Pigskin returns 2010 thank god!


A week late and $3 short
I do in the league my kids are in now, thanks for the advice. Now let me give you a little advice in return. At the next "mangement committee" meeting make sure you state that you don't think it is a good idea to let one of your members play santa in the annual Christmas parade.

You will have to go back and see where I said they were "all" shady, don't believe I said that. I actually defended them when Thefbcritic wrote that. And I agree with you it does seem I have a personal vandetta against one person on the board, but I assure you that isn't the case. I do know if that had that article was written about me, I would sure as hell get to the bottom of it. Its not my fault what Google puts out when you search someone's name and if it against the rules I will gladly delete the link. So if I put a link on that said this guy with a great person and mentor then that would be ok? Sorry I looked and couldn't find any. If I were him I would be contacting that site and getting that page removed. So in a way he should probally thank me for posting it so he knows what is written about him on the web.:shrug:

I fail to see the relevance in posting this link on a thread regarding a youth football program. This had nothing to do with SMYFL. As others have stated, it sounds as if there is a personal vendetta. :nono:

If indeed the allegations against Mr. Moneymaker are true, then that is his and his tenants' problem. It has nothing to do with the children nor how SMYFL is run. And as was also stated, he is not involved anymore (and has not been for almost two months; yes, I happen to know) so why did you have to bring it up today? Oh, he's supposed to thank you for it. I forgot. :sarcasm:


New Member
I fail to see the relevance in posting this link on a thread regarding a youth football program. This had nothing to do with SMYFL. As others have stated, it sounds as if there is a personal vendetta. :nono:

If indeed the allegations against Mr. Moneymaker are true, then that is his and his tenants' problem. It has nothing to do with the children nor how SMYFL is run. And as was also stated, he is not involved anymore (and has not been for almost two months; yes, I happen to know) so why did you have to bring it up today? Oh, he's supposed to thank you for it. I forgot. :sarcasm:

:yeahthat: :clap:


A week late and $3 short
Thanks for this info this will go very far you dont even know.No murder cases,no rape cases,no child abuse,but (CR PEOPLE STANDS FOR CRIMINAL CASES)smyfls football commissioner thinks a ckeck is a promis note.

Junior, you are really showing what little you know. Most of the cases that show CR are from one of the Board members representing himself in an attorney capacity, if indeed it is the same one. There's a lot of common names and I'd be very careful with any accusations if I were you. I'm not saying that some of it may or may not be true, but seriously, why don't you just quit while you're behind?


New Member
Junior, you are really showing what little you know. Most of the cases that show CR are from one of the Board members representing himself in an attorney capacity, if indeed it is the same one. There's a lot of common names and I'd be very careful with any accusations if I were you. I'm not saying that some of it may or may not be true, but seriously, why don't you just quit while you're behind?
Please stop giving credit to don jr for what i say.He was poofed again,but he will be back,talked to him saturday,and so will pigskin you will see.


New Member
I fail to see the relevance in posting this link on a thread regarding a youth football program. This had nothing to do with SMYFL. As others have stated, it sounds as if there is a personal vendetta. :nono:

If indeed the allegations against Mr. Moneymaker are true, then that is his and his tenants' problem. It has nothing to do with the children nor how SMYFL is run. And as was also stated, he is not involved anymore (and has not been for almost two months; yes, I happen to know) so why did you have to bring it up today? Oh, he's supposed to thank you for it. I forgot. :sarcasm:

This is being provided to, all letting them know, most of these people were removed from pigskin because of these exact problems.These are smyfls people talking bad about them,and cussing,and the N word,and people fighting and adults drinking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpigskin fired people that started their own football league.


New Member
This is all probably a moot exercise anyway. The Rec's and Parks Dept is going to probably take over football management anyway. I can't sit here and pretend that I wouldn't be relieved, since being on the Board of an all-volunteer operation of this sort is way too much work, especially as we are finding out with some of the parent-related incidents.

Talked to a friend of mine from Texas (where football is sacred) and they couldn't believe how things are in Southern MD with regards to youth football and how people act towards each other.

