Plea for help


The one and only Princess
To the red karma giver. You just proved my point.

Am I that much of a threat to you that you had to lower yourself to resorting to anonymous insults?

If you really believed in what you were saying you would have signed it, PM’d me or brought it in the forums to be discussed as two mature adults would discuss.

Cleary, you are as stupid as I said, and moreover you are a coward. I at least have the guts enough to say what I have to say without hiding.

I realize I may not be right all the time but I do have the courage to speak my mind.

Like I said anytime you think you are brave enough to make yourself known please do so. We will see how long that lasts. I can show you what kind of pull I have around this area.
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How you like me now?
To the red karma giver. You just proved my point.

Am I that much of a threat to you that you had to lower yourself to resorting to anonymous insults?

If you really believed in what you were saying you would have signed it, PM’d me or brought it in the forums to be discussed as two mature adults would discuss.

Cleary, you are as stupid as I said, and moreover you are a coward. I at least have the guts enough to say what I have to say without hiding.

I realize I may not be right all the time but I do have the courage to speak my mind.

Like I said anytime you think you are brave enough to make yourself known please do so. We will see how long that lasts. I can show you what kind of pull I have around this area.

It is the same people over and over again. They like to travel in packs and red karma bomb people as if they are actually doing something.

You are wasting your breath, none of them will have the nerve to PM you becasue IRL they are just a bunch of pathetic losers. They cannot do anything other to you than become a pain in the ass.

I am going to unsubscribe to the thread. This is what people are talking about when it comes to the forums anymore.


The one and only Princess
It is the same people over and over again. They like to travel in packs and red karma bomb people as if they are actually doing something.

You are wasting your breath, none of them will have the nerve to PM you becasue IRL they are just a bunch of pathetic losers. They cannot do anything other to you than become a pain in the ass.

I am going to unsubscribe to the thread. This is what people are talking about when it comes to the forums anymore.

You got that right. So far not one person has stepped up to the plate all talk and no action. It would not be so bad if they could spell or write something with some sense to it.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Actually she did. That was to tighten down on the welfare process and requirements.

I agree with both of you on the fact that welfare is not set up for families to make it a career. As embarrassed as I am I have to admit a long time ago I had to use welfare.

Both my husband and I were in a car accident. It nealry killed us. Thank God my children were at daycare as we were on our way to pick them up.

It was a hit and run. Our insurance company back then fought us every step of the way. We had to get assistance for a couple of months.

I would hate to have been subjected to a screening to see if I qualified to be a parent. The process asking for help was bad enough.

I'm glad everything worked out for you, that must have been terrible. It's ok to use assistance as a stepping stone for honest people needing the help.


To the red karma giver. You just proved my point.

Am I that much of a threat to you that you had to lower yourself to resorting to anonymous insults?

If you really believed in what you were saying you would have signed it, PM’d me or brought it in the forums to be discussed as two mature adults would discuss.

Cleary, you are as stupid as I said, and moreover you are a coward. I at least have the guts enough to say what I have to say without hiding.

I realize I may not be right all the time but I do have the courage to speak my mind.

Like I said anytime you think you are brave enough to make yourself known please do so. We will see how long that lasts. I can show you what kind of pull I have around this area.

Me and K-Jo always try to click things when they underlined. Please don't underline unless it's a linkie. TY.


How you like me now?
What are you looking at, is this story of hers for real?? I have some baby things I thought about giving to her if she wasn't scamming???

You are so sweet. Look I don't want to butt in but if I were you I would just let this one go by. Something just does not feel right.:huggy:
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But wait, there's more...
Hi wenchy. I wish I had all the answers. I don't. Like I said in my other posts there are people out there having babies that in no way should be parents. I use that term loosely.

But I will say this, for those sick #######s like this, the punishment should fit the crime. It makes me sick to my stomach to see stories about abuse like this. I was a victim of abuse as a child and as much as I think I am over it sometimes you realize you are never over it.

Also to the karma giver that left me this
Plea for help 11-15-2007 11:55 AM its a girl not a HE

Sorry I just assumed it was a he.

