pedestrian being killed


mv = margaritaville
kwillia said:
You have a major problem. Are you trying to say he chose to walk out in traffic because of the color of his skin?
Yeah didn't you here she ran over the curb into the trees to hit him.
Lets see, he was drunk, it was dark, and he was jay walking. End of story, no racial issues here. You are the one to bring up a race issue, not anyone else. That is all.


Big Wheelin'
whisper said:
guess u all would think that cuz he was black right
I believe that the only person on this forum who has brought up the color issue is you. If I stepped into traffic, AT NIGHT, and a vehicle was right there to hit me, how is that the drivers fault? I am sorry that the man passed away, but how is it the drivers fault? Do you walk right into the path of a moving vehicle when you see that the vehicle has no time to stop? As I said before, do you look both ways before you cross?

before you go stirring up the masses, think of the facts at hand, not personal feelings.


professional daydreamer
Maybe it wasn't an accident. Maybe Mr. Moore committed suicide. Why else would someone walk in front of a moving vehicle? :shrug:


mv = margaritaville
Can we please point out again, that other people tried to go kick her a$$!?!?! I bet that was you wasn't it?
I am sure the drinks were for you...and you got mad that you weren't going to get your stuff right?

I know all about you............please pull around and try again


whisper said:
. i could've sworn pedestrians have the right a way no matter what.
I think this statement right here sums it up. Too many time's I've seen ignorant people that think this statement is true walking down the middle of busy roads and yelling at the cars that get too close to them or have the NERVE to honk at them. Just last night I almost saw two get hit running across rt 235 (and yes one of them - the white one; although she could've been latino-it was getting dark) had the nerve to yell at a car that was turning onto 235 because it came to close to her as she was taking her sweet little time crossing.

It's not a question of race - it's a question of ignorance.


mv = margaritaville
Whisper.......................please come out to play......We might be nice this time.

Or are you scared because we are white?