What is it about youth football that seems to bring the worst out in people?


New Member
This is being provided to, all letting them know, most of these people were removed from pigskin because of these exact problems.These are smyfls people talking bad about them,and cussing,and the N word,and people fighting and adults drinking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpigskin fired people that started their own football league.

blah blah blah.....

Please let everyone know what Pigskin is going to do to make people want to come back instead of bashing the league that put them out of business in the first year.

Oh ya, you offer nothing new or changed, the only thing you got is more of the same Kemp BS!!

From your and Jr's posting the only thing people can expect is more of the same Kemp. I have a feeling people will get the same story as last year when they signed up for Pigskin such as: we are having a season, we aren’t having a season, Don is not in charge, Don is not charge, and last but not least “your refund check is in the mail”.


What is it about youth football that seems to bring the worst out in people?

Too true, but I noticed one thing about the Raiders. After we got through the first season, people started acting much nicer around each other because the rules were enforced. I can't begin to remember the flags that were thrown against parents and coaches, it got the point across.
As a matter of fact, one parent in Calvert County shook my hand and said:
"You guys are much better mannered than we expected, welcome to the league".
Pigskins reputation, unfortunately has tainted everybody's perception of (those "Red Necks" from) St.Marys County youth football.


blah blah blah.....

Please let everyone know what Pigskin is going to do to make people want to come back instead of bashing the league that put them out of business in the first year.

Oh ya, you offer nothing new or changed, the only thing you got is more of the same Kemp BS!!

From your and Jr's posting the only thing people can expect is more of the same Kemp. I have a feeling people will get the same story as last year when they signed up for Pigskin such as: we are having a season, we aren’t having a season, Don is not in charge, Don is not charge, and last but not least “your refund check is in the mail”.
Oh the irony


New Member
Oh the irony

And next year when SMYFL is done and pigskin is back who will have the last laugh then? :lol:

The problem I have with SMYFL is they stand by nothing when it comes to rules. I have watched parent after parent walk on to the field during practices and games after being told they could not be out there due to insurance reasons. Parents have assaulted coaches and cussed them out yet nothing is done. Except, to try to appease the parent by moving their child to another team. Since when should someone be rewarded for bad behavior? They don't listen, suspend them from coming to a game. I bet they will listen then. I would rather make a decision and be wrong and learn from it then to not make ANY decision and look like an ass for not doing anything.

At a game on Saturday one team (in the north) decided they would wait until there was a minute left in the game to protest a touchdown by a team in the South. The referees come out and say they "didnt start the clock when the play was run" so the coach puts his team back on the field and runs the play again. TOUCHDOWN!! Guess what the coach of the other team calls the ref over again and AGAIN the ref comes out and says "we didnt start the clock again". WTF? The South coach was mad and I don't blame him. What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are they running? If I was the coach I probably would have quit then and there.

SMYFL, you have a lot to learn about running a football league and I'm afraid your time is running out.


blah blah blah.....

Please let everyone know what Pigskin is going to do to make people want to come back instead of bashing the league that put them out of business in the first year.

Oh ya, you offer nothing new or changed, the only thing you got is more of the same Kemp BS!!

From your and Jr's posting the only thing people can expect is more of the same Kemp. I have a feeling people will get the same story as last year when they signed up for Pigskin such as: we are having a season, we aren’t having a season, Don is not in charge, Don is not charge, and last but not least “your refund check is in the mail”.

Attention i have a child in SMYFL.If anyone thinks this year in SMYFL was better than old pigskin you are wrong. Ive also seen things this year go on that would never have gone on in pigskin.Let me also state that i do not like Don Kemp sr ,but it was much more organized in pigskin,you also have to remember don did this for kids for 20 some odd years,but SMYFL people are saying this is to much work already, one year in to this.Board members changing sometimes weekly.My child and i have had enough crap for one year.Hope pigskin will get equiptment returned soon please keep me posted for next year.Very upset single mom.


