Pigskin returns 2010 thank god!


New Member
This my sound stupid but are you murphy you always talk about smyfl like you own it i dont know, but sounds to me like you are a member of the board not a coach just sayin.:whistle:
I am not the Director, but I am a Board Member and a coach.


New Member
Is it most or all? I did not see ANY serious cases. Of course, knowing the middle intial and DOB would have helped with 1 or 2 of them. Based on where the cases were, I narrowed down which ones to look at. Most cases were years old. I didn't see anything bad.
You are doing such a wonderful job of representing Pigskin by slandering the people running SMYFL. :sarcasm:
Naahh, then it wouldn't play into their little agenda.

So if Pigskins is coming back, how come Don endorsed the Park and Rec Plan?


New Member
Naahh, then it wouldn't play into their little agenda.

So if Pigskins is coming back, how come Don endorsed the Park and Rec Plan?

I hope you are not trying to loop me into the "their little agenda" statement, like I said in my first post on this thread I hope pigskins doesn't return.

And for the "I did not see ANY serious cases" "Most cases were years old. I didn't see anything bad." comments would you really want yours kid's teachers or principals in school with records like that?


New Member
I hope you are not trying to loop me into the "their little agenda" statement, like I said in my first post on this thread I hope pigskins doesn't return.

And for the "I did not see ANY serious cases" "Most cases were years old. I didn't see anything bad." comments would you really want yours kid's teachers or principals in school with records like that?

Thanks for this info this will go very far you dont even know.No murder cases,no rape cases,no child abuse,but (CR PEOPLE STANDS FOR CRIMINAL CASES)smyfls football commissioner thinks a ckeck is a promis note.
Theres a bit of wonderful news pigskin will return in 2010 stronger an better then ever. After the court proceedings an the return of the equiptment that belongs to pigskin. Pigskin is proud to say that they will be back, many people have missed pigskin an the organization of pigskin. I sure have, my kids love Mr Don and everything they have done for us. Mr Don will only be a consultant of pigskin not president the new president will be chosen by peers of pigskin and he will still be at the games an other pigskin events. I'm very happy to say my kids will be able to play football once again. Signed one Exited parent:) Cant wait!!!!!!!!

I haven't missed them at all. The best thing that could happen to the kids who play football in Saint Mary's is that Pigskin goes away and stays away. Their monopoly on football is dead. There are two viable leagues now, who don't suffer from the piss poor administration that pigskin had.


New Member
Is it most or all? I did not see ANY serious cases. Of course, knowing the middle intial and DOB would have helped with 1 or 2 of them. Based on where the cases were, I narrowed down which ones to look at. Most cases were years old. I didn't see anything bad.
You are doing such a wonderful job of representing Pigskin by slandering the people running SMYFL. :sarcasm:



New Member
I wouldn't say all of them. Just a couple bad apples in the bunch. The google stuff is what actually bothered me the most. I hope it isn't true:shrug:

If we believed everything put on the internet then we may believe by your post count that you having something against these people. (yes my post count is low but I just lurk alot :lol:)

The events commissioner resigned over a month ago. Her boyfriend was a coach and he resigned also, my son is on his team.

Pigskins, I hope you are prepared for a season next year because I highly doubt with the way SMYFL is being run that they will be around next year. This will be my son's last year. This past saturday at two different fields there were incidents of coaches and parents getting into physical altercations. SMYFL says they are about the kids? The kids really needed to see that?!!

I myself witnessed a few weeks ago, the woman who is our team mom cussing and threatening violence at a game. SMYFL not only allowed the woman to stay in the league, but she is still team mom. She's a role model for children?

At several games, that myself and others witnessed, Mr. Richardson was drinking an alcoholic beverage. He was aslo involved in an altercation himself. Once again this is ok for a "reputable" football organization? I will not punish my kid by removing him before the season is finished, besides, his coaches are great. I will just say next year my kid will play for a different league.....in calvert county.
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New Member
I hope you are not trying to loop me into the "their little agenda" statement, like I said in my first post on this thread I hope pigskins doesn't return.

And for the "I did not see ANY serious cases" "Most cases were years old. I didn't see anything bad." comments would you really want yours kid's teachers or principals in school with records like that?

Since you are posting records here, how about your last name ,Ted, so we can look up yours? :lol:


New Member
Since you are posting records here, how about your last name ,Ted, so we can look up yours? :lol:

First I never posted anyones record on here, they are not very hard to find. I would post my name on here(I have no record not even a traffic ticket that shows on there), but I am afraid it would lead to repercussion on my nephew and I do not want to subject him to that since he is still playing.

But I do see you agree with me on SMYFL and no I didn't join here to just bad mouth them, I was actually looking for a roofer recommendation and stumbled on to this thread.:banana:


New Member
Pigskins, I hope you are prepared for a season next year because I highly doubt with the way SMYFL is being run that they will be around next year. This will be my son's last year. This past saturday at two different fields there were incidents of coaches and parents getting into physical altercations. SMYFL says they are about the kids? The kids really needed to see that?!!
Do you care to elaborate? Because I am not aware of these incidents.

