Politician: Discharge Muslims from U.S. Military


New Member
I'm familiar with it. I wish the Bush's, 41 and 43, were.

Do you think all Muslims take their holy book literally or, like Christians, many simply use it as a guide to try and live a good life? More to the point, can a Muslim be a good American?

This misses the whole point. We have to start with what our country was founded on.......It was not in a vacuum. It has a historical context. Whether we like it or not that context was as a Judeo/Christian worldview.

All this talk about Islam is irrelevant OTHER than the fact they are at war with countries that are not Islamic like the US.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
This misses the whole point. We have to start with what our country was founded on.......It was not in a vacuum. It has a historical context. Whether we like it or not that context was as a Judeo/Christian worldview.

All this talk about Islam is irrelevant OTHER than the fact they are at war with countries that are not Islamic like the US.

And which one of that bunch of dumb asses forgot to stick that in the constitution? There were a dozen different places that it would have fit right in and made the whole job so much easier (i.e. if this happens, read the bible for the answer). It's almost like they went out of their way to keep that from happening.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

Merlin99 said:
foodcritic said:
This misses the whole point. We have to start with what our country was founded on.......It was not in a vacuum. It has a historical context. Whether we like it or not that context was as a Judeo/Christian worldview.

All this talk about Islam is irrelevant OTHER than the fact they are at war with countries that are not Islamic like the US.

And which one of that bunch of dumb asses forgot to stick that in the constitution? There were a dozen different places that it would have fit right in and made the whole job so much easier (i.e. if this happens, read the bible for the answer). It's almost like they went out of their way to keep that from happening.

:yay: They did! :lol: I can't figure out why people think America has always been a Christian nation and the Constitution is written with the Bible in mind. :shrug:
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The evidence is clear and has been posted here numerous times. Here it is again:

As long as it is politically correct to ignore be in denial of) the stated goals of fundamental Islamists, Muslims will grow ever closer to achieving their main intention to impose Islam and Shari'a Law upon all societies throughout the world...

Go back and watch the video. There is not a call to prevent fundamentalist Muslims from joining. It is a call to deny ALL Muslims. You're really for this?


New Member
I'm familiar with it. I wish the Bush's, 41 and 43, were.

No doubt, the current president is quite familiar with it.

Do you think all Muslims take their holy book literally or, like Christians, many simply use it as a guide to try and live a good life?

Excellent question!

The Middle Eastern Muslims have no choice - they are literally born into the faith of Islam merely because their parents are Muslim. The male students living in an Islamic country are expected to memorize the Qur'an and are bound by Islamic Law (Shari'a) to be faithful to their religion. Apostasy by a Muslim (converting to another faith) or marrying outside of the religion of Islam incurs a death penalty that requires an honor killing. While the Muslim individual may not take their holy book seriously, the Islamic governments do and, as such, impose the strict Islamic guidelines upon the populace.

BTW: Any effort to try to live a good life as a Muslim also incorporates the Islamic ideology that all non-Muslims are Infidels and therefore must be dealt with according to the mandates of the Qur'an and Ahadith (sayings of Muhammad).

It is apparent that the strict and theocractic governance by the Imams and Mullahs holds a very tight control over all Muslims within their jurisdiction. Thus, whether a Muslim may not totally accept the teachings of the Qur'an, they dare not speak against it.

More to the point, can a Muslim be a good American?

Another good question.

If they are a true Muslim, they can only strive to be a good citizen but not really be considered "American" in the sense of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States that views people of all faiths or no faith as equals.

More points to consider:

A Muslim who immigrates to the United States only has two intentions:

1.) Seek the freedom under the U.S. Constitution to change their religion (and hope they get Constitutional protection from being the subject of an honor killing)


2.) Establish residency and help Islam gain a stronghold on American soil.

An American-born Muslim who has seen and experienced the freedom of America may become partly "Westernized" but are still dutifully bound to never forsake the Islamic ideology. Muslim parents of children born in the U.S.
are also bound to ensure that their childrn remain true to Islam. Those children who wish to leave the Islamic faith are still restrained from doing so by Islamic law that governs the family. Honor killings have taken place when young American-Muslims chose to convert to another religion. Young Muslim-American boys and girls today live under the threat of honor killing as in the Rifqa Bary case, among several others reported.

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New Member
Go back and watch the video. There is not a call to prevent fundamentalist Muslims from joining. It is a call to deny ALL Muslims. You're really for this?

