who do it in the name of America. How can they be two different things? Are they both not killers? And if they are indeed attempting to harm someone, are they seeking to have someone harm them?

I'm sorry if I've offended... but it simply my personal belief.

I'm sure throughout history everyone has always thought they were doing right at the time they were doing it. Everyone has to have something they strongly believe in. Some people find it in religion, some people find it in the military, others find it in other spiritual quests.

I have no issue with protecting the country. It's much the same as a lioness protecting her cubs. What I have issues with in regards to the military, and quite possibly the source of my "anti-military" views is when excessive force is used. An animal protects their domain only when it's threatened and doesn't go any further than necessary to defend it. I feel we, as a country, should do much the same.

dude, youre a ####ing moron. why dont you move to another country filled with pacifists. youre a damn hypocrite. so its ok for some people to defend you and your country but those people are evil and going to get theirs for defending your ass? you make me sick. i dont want to help people like you. go somewhere else. good riddance