I myself witnessed a few weeks ago, the woman who is our team mom cussing and threatening violence at a game. SMYFL not only allowed the woman to stay in the league, but she is still team mom. She's a role model for children?
The decision to let the Team Mom in question stay was due to parents request on the team (I personally talked to several). She was however reprimanded and instructed that if she was to be involved in any further incidents she would be removed from SMYFL.


This entire situation is a sad, sad testiment to the approach of youth football in this county by some people.

First you have pigskin. Undeniably a disorganized cluster but none the less it was beneficial for years as kid after kid had fun, unaffected by the bickering among the adults. Enter the stacked teams, adult ego's, bias, controversy, divisiveness and ownerships ineffective and for the most part destructive and arcaic methods and now they are defunct.

SMYFL comes along and sets up a new league dedicated to curing the ails of years of Pigskin. Unfortunately their good faith devolved into openly deriding Pigskin and its owners not only from a league standpoint but a personal level. After the failed South County - Pigskin merger was attempted they turned their vitriol on South County. Sanctioned or not it made SMYFL look like Pigskin all over again. Their supporters trash Pigskin ownership not only for disorganization but personally. SMYFL is now experiencing some of the same issues Pigskin had to deal with for year after year and now gasp and recoil at the criticism. Hypocrisy at its finest. One might think that the "evil Don" just might have had a point in being rigid in his ways and grumpy to those who "knew better how to run a league".

Now come along someone proclaiming the re-birth of Pigskin and being combative in a quaint yet absurdly illiterate style. Can you even think that given the history Pigskin can make a comeback given the cluster it was the last couple years along with the court fight with South County, let alone stage a comeback after being nasty here? Not that I can hardly blame them for being ugly to a point after the disparaging treatment they got but that is not the way to stage a come back. Even if you wanted to be sympathetic to the Kemps for doing youth football for over 20 years this has devolved into a complete mess with no winners. Face it, Pigskin is dead and it will not come back. There are 2 viable alternatives up and operating. Only the most ardent supporters are going to sign up for more dysfunction. You can't play with 20 kids.

I don't know if the county taking over the whole thing like Calvert does is the answer but this is a complete mess and a shame it has been played out in public.
This entire situation is a sad, sad testiment to the approach of youth football in this county by some people.

First you have pigskin. Undeniably a disorganized cluster but none the less it was beneficial for years as kid after kid had fun, unaffected by the bickering among the adults. Enter the stacked teams, adult ego's, bias, controversy, divisiveness and ownerships ineffective and for the most part destructive and arcaic methods and now they are defunct.

SMYFL comes along and sets up a new league dedicated to curing the ails of years of Pigskin. Unfortunately their good faith devolved into openly deriding Pigskin and its owners not only from a league standpoint but a personal level. After the failed South County - Pigskin merger was attempted they turned their vitriol on South County. Sanctioned or not it made SMYFL look like Pigskin all over again. Their supporters trash Pigskin ownership not only for disorganization but personally. SMYFL is now experiencing some of the same issues Pigskin had to deal with for year after year and now gasp and recoil at the criticism. Hypocrisy at its finest. One might think that the "evil Don" just might have had a point in being rigid in his ways and grumpy to those who "knew better how to run a league".

Now come along someone proclaiming the re-birth of Pigskin and being combative in a quaint yet absurdly illiterate style. Can you even think that given the history Pigskin can make a comeback given the cluster it was the last couple years along with the court fight with South County, let alone stage a comeback after being nasty here? Not that I can hardly blame them for being ugly to a point after the disparaging treatment they got but that is not the way to stage a come back. Even if you wanted to be sympathetic to the Kemps for doing youth football for over 20 years this has devolved into a complete mess with no winners. Face it, Pigskin is dead and it will not come back. There are 2 viable alternatives up and operating. Only the most ardent supporters are going to sign up for more dysfunction. You can't play with 20 kids.

I don't know if the county taking over the whole thing like Calvert does is the answer but this is a complete mess and a shame it has been played out in public.
:clap: Well said Pete! :yay:


New Member
:clap: Well said Pete! :yay:

:yeahthat: Alot of the things pigskins have said will happen have happened. The fighting, the drinking, and the out of control parents.

Ted, this is sounding like a personal vendetta with you. One person posting something on a website meant for complaints means nothing to me. People use that website just like this one to ruin people's reputations. I don't know the man but, I would be careful if I were you, there are no charges on this man's record that indicate he would harm a child in any way. He passed a background check, as stated before. If it's your opinion that's fine, but initially you came on here and said they all look shady but now you keep zeroing in on one man.

BTW, I highly doubt there would be any repercussions toward your nephew, but there may be some against this man's family now that you did this.


