Plea for help


But wait, there's more...
Why should I waste anymore time with someone who cannot do anything more than rant? You have not shown anything to back your theory up and all you can do is resort to stupid insults. You are not intelligent to have a conversation with.

I have no problem what so ever debating anything but that would have to inlcude someone intelligent enough to debate with.

You only keep repeating yourself. Anybody can pull a lame idea out of the ass but it takes more to show that the theory can actually work.

You have yet to say how you would get this up and running. How much it would cost. What impact it will have on people with different morals and backgrounds, because yes dumbass they do come into play.

How do you plan on getting something like this passed? On top of the other questions I had you seemed to avoid answering with any detail other than gibberish.

You also seem to think that I am for people abusing the system, which I am not.

All you do is run of with the mouth. That is it. I came up with ideas that actually would work and are more realistic.

I would return your red karma but to be honest you just are not worth it. I will continue this dicussion as soon as you make it worth my time. I am not going to argue with senseless dumbass like yourself until you can show me something of substance.

Do you see "Politician" under my name? Your forum membership application might have stated that you couldn't introduce a solution to a social problem without a drafted plan, but I was grandfathered in and can just toss out ideas when they come to me. I've got news for you sweetheart: if you're not the forum admin, you'll need to pay my bills, put food on my table, put clothes on my child's and my backs, and slip it to me at least 3 days a week to have a say in what I post, what they comprise, and what I propose. Until then, your opinion has about as much merit as the ignorant gibberish uttered from the likes of Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton.

The only reason I repeated what I'd posted is because you repeatedly demonstrated in inability to comprehend the written word. Next time, I'll type slower so you stand a remote chance at getting "it". And to date, you have YET to state any sane idea that stands even a fraction of the chance that mine does ... sterilize the nation with mandatory birth control? Yet you claim religious zealots would have a problem with my suggestion. "Tighten restrictions on the welfare program"? How? You didn't outline our 5 year agenda for how it would be done, for how much, by whom, and at what cost.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying to self-acknowledge that you were coming across like a second-rate moron, but your repeated ignorance of realizing you are a hypocrite is really more entertaining ... so please, continue. :yay:


But wait, there's more...
You are only showing how much a of a low life scumbucket you really are. You have not shown anything what so ever that would be considered legitmate solutions either. So you think we don't work? Care to prove that statment? Eff your little red boxes. Like they will change the world or something?

Go back to yout little world. unload it all you want.:bigwhoop: You talk like this and consider yourself an intelligent adult? If anything what do you contrbute to society that I do not since you think you know me so effing well?

Please in all your glory explain that to me

You're a moron. I don't have to explain it; it's evident in your posts. :shrug: It's also obvious by the amount of people dumping red boxes into your little internet life hole. And you're gonna have to do a little harder than calling me a low-life scumbucket to offend me. I don't have that :bawl: sensitivity to online insults like you apparently do. By all means, keep at it ... it amuses me that I can get under your skin so much with the back-and-forth banter. :snacks:


How you like me now?
Do you see "Politician" under my name? Your forum membership application might have stated that you couldn't introduce a solution to a social problem without a drafted plan, but I was grandfathered in and can just toss out ideas when they come to me. I've got news for you sweetheart: if you're not the forum admin, you'll need to pay my bills, put food on my table, put clothes on my child's and my backs, and slip it to me at least 3 days a week to have a say in what I post, what they comprise, and what I propose. Until then, your opinion has about as much merit as the ignorant gibberish uttered from the likes of Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton.

The only reason I repeated what I'd posted is because you repeatedly demonstrated in inability to comprehend the written word. Next time, I'll type slower so you stand a remote chance at getting "it". And to date, you have YET to state any sane idea that stands even a fraction of the chance that mine does ... sterilize the nation with mandatory birth control? Yet you claim religious zealots would have a problem with my suggestion. "Tighten restrictions on the welfare program"? How? You didn't outline our 5 year agenda for how it would be done, for how much, by whom, and at what cost.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying to self-acknowledge that you were coming across like a second-rate moron, but your repeated ignorance of realizing you are a hypocrite is really more entertaining ... so please, continue. :yay:

:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: So what you are saying cannot back anything you said?


How you like me now?
You're a moron. I don't have to explain it; it's evident in your posts. :shrug: It's also obvious by the amount of people dumping red boxes into your little internet life hole. And you're gonna have to do a little harder than calling me a low-life scumbucket to offend me. I don't have that :bawl: sensitivity to online insults like you apparently do. By all means, keep at it ... it amuses me that I can get under your skin so much with the back-and-forth banter. :snacks:

:bigwhoop:You wish. :killingme


But wait, there's more...
:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: So what you are saying cannot back anything you said?

