Peter Jennings



Mikeinsmd said:
He was the better of the three (Brokaw and Rather) but still a biased liberal.

Hopefully some of my smoker friends on here will take note?? He wasn't an old man!! He didn't have to die.... :hinthint: :huggy:

I think a good majority of the media is liberal. :shrug:

Vrai - do you think you are picking out a few stories he reported on that grated your nerves and went against the grain of your views?

Like Hessian said, he has done some excellent documentaries on the History Channel among other things.

Do any of us think we could report the news and not allow our own personal opinions and views stand out even if just slightly? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Goofing_Off said:
I vote for that statement as the most outrageous statement of the day.
Do you deny that Pol Pot was someone's son and father? Because I can prove it.

Let's not weep big tears over a person of questionable character just because they're dead.
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New Member
vraiblonde said:
Do you deny that Pol Pot was someone's son and father? Because I can prove it.

Let's not weep big tears over a person of questionable character just because they're dead.
Not at all. I think you're smart enough to realize it's outrageous to compare a lack of sorrow at Pol Pot's death to a lack of sorrow at Peter Jenning's death.

Nanny Pam

Mikeinsmd said:
He was the better of the three (Brokaw and Rather) but still a biased liberal.

Hopefully some of my smoker friends on here will take note?? He wasn't an old man!! He didn't have to die.... :hinthint: :huggy:

:clap: :yeahthat:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Do you deny that Pol Pot was someone's son and father? Because I can prove it.

Let's not weep big tears over a person of questionable character just because they're dead.
I'll have to keep that in mind when you're time comes. :razz:


Well-Known Member
Some folks just don't get it....

Liberals are a gradual cancer on America...they snidely exude a superiority in intellect, mock the "Red States"...can't understand patriotism, mock religion, demand more government programs, laugh at home schoolers & private schools, embrace socialism as the hope of mankind...believe the military should only be used as a relief organization, embrace the UN, adore Hillary Clinton, support special protections for Homosexuals as a civil right and want to legislate from the court bench.

Once people realize the damage that Liberals do,...then you will understand why I won't be sending flowers to Peter's rememberance services.
So please...rejoice that you are allowed to hold whatever opinion you want and can give negative Karma as you feel, mourn the loss of such a talented teleprompt reader and go outside and smoke a camel in reflection.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Attention Larry Gude: I thought you were going to tell your story????

And Hessian, I don't always agree with you but I admire you for not being a hypocrite. :yay:


You're all F'in Mad...
Mikeinsmd said:
He was the better of the three (Brokaw and Rather) but still a biased liberal.

Hopefully some of my smoker friends on here will take note?? He wasn't an old man!! He didn't have to die.... :hinthint: :huggy:


They put those warning panels on the package for a reason!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Hopefully some of my smoker friends on here will take note?? He wasn't an old man!! He didn't have to die.... :hinthint:
That's retarded. EVERYONE has to die at some point. And I hate to tell you this, but almost 70? That's an old man.



vraiblonde said:
That's retarded. EVERYONE has to die at some point. And I hate to tell you this, but almost 70? That's an old man.


Betcha he didn't feel that way.