Politicizing another funeral...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First, Paul Wellstones memory gets trampled for partisan gain, now;


Today's memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King -- billed as a "celebration" of her life -- turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the current president, who was also lashed by an outspoken black pastor

"She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar. We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.

Former President Jimmy Carter later swung at Bush as well, not once but twice. As he talked about the Kings, he said: "It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered as Bush, under fire for a secret wiretapping program he ordered after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, again smiled weakly.

I really don't know what to say to Rev. Lowery other than Martin may well have been in favor of a war that removed chains of terror from 25 million people.

As for Carter, let's see...who was President when MLK was being watched by the FBI???...now who...and from what party...hmmm....hmmm....

Why, it was good 'ol LBJ! History shows that JFK the first (not the new JFK) wasn't particularly friendly to Martin either.

Democrats just live a good death they can exploit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Democrats just live a good death they can exploit.
Those people could not possibly be more crass or inappropriate. This sort of thing is just what I expect from the Democratic party anymore - I'd be disappointed if they ever actually showed some class.

But this is what Bush gets for pandering to blacks by attending the funeral anyway.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Those people could not possibly be more crass or inappropriate. This sort of thing is just what I expect from the Democratic party anymore - I'd be disappointed if they ever actually showed some class.
I think the only Democrats that have any class are on this board and only some of them. Oh, and Joe Lieberman most of the time and Zell Miller :)yay:).


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I think the only Democrats that have any class are on this board and only some of them. Oh, and Joe Lieberman most of the time and Zell Miller :)yay:).
:diva: I'm ooooozing with class and you know it! :love:


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Those people could not possibly be more crass or inappropriate. This sort of thing is just what I expect from the Democratic party anymore - I'd be disappointed if they ever actually showed some class.

But this is what Bush gets for pandering to blacks by attending the funeral anyway.

I disagree and am totally offended by this statement and I don't care if you don't care if it does offend me. But, how could you say that this is what he gets for pandering (if this means catering) to blacks by attending the funeral?

Some of us want to get along with other races on this earth. And YOU do not know if all of the blacks at that funeral felt that way. I mean, I can make an equally ignorant and unfair statement about whites being at the funeral, but I seriously don't feel that way, so I won't.

Is it possible to think that some whites and dare I say republicans smiled inside when that statement was said about Bush, weapons and war?

The only thing I agree with is that her funeral and any funeral is an inappropriate place to plug your views on something that could be saved for another time.

I commend both Bush's for attending simply because how Democrats and Republicans don't see eye to eye. While you were thinking W. was a fool, I was thinking it is so nice to see Clinton and Bush (dem. and rep.) together.

I don't get into the black/white thing on the boards too much because I am not interested in harboring on the separation by skin color. But I do see where every time something goes down it's quick to be a black/white thing or Dem/Rep thing. When the hecht are we all going to get along, oh wait, probably when there is no one left.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
But, how could you say that this is what he gets for pandering (if this means catering) to blacks by attending the funeral?
Then I will tell you, so you don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

Coretta King was a nobody - wife of somebody and that's pretty much it. Prior to her death, if you'd done a "man on the street" and asked "What is Martin Luther King, Jr's widow's name?" 99% of the people polled wouldn't have been able to tell you. So Bush flying the flags at half mast and all those politicians wanting to be seen at her funeral is just silly.

Sorry. That's just the way I see it. If the media has to remind you who she is by attaching "wife of" to her name, then she's not important enough for flags and Presidential funeral attendance.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Then I will tell you, so you don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

Coretta King was a nobody - wife of somebody and that's pretty much it. Prior to her death, if you'd done a "man on the street" and asked "What is Martin Luther King, Jr's widow's name?" 99% of the people polled wouldn't have been able to tell you. So Bush flying the flags at half mast and all those politicians wanting to be seen at her funeral is just silly.

Sorry. That's just the way I see it. If the media has to remind you who she is by attaching "wife of" to her name, then she's not important enough for flags and Presidential funeral attendance.



Dancing Up A Storm
It was pretty sad to see the liberals using a funeral ceremony for spouting and bashing the president.

Criticizing the White House or a president is totally alright, heck it's given right right. But why at a funeral ceremony? Maybe Mrs. King left a list of last deeds she wanted fulfilled? I don't know about that, but this is not the first time it's been done.



24/7 Single Dad
LexiGirl75 said:
I Is it possible to think that some whites and dare I say republicans smiled inside when that statement was said about Bush, weapons and war?
Since the U.S. set Saddam up with the ability to manufacture WMDs and Saddam used WMDs against Iran and his own people, only an idiot would think there aren't any.


vraiblonde said:
Then I will tell you, so you don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

Coretta King was a nobody - wife of somebody and that's pretty much it. Prior to her death, if you'd done a "man on the street" and asked "What is Martin Luther King, Jr's widow's name?" 99% of the people polled wouldn't have been able to tell you. So Bush flying the flags at half mast and all those politicians wanting to be seen at her funeral is just silly.

Sorry. That's just the way I see it. If the media has to remind you who she is by attaching "wife of" to her name, then she's not important enough for flags and Presidential funeral attendance.

Thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself!