Hello, McMoron ... everything I stated was my O-P-I-N-I-O-N! Since when do I need to back it up with squat? :shrug: But rather than toss a simple-minded generalization out there like you did, I actually offered up some definition to my idea. You, on the other hand, hypocritically threw religion into the mix, then suggested we sterilize the entire nation. Just out of curiosity, what brand of Idiot Flakes do you consume in such mass quantities that renders you so helpless in the common sense department? I didn't realize you could earn six figures flipping burgers, because you are clearly lacking in the intellect department too much to be anything more than a BK asst. manager. A 4th grader possesses better reading comprehension than you.

You're also dodging the issue of how you contributed anything to this thread, aside from boosting your post count a couple markers, and you have yet to step up to the plate and offer some detail about how you plan to sterilize the nation. :snacks:


New Member
Hello, McMoron ... everything I stated was my O-P-I-N-I-O-N! Since when do I need to back it up with squat? :shrug: But rather than toss a simple-minded generalization out there like you did, I actually offered up some definition to my idea. You, on the other hand, hypocritically threw religion into the mix, then suggested we sterilize the entire nation. Just out of curiosity, what brand of Idiot Flakes do you consume in such mass quantities that renders you so helpless in the common sense department? I didn't realize you could earn six figures flipping burgers, because you are clearly lacking in the intellect department too much to be anything more than a BK asst. manager. A 4th grader possesses better reading comprehension than you.

You're also dodging the issue of how you contributed anything to this thread, aside from boosting your post count a couple markers, and you have yet to step up to the plate and offer some detail about how you plan to sterilize the nation. :snacks:



How you like me now?
Hello, McMoron ... everything I stated was my O-P-I-N-I-O-N! Since when do I need to back it up with squat? :shrug: But rather than toss a simple-minded generalization out there like you did, I actually offered up some definition to my idea. You, on the other hand, hypocritically threw religion into the mix, then suggested we sterilize the entire nation. Just out of curiosity, what brand of Idiot Flakes do you consume in such mass quantities that renders you so helpless in the common sense department? I didn't realize you could earn six figures flipping burgers, because you are clearly lacking in the intellect department too much to be anything more than a BK asst. manager. A 4th grader possesses better reading comprehension than you.

You're also dodging the issue of how you contributed anything to this thread, aside from boosting your post count a couple markers, and you have yet to step up to the plate and offer some detail about how you plan to sterilize the nation. :snacks:

Oh so because it is your O-P-I-N-I-O-N you don't have to back it up. But yet you expected me to. If anyone is dodging it is clearly you. I know what the income is I bring in and I know what I do for a living. As with everything else you have posted you make outrageous claims and accusations none of which you can prove or substantiate.

Like I said, anyone can pull something out THEIR ass, but backing it up is entirely a different story.

You try to cover up your lack of intelligence by resorting to elementary school tactics of name calling. :bigwhoop::bigwhoop:

Sorry I guess typo's never happen here.
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Oh so because it is your O-P-I-N-I-O-N you don't have to back it up. But yet you expected me to. If anyone is dodging it is clearly you. I know what I the income I bring in and I know what I do for a living. As with everything else you have posted you make outrageous claims and accusations none of which you can prove or substantiate.

Like I said, anyone can pull something out there ass, but backing it up is entirely a different story.

You try to cover up your lack of intelligence by resorting to elementary school tactics of name calling. :bigwhoop::bigwhoop:

the appropriate use would be "their ass" not there ass. You're welcome.


bite me
What about people that are certified disabled? This means that they cannot work nor take care of children. Yet, they decided to have not just one but two kids. In this case, the government should have been able to step in. A person who in uncapable of taking care of herself should not be able to have children. Aren't you the slightest bit pissed that your tax dollars are paying for these people to live? I am.

But wouldn't that be more in the lines of Hitler? We are talking about the creation of life. Yes there are so many things in life that we shake our heads at. If we were to start here and say that disabled people cannot enjoy the experince of having their own children, what would be the next step?

There are many disabled couples who do have children. Some are born without any disability and lead normal happy lives. Who are we to take away from that?

What if the people who decide this thinks we are just a bunch of smibs and think we do not deserve to have children because we are not as smart as they are or do not make the money they do?

It can snowball from there.


bite me
Oh yeah I am more than slightly pissed about that. But again who am I or the government to say if you can reproduce or not?

Socki what if they determined that you could not have kids or take it a step further and say you are not taking care of the kids the way they feel you should. Becauses that could be possible once we start something like this.

I am all for what crab is saying. I know generations of families that make welfare a lifetime goal but how is something like this ever going to work and what are we going to open up once we take these steps?

I am too. I think that these people who are out there on welfare having kid after kid something needs to be done about it. What? dont know. But I know if I can get my butt into work and provide to my children so can they. I am not talking about the ones that really need it that are on disability