New Member
And next year when SMYFL is done and pigskin is back who will have the last laugh then? :lol:

The problem I have with SMYFL is they stand by nothing when it comes to rules. I have watched parent after parent walk on to the field during practices and games after being told they could not be out there due to insurance reasons. Parents have assaulted coaches and cussed them out yet nothing is done. Except, to try to appease the parent by moving their child to another team. Since when should someone be rewarded for bad behavior? They don't listen, suspend them from coming to a game. I bet they will listen then. I would rather make a decision and be wrong and learn from it then to not make ANY decision and look like an ass for not doing anything.

At a game on Saturday one team (in the north) decided they would wait until there was a minute left in the game to protest a touchdown by a team in the South. The referees come out and say they "didnt start the clock when the play was run" so the coach puts his team back on the field and runs the play again. TOUCHDOWN!! Guess what the coach of the other team calls the ref over again and AGAIN the ref comes out and says "we didnt start the clock again". WTF? The South coach was mad and I don't blame him. What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are they running? If I was the coach I probably would have quit then and there.

SMYFL, you have a lot to learn about running a football league and I'm afraid your time is running out.

Hey mustangman they wanted federation officials they got federation officials.:killingme


Dig it!
Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):banghead:
Last edited:


Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about why their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):tantrum:tantrum:tantrum:tantrum:thewave::thewave:



New Member
Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):banghead:

Sometimes 1 post is all you need. Good job!!!


New Member
Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):banghead:

As much as I could hope it would....It'll never happen


Good try though


New Member
Here we go again. Doesn't matter which thread you read, the story's still the same. "Nyahhh, Nyahh, Nyahh. My league's better than your league/I know you are, but what am I/I'm telling mom on you...etc." There are problems with each league. That is a fact, will always be that way, and here's why. No matter who is running the league, or how good their intentions, there will always be some parents/bystanders that howl in protest when the leagues are not run exactly the way they want them to be, or more importantly, that their kids are not the "star" and are not playing every play. So you get the irate parents at practices/games that climb the coach(es) back and whine about their kid's lack of play. Teams are short enough on numbers and talent - if a coach tries to back up his game decisions to irate parents, it is a very real possibility that that parent will pull their kid from the team in a huff to 'teach the coach a lesson'. This 'lesson' always seems to come at the kid's (and the team's, who has to deal with an even more depleted roster) expense... so now tell me, who REALLY is screwing up here?????

I've watched all leagues concerned snip and backbite each other for years now - if you think about it, sometimes the kids act more grown up than those posting here on this forum or complaining over their beers about every little mistake/false start of anyone trying to do anything for the kids' benefit. For the kids' sake please put away your petty bickering and go out and make a conscious effort to make the situation better or (GASP) to actually HELP...(!):banghead:

....well said, thanks for the great post.


New Member
blah blah blah.....

Please let everyone know what Pigskin is going to do to make people want to come back instead of bashing the league that put them out of business in the first year.

Oh ya, you offer nothing new or changed, the only thing you got is more of the same Kemp BS!!

From your and Jr's posting the only thing people can expect is more of the same Kemp. I have a feeling people will get the same story as last year when they signed up for Pigskin such as: we are having a season, we aren’t having a season, Don is not in charge, Don is not charge, and last but not least “your refund check is in the mail”.

First of all you all started to bash us first the very same day we started this thread we said nothing about you.


New Member
Too true, but I noticed one thing about the Raiders. After we got through the first season, people started acting much nicer around each other because the rules were enforced. I can't begin to remember the flags that were thrown against parents and coaches, it got the point across.
As a matter of fact, one parent in Calvert County shook my hand and said:
"You guys are much better mannered than we expected, welcome to the league".
Pigskins reputation, unfortunately has tainted everybody's perception of (those "Red Necks" from) St.Marys County youth football.

When pigskin was around the kids and players had the most respect and any one will say that besides you all. Most of the so called "respectful people" and kids came from pigskin. Can you name more incidents in pigskin in the whole time they were around then smyfl if so list them for me they never did anything wrong