9/11 - Never Forget!
Larry Gude said:
As for Carter, let's see...who was President when MLK was being watched by the FBI???...now who...and from what party...hmmm....hmmm....

Why, it was good 'ol LBJ!
...and the real kicker yesterday was when that piece of human debris, Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy, was bloviating about how his brothers, Robert and Jack, were such staunch supporters of her husband when it was Robert that instituted the surveillance of King using Hoover at the FBI!

(Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.)


wmburdette said:
...and the real kicker yesterday was when that piece of human debris, Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy, was bloviating about how his brothers, Robert and Jack, were such staunch supporters of her husband when it was Robert that instituted the surveillance of King using Hoover at the FBI!

(Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.)
You know one time I would like to see someone use that on Kennedy. the pundits talk about it all the time but never put it to Kennedy.

One time I want to see someone say "Senator Kennedy, how can you speak to ethics of Republicans when you yourself contributed to the death of a young woman?"

"Senator, how can you rise in opposition to evedropping on incoming foriegn calls in wartime, when your brothers wire tapped MLK?"

How does he escape these types of questions?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If Reverends, Pastors, and Priests want to make political statements then let them pay their taxes and yank their churches tax exempt status.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Ken King said:
If Reverends, Pastors, and Priests want to make political statements then let them pay their taxes and yank their churches tax exempt status.
Amen broher.


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Then I will tell you, so you don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions..

Don't worry Vrai, I am a big girl with much cushion. I don't think I jumped to conclusions, what I don't get is why can't a white or Republican president attend a black funeral especially one of someone who spent their lives trying to make sure that blacks and whites will come together.

vraiblonde said:
Coretta King was a nobody - wife of somebody and that's pretty much it. Prior to her death, if you'd done a "man on the street" and asked "What is Martin Luther King, Jr's widow's name?" 99% of the people polled wouldn't have been able to tell you. So Bush flying the flags at half mast and all those politicians wanting to be seen at her funeral is just silly.

Maybe in Southern Maryland or among other races but both blacks and white people should have heard of Coretta Scott King. And she has contributed a lot to the civil rights movement by helping keep Dr. King's dream alive as with all who continued the effort to put a stop to non-violence and bring whites and blacks together. To me she and the rest of the black community are NOT nobodies. I am somebody and so was Coretta Scott King.

vraiblonde said:
Sorry. That's just the way I see it. If the media has to remind you who she is by attaching "wife of" to her name, then she's not important enough for flags and Presidential funeral attendance.

The media did not attach "wife of" to remind anyone who she is. They attached it because that is who she is. I don't see anyone who was married to anyone famous dying and NO one mentioning their once famous spouse. That would be ridiculous.

I accept the way you see things, but I feel like you enjoy division amongst the blacks and whites and dems and reps. Not because of racism just because it gives you an excuse to blame something. IMO


wandering aimlessly
I have no problem with the president attending the funeral of Coretta Scott King. She was an excellent speaker in her own right.

I would have a problem with the president attending the funeral of Paris Hilton, because she is an idiot. Unless, of course, he's in her blackberry which would indicate personal contact, then he would want to pay his respects.

I think the president should go to any funeral, wedding, bar mitzvah, or Sunday cookout he wants to attend.

I do not think that funerals are a place to make a political statement. It is a somber occassion, a time to pay last respects to the person or their family.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Those people could not possibly be more crass or inappropriate. This sort of thing is just what I expect from the Democratic party anymore - I'd be disappointed if they ever actually showed some class.

But this is what Bush gets for pandering to blacks by attending the funeral anyway.
you were making sense right up til there......

vraiblonde said:
Coretta King was a nobody - wife of somebody and that's pretty much it. Prior to her death, if you'd done a "man on the street" and asked "What is Martin Luther King, Jr's widow's name?" 99% of the people polled wouldn't have been able to tell you. So Bush flying the flags at half mast and all those politicians wanting to be seen at her funeral is just silly.

Sorry. That's just the way I see it. If the media has to remind you who she is by attaching "wife of" to her name, then she's not important enough for flags and Presidential funeral attendance.

but this tiraid is just rediculous. Just b/c you don't know who she is doesn't mean that 99% of people don't.


Asperger's Poster Child
LexiGirl75 said:
I accept the way you see things, but I feel like you enjoy division amongst the blacks and whites and dems and reps. Not because of racism just because it gives you an excuse to blame something. IMO
I don't think that's true. My feeling is that Vrai objects to politicians and activists playing the "blame game," telling voters to blame others for their problems. She focuses mostly on Democratic politicians blaming the rich and the Sharpton and Jacksons blaming Whitey. But I see it in most political movements--rural politicians blame "urban elites," urban politicians blame so-called rural rubes, politicians from both parties blame illegal immigrants (instead of the employers who knowingly hire illegals) and bureaucrats. As I've said before, it's a way for office-holders to manipulate voters' anger and make themselves look like valiant knights protecting voters from the Visigoth hordes.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Ken King said:
If Reverends, Pastors, and Priests want to make political statements then let them pay their taxes and yank their churches tax exempt status.
I disagree.
Some people vote along religious lines, i.e. their conscience.
A pastor should have a right to expose a candidate as someone who does not represent his congregations' values.
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