Well, when you DO get a clue and can derive some of your own thoughts and ideas about solutions to social problems, come back and share them. In the mean time, how about you shut your cake hole and apply some thought to the problems instead of just running off at the mouth about how insane someone else's idea is. I don't give half a rat's nutsicle what your opinion of me or my posts are. You and your buttknucle buddy have offered no CLEAR options for solving the problem. You think mandating birth control is going to go over better than my suggestion? You're wrong because it DOES infringe upon the religious beliefs of society; mine does not.

And as for offering a shred of sympathy to your situation earlier, I'd like to retract it since you had to become a belligerent buttknuckle in your posts. I clearly stated numerous times that LEGITIMATE cases such as your's were obviously the intended recipients of public assistance, but you (like Knucklehead_in_SOMD) just glaze over it in your rush to shut down someone else's suggestion.

You have about as much pull as a fart in the wind. I haven't been around all day (some of us work for a living so we're not burdens on society), but I'll be sure to sign the red I'm about to unload on you, and you can get your little clan of cuckoo's and return the favor if you're so inclined (and hard up for entertainment). Some of us have more important things to be engaged in than worrying about little red boxes on the internet. GFY! :yay:


help person in classifieds

Dont you have to pay for those ads?


How you like me now?
Don't let the forum door hit ya! :howdy: Wuss! :duh: Open up a good dialogue/debate and the babies run for the hills. :sigh:

Why should I waste anymore time with someone who cannot do anything more than rant? You have not shown anything to back your theory up and all you can do is resort to stupid insults. You are not intelligent to have a conversation with.

I have no problem what so ever debating anything but that would have to inlcude someone intelligent enough to debate with.

You only keep repeating yourself. Anybody can pull a lame idea out of their ass but it takes more to show that the theory can actually work.

You have yet to say how you would get this up and running. How much it would cost. What impact it will have on people with different morals and backgrounds, because yes dumbass they do come into play.

How do you plan on getting something like this passed? On top of the other questions I had you seemed to avoid answering with any detail other than gibberish.

You also seem to think that I am for people abusing the system, which I am not.

All you do is run of with the mouth. That is it. I came up with ideas that actually would work and are more realistic.

I would return your red karma but to be honest you just are not worth it. I will continue this dicussion as soon as you make it worth my time. I am not going to argue with senseless dumbass like yourself until you can show me something of substance.
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How you like me now?
Well, when you DO get a clue and can derive some of your own thoughts and ideas about solutions to social problems, come back and share them. In the mean time, how about you shut your cake hole and apply some thought to the problems instead of just running off at the mouth about how insane someone else's idea is. I don't give half a rat's nutsicle what your opinion of me or my posts are. You and your buttknucle buddy have offered no CLEAR options for solving the problem. You think mandating birth control is going to go over better than my suggestion? You're wrong because it DOES infringe upon the religious beliefs of society; mine does not.

And as for offering a shred of sympathy to your situation earlier, I'd like to retract it since you had to become a belligerent buttknuckle in your posts. I clearly stated numerous times that LEGITIMATE cases such as your's were obviously the intended recipients of public assistance, but you (like Knucklehead_in_SOMD) just glaze over it in your rush to shut down someone else's suggestion.

You have about as much pull as a fart in the wind. I haven't been around all day (some of us work for a living so we're not burdens on society), but I'll be sure to sign the red I'm about to unload on you, and you can get your little clan of cuckoo's and return the favor if you're so inclined (and hard up for entertainment). Some of us have more important things to be engaged in than worrying about little red boxes on the internet. GFY! :yay:

You are only showing how much a of a low life scumbucket you really are. You have not shown anything what so ever that would be considered legitmate solutions either. So you think we don't work? Care to prove that statment? Eff your little red boxes. Like they will change the world or something?

Go back to yout little world. unload it all you want.:bigwhoop: You talk like this and consider yourself an intelligent adult? If anything what do you contrbute to society that I do not since you think you know me so effing well?

Please in all your glory explain that to me
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