Ask an American moderate-Muslim soldier if he/she believes it is okay to go into an Islamic land and kill another Muslim of their sect (Sunni or Shi'a).

As you know, the Ft. Hood Massacre and fragging incidents were reportedly prompted by the fact that U.S. military were being deployed into action against Muslims.

BTW: Even moderate Muslims still maintain some loyalty to their deity, Al'lah, and the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and are bound to view their faith as the one to live or die for above anything else.

Also: Are you familiar with the Taqiyya? Should that not be taken into consideration?


Ask an American moderate-Muslim soldier if he/she believes it is okay to go into an Islamic land and kill another Muslim of their sect (Sunni or Shi'a).

As you know, the Ft. Hood Massacre and fragging incidents were reportedly prompted by the fact that U.S. military were being deployed into action against Muslims.

BTW: Even moderate Muslims still maintain some loyalty to their deity, Al'lah, and the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and are bound to view their faith as the one to live or die for above anything else.

Also: Are you familiar with the Taqiyya? Should that not be taken into consideration?

I have been working for the military for about 26 years. I have worked with and talked to many Muslim service members and they are willing to fight any threat to America as they took an oath to do. If they felt compelled to become an internal threat, I’ve never seen it.


New Member
I have been working for the military for about 26 years. I have worked with and talked to many Muslim service members and they are willing to fight any threat to America as they took an oath to do. If they felt compelled to become an internal threat, I’ve never seen it.

I wish our military commanders could have had the ability to "think as a Muslim" before going into battle in the MidEast.

A Muslim is permitted to "take an oath" in front of a non-Muslim in one breath and reject it at the opportune time. That is part of al-Taqiyya. Lying to advance the goal of Islam.

Another point. Had our military commanders truly studied Muhammad's war strategies, they would have known that he instilled his soldiers to be skilled in the art of deception. I recall how such deception was used during the initial "Shock and Awe" invasion when our American troops went into Iraq. Shortly after the initial engagement, Iraqi troops appeared in the streets waving "white flags". Our American mindset tells us this means "surrender". Instead when our troops moved toward them, believed they were going to be taking some prisoners, those Iraqi soldiers turned on the coalition troops and massacred many Americans.
It was a trick, the white flags did not mean "surrender" to the Iraqi soldiers.
That was a battle plan that Muhammad had once used. It worked for Muhammad and it worked for the Iraqis.

As stated before, Muhammad taught that deception is the key to winning a battle and as long as our military commanders give the "benefit of the doubt" in favor of a Muslim soldier it will be at the risk of placing the lives of American troops at stake.

Ambushes against our troops are another thing to consider. How many ambushes have taken place when only our troops were the only ones knowing the positions of movement?

You may have been in the military for 26 years and I respect you and thank you for your service, PsyOps, but consider that Muhammad has been considered a great military leader and Islam has been fighting and strategizing its goals since 622. We are on the path into a Third World War with Islam today, yes, in the 21st Century!

Just sayin...
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New Member
Wirelessly posted
:yay: They did! :lol: I can't figure out why people think America has always been a Christian nation and the Constitution is written with the Bible in mind. :shrug:

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens :whistle:


New Member
And which one of that bunch of dumb asses forgot to stick that in the constitution? There were a dozen different places that it would have fit right in and made the whole job so much easier (i.e. if this happens, read the bible for the answer). It's almost like they went out of their way to keep that from happening.

such an absurd assertion it's not worth responding to. It denies all evidence to the contrary. While the premise of your argument has little to NO credibility.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
such an absurd assertion it's not worth responding to. It denies all evidence to the contrary. While the premise of your argument has little to NO credibility.
Denies all evidence except the parts that show that they had the ability at the time and declined to do it. Quit hiding your fear of a losing argument behind the specious assertion that the dissenting opinion lacks credibility, you can either back your argument or decline and (once again) look like a half wit blowhard.


I wish our military commanders could have had the ability to "think as a Muslim" before going into battle in the MidEast.

A Muslim is permitted to "take an oath" in front of a non-Muslim in one breath and reject it at the opportune time. That is part of al-Taqiyya. Lying to advance the goal of Islam.

Another point. Had our military commanders truly studied Muhammad's war strategies, they would have known that he instilled his soldiers to be skilled in the art of deception. I recall how such deception was used during the initial "Shock and Awe" invasion when our American troops went into Iraq. Shortly after the initial engagement, Iraqi troops appeared in the streets waving "white flags". Our American mindset tells us this means "surrender". Instead when our troops moved toward them, believed they were going to be taking some prisoners, those Iraqi soldiers turned on the coalition troops and massacred many Americans.
It was a trick, the white flags did not mean "surrender" to the Iraqi soldiers.
That was a battle plan that Muhammad had once used. It worked for Muhammad and it worked for the Iraqis.

As stated before, Muhammad taught that deception is the key to winning a battle and as long as our military commanders give the "benefit of the doubt" in favor of a Muslim soldier it will be at the risk of placing the lives of American troops at stake.

Ambushes against our troops are another thing to consider. How many ambushes have taken place when only our troops were the only ones knowing the positions of movement?

You may have been in the military for 26 years and I respect you and thank you for your service, PsyOps, but consider that Muhammad has been considered a great military leader and Islam has been fighting and strategizing its goals since 622. We are on the path into a Third World War with Islam today, yes, in the 21st Century!

Just sayin...

What does this have to do with removing every Muslim from our military and refusing to allow them to join?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ask an American moderate-Muslim soldier if he/she believes it is okay to go into an Islamic land and kill another Muslim of their sect (Sunni or Shi'a).

As you know, the Ft. Hood Massacre and fragging incidents were reportedly prompted by the fact that U.S. military were being deployed into action against Muslims.

BTW: Even moderate Muslims still maintain some loyalty to their deity, Al'lah, and the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and are bound to view their faith as the one to live or die for above anything else.

Also: Are you familiar with the Taqiyya? Should that not be taken into consideration?

Do you know if there are any Muslims in our ranks in combat units that have walked point, have engaged in fire fights, called in support, flown attack missions, pulled a trigger against the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan?


New Member
Do you know if there are any Muslims in our ranks in combat units that have walked point, have engaged in fire fights, called in support, flown attack missions, pulled a trigger against the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Not aware, Larry, but as I hinted to previously, a true Sunni Muslim would not fire upon another Sunni individual but he/she would have no problems belonging to an American combat mission that engages firing upon Shi'a soldiers. This is where sectarian issues apply.

Also, by "Muslims" do you mean in name only or as a true Muslim who is dedicated and loyal to his/her belief in Al'lah and Muhammad and abides religiously by the tenets of the Qur'an? And how can one tell the difference when Muslims are permitted to lie and deceive the "enemies of Islam" as how America is viewed by both the Sunni and Shi'a camps?

Another for instance: If you were born of American parents who were based overseas and then you had joined the U.N. forces under a non-American commander, would you agree to be deployed to the U.S. and fire upon American citizens because the U.N. deemed it necessary to bring American citizens under U.N. control in an effort to change the U.S. Constitution to the United Nations Charter/Constitution? This is what a Muslim-American soldier is faced with when deployed against fellow-Muslims in Islamic lands.


New Member
Denies all evidence except the parts that show that they had the ability at the time and declined to do it. Quit hiding your fear of a losing argument behind the specious assertion that the dissenting opinion lacks credibility, you can either back your argument or decline and (once again) look like a half wit blowhard.

Go ahead. Start a new thread and supply your facts and how are country is really some sort of ......I don't know ....a non religious religious country and no judeo-christian influence woven through the fabric of of our government....:whistle:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Go ahead. Start a new thread and supply your facts and how are country is really some sort of ......I don't know ....a non religious religious country and no judeo-christian influence woven through the fabric of of our government....:whistle:
Nope, right here is fine, just go ahead and explain why why, when they had the chance, they declined to establish a judeo-christian constitution. Go ahead and break out your patented circular logic, I'll wait.


Go ahead. Start a new thread and supply your facts and how are country is really some sort of ......I don't know ....a non religious religious country and no judeo-christian influence woven through the fabric of of our government....:whistle:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I don't see where this excludes Muslims. :shrug:


New Member
Nope, right here is fine, just go ahead and explain why why, when they had the chance, they declined to establish a judeo-christian constitution. Go ahead and break out your patented circular logic, I'll wait.

No. I am not hijacking a thread. Start your own.


New Member
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I don't see where this excludes Muslims. :shrug:

Um..excuse me, PsyOps, but that is not from the articles of the U.S. Constitution. You are quoting from the "Declaration of Independence" passed unanimously and signed July 4, 1776 by the Second Continental Congress through which the colonies specifically absolved themselves from the reign of the British Crown.

just sayin...