Pigskin returns 2010 thank god!


New Member
Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):banghead:

I also agree none of this would have happened if the smyfl supporters would have stayed out of this site i've benn saying that since the start of this thread. Well put no one could have said it better.:clap: Btw refunds have been giving out i'd like to know who doesnt have one
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New Member
I am a supporter of SMYFL, but the bashing of every body including pigskin has got to stop. Looking up people's records is crazy. These people give up all their time for the kids. Mr. Richardson does football 24 hours a day. Anyone who knows him personally, knows this is true. He did a lot for Pigskin and was the north commissioner for Pigskin last year. So I would not bash Richardson if I was trying to help Pigskin come back next year. I know for a fact that the Richardson family and Don and Trude were very close friends.

I am seeing how parents are. There are alot of wonderful parents, but some expect football to run itself. For example they want concessions catered. Come on!!!!
If parents want things to be better, instead of in their free time getting on the computer why don't they volunteer in the football leagues? Let's all come together and stop bashing each other and make St. Mary's County know as a great place to play football


Active Member
I am a supporter of SMYFL, but the bashing of every body including pigskin has got to stop. Looking up people's records is crazy. These people give up all their time for the kids. Mr. Richardson does football 24 hours a day. Anyone who knows him personally, knows this is true. He did a lot for Pigskin and was the north commissioner for Pigskin last year. So I would not bash Richardson if I was trying to help Pigskin come back next year. I know for a fact that the Richardson family and Don and Trude were very close friends.

I am seeing how parents are. There are alot of wonderful parents, but some expect football to run itself. For example they want concessions catered. Come on!!!!
If parents want things to be better, instead of in their free time getting on the computer why don't they volunteer in the football leagues? Let's all come together and stop bashing each other and make St. Mary's County know as a great place to play football

Great post! I agree. :high5:


Wow I was told to DIAF to those who are not fimiliar with the term it means Die In A Fire that breaks my heart in so many ways i've been tring to keep the peace and I have said nothing wrong at all if you want me to die in a fire then call me at 2404345852 and tell me that to my face because i've done nothing wrong and thats what im being told that sounds like a threat. I have never defamed smyfl this is a peaceful thread not for smyfl supporters and I am very educated and I graduated with a 3.9 and I will show you my diploma. So don't me about education I don't care about my spelling on a computer none of you will ever meet me so this site is intended for pigskin supporters not smyfl. I still will not say anything bad about smyfl football for the kids

But if they call you to tell you to DIAF, then they still aren't telling you to your face, they are telling it to your ear through your phone :confused:


New Member
call 240-577-2562 and tell them you mever got a call than we get some face to face talking going!!!!

No wrong phone 240-434-5852 is what it is that number is not the number to call and i'm done with the arguing its bull stop trying to start it back up no one will call and i dont care get a life i have better things to do a better life then that so please stop i have a business to run


New Member
No wrong phone 240-434-5852 is what it is that number is not the number to call and i'm done with the arguing its bull stop trying to start it back up no one will call and i dont care get a life i have better things to do a better life then that so please stop i have a business to run

exactly they can cal me to this is the crazyest stuf i have ever heard off no one wants to call and get thingd streteng out but they just wunt to kepp writinng a bunch of BS on on a internet i have business to run to and i have to keep running to the librery to help sort out all the lies i guess its down to me and you to keep everything honest.
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