Politicizing another funeral...


Super Genius
The preacher that spoke at the funeral (Lowery) is going to be on Hannity and Colmes tonight (soon).
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Dancing Up A Storm
ylexot said:
The preacher that spoke at the funeral (Lowry) is going to be on Hannity and Colmes tonight (soon).
That will be interesting. Let's see how he will be received, by Hannity/Colmes.

conservative/liberal take on his remarks. Will we be surprised?


Super Genius
Well, that was pretty weak. However, I did notice that they quoted MLK three times and quoted CSK...zero times. Lowery's argument was that the organizers wanted him to talk about human rights and how could he possibly do that without talking about WMDs in Iraq :ohwell:


Football addict
Penn said:
So Buddy, just how much of the Bible have you read? Can you post a few excerpts that portray, or depict political philosopy in there?

Just wondering.
Not much, Genesis maybe a bit more. I already said as much though, I'm no expert on the bible but I can see how it might relate to the community.

BuddyLee said:
I'm sure there are political sections within the bible, however, I can also see it's beliefs trickling down into our social and political world.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Maybe when I get some time off from school I'll start reading into the bible more and will travel back to this thread.


Football addict
ylexot said:
My parents were very political...they told me that drinking milk would make me big and strong.

Absurd isn't it? Just because something (i.e. religion) shapes ones views which they then apply to politics, it doesn't mean that the "something" is political.
Let me be more succinct. I don't think the bible is a political tool, I don't think it was made for that. I don't think religion is made for politics. I can see how both (the bible and religion) can trickle down into the politics of individuals which eventually trickle into society as a whole; that was my argument. I don't know where I ever said "Hoorah! Hoorah! The bible and religion is nothing but a political tool."


Dancing Up A Storm
Thanks for clearing the air a little, BL.

I have heard the Bible referred to as an Owners Manual for Life, but had never seen or heard of any political philosophies tied into it.

How ya doin', grin-on-a-stick? :lmao: