Richard Cranium said:
Maybe....just maybe....their priorities are a little out of order. I would rather see efforts concentrated on the drug/prostitution problems in the area, and anyone with more than a dozen brain cells can reason that this is a bigger problem than trying to bust people doing 6 over the speed limit.
Armed many have there been lately, and where do they take place? How bout putting some plain-clothes pigs near a small business that stays open a little later than usual, if it's next to a ghetto, to try to bust some of those animals in the act. I'm surprised the ones that robbed the Tackle Box got outta there alive.
Or maybe, just maybe it's the only thing being reported by our wonderful local news.
To be honest I would rather them keep up on doing traffic stops, then being in a wreck because some ass like yourself was doing 15 over, and has now caused great damage.
So let me ask you, just how would you go about stopping these problems? Put up a sign that says *Please don't steal here*? Why don't you run for office so then you can change things? Instead of sitting on your ass b*tching because your friend got pulled over.
And how about you pick on cop force that bothers you most. Because incase you didn't know, Base cops and County cops have nothing to do with each other. And I say this because the other day you were complaining yet again about base cops, and now you want to complain about county cops not stopping crime.
Pick one thing, and stick with it, and if you can't, Keep your mouth shut.