New Member
I do not have a record! Since you wanna post a link to look them up. My name is Candice Moneymaker so if there is anything you would like to say about my father or me please say it to me. All of this is stupid! I thought we were all suppose to be adults. I guess not if people are running their mouth like little children about me, my family and SMYFL. I could say a bunch of things about SMYFL and their coaches but I wont. My father and I have done alot of things for SMYFL. But No one wants to talk about the good things we have done. I am no longer apart of SMYFL and do not want any affiliation with them. SO PLEASE LEAVE MY NAME AND MY FATHERS NAME OUT OF IT!!


New Member
:yeahthat: Alot of the things pigskins have said will happen have happened. The fighting, the drinking, and the out of control parents.

Ted, this is sounding like a personal vendetta with you. One person posting something on a website meant for complaints means nothing to me. People use that website just like this one to ruin people's reputations. I don't know the man but, I would be careful if I were you, there are no charges on this man's record that indicate he would harm a child in any way. He passed a background check, as stated before. If it's your opinion that's fine, but initially you came on here and said they all look shady but now you keep zeroing in on one man.

BTW, I highly doubt there would be any repercussions toward your nephew, but there may be some against this man's family now that you did this.

You will have to go back and see where I said they were "all" shady, don't believe I said that. I actually defended them when Thefbcritic wrote that. And I agree with you it does seem I have a personal vandetta against one person on the board, but I assure you that isn't the case. I do know if that had that article was written about me, I would sure as hell get to the bottom of it. Its not my fault what Google puts out when you search someone's name and if it against the rules I will gladly delete the link. So if I put a link on that said this guy with a great person and mentor then that would be ok? Sorry I looked and couldn't find any. If I were him I would be contacting that site and getting that page removed. So in a way he should probally thank me for posting it so he knows what is written about him on the web.:shrug:
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New Member
This entire situation is a sad, sad testiment to the approach of youth football in this county by some people.

First you have pigskin. Undeniably a disorganized cluster but none the less it was beneficial for years as kid after kid had fun, unaffected by the bickering among the adults. Enter the stacked teams, adult ego's, bias, controversy, divisiveness and ownerships ineffective and for the most part destructive and arcaic methods and now they are defunct.

SMYFL comes along and sets up a new league dedicated to curing the ails of years of Pigskin. Unfortunately their good faith devolved into openly deriding Pigskin and its owners not only from a league standpoint but a personal level. After the failed South County - Pigskin merger was attempted they turned their vitriol on South County. Sanctioned or not it made SMYFL look like Pigskin all over again. Their supporters trash Pigskin ownership not only for disorganization but personally. SMYFL is now experiencing some of the same issues Pigskin had to deal with for year after year and now gasp and recoil at the criticism. Hypocrisy at its finest. One might think that the "evil Don" just might have had a point in being rigid in his ways and grumpy to those who "knew better how to run a league".

Now come along someone proclaiming the re-birth of Pigskin and being combative in a quaint yet absurdly illiterate style. Can you even think that given the history Pigskin can make a comeback given the cluster it was the last couple years along with the court fight with South County, let alone stage a comeback after being nasty here? Not that I can hardly blame them for being ugly to a point after the disparaging treatment they got but that is not the way to stage a come back. Even if you wanted to be sympathetic to the Kemps for doing youth football for over 20 years this has devolved into a complete mess with no winners. Face it, Pigskin is dead and it will not come back. There are 2 viable alternatives up and operating. Only the most ardent supporters are going to sign up for more dysfunction. You can't play with 20 kids.

I don't know if the county taking over the whole thing like Calvert does is the answer but this is a complete mess and a shame it has been played out in public.

I agree i just opened this site to inform i did not mean to fight with everyone i didn't know that people would come here that are SMYFL supporters. I asked over and over agian that they stay off if they dont like pigskin, but pigskin will be back, believe it or not, there is still people who still like pigskin.
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New Member
You will have to go back and see where I said they were "all" shady, don't believe I said that. I actually defended them when Thefbcritic wrote that. And I agree with you it does seem I have a personal vandetta against one person on the board, but I assure you that isn't the case. I do know if that had that article was written about me, I would sure as hell get to the bottom of it. Its not my fault what Google puts out when you search someone's name and if it against the rules I will gladly delete the link. So if I put a link on that said this guy with a great person and mentor then that would be ok? Sorry I looked and couldn't find any. If I were him I would be contacting that site and getting that page removed. So in a way he should probally thank me for posting it so he knows what is written about him on the web.:shrug:

Ok so here is what you actually wrote....

Believe me I am not a first year parent and I do think that some of the people in SMYFL actually give a damn, but some of them sure look shady to me.

That indicates more than one. Yet you just keep focusing on one. I just looked up one of the BOD records and found drug charges, DWI, etc. Yet you focus on the one who wrote a bad check??? That makes me think its a vendetta, sorry. I sure would worry more about charges like that then someone bouncing a check. JMHO