Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member
Left-wing Hollywood killed the movie star, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nevertheless, even as outlets like the far-left Variety finally admit to this problem, do not expect anyone to admit to the real reasons.

“Hollywood Grapples With Loss of Young Star Power,” reads the headline. The story explains the problem this way…

The article blames the lack of young superstars primarily on streaming:

But the agent also believes that streaming services don’t know how to apply the right amount of varnish on promising talents, in part because the movies that debut on Netflix or Prime Video don’t have the kind of massive global marketing campaigns that accompany major theatrical releases.
“We used to treat our movie stars like gods,” the agent said. “But the marketing of these streaming movies is so limited that it doesn’t really create stars. Actors aren’t burned into the minds like they once were, and they don’t have this larger-than-life image any longer.”

That is absurd. Streaming has only been a serious force for about a decade, and Hollywood has not been minting any new superstars since the 1990s.

The problem is not streaming; the problems are the following…

  1. The aging male stars everyone still worships have two things in common: they are cool and masculine—as opposed to Timothée Chalamet.
  2. The aging female stars everyone still worships have two things in common: they are feminine, and they are fun, as opposed to uptight and butch.
  3. Superstars do not spend all day smugly yelling at people on Twitter.
  4. Superstars hide between movies to boost their aura.
  5. Superstars star in iconic movies, not disposable and/or self-righteous junk.
The article also blames the 2008 death of the home video market. Of course, the article has that entirely reversed. The collapse of home video sales did not kill the movie star. The collapse of the movie star killed DVD sales.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Rolling Stone ran a wild-eyed scare story on Charlie Kirk, headlined “Charlie Kirk’s ‘Turning Point’ Pivots to Christian Nationalism.” The terrifying peril was revealed in the wonky sub-headline: “The organization founded to promote the free market sure is spending a lot of time promoting attacks on the separation of church and state.”

Not that! Not attacking the separation of church and state!*

(*separation sold separately, not included with Constitution)

Charlie Kirk founded Turning Point a little over ten years ago as a youth movement, aimed at teaching college and high-school kids about conservative fiscal values. TPUSA organizes campus events, conferences, and conservative speakers; it advocates for free speech on campus and has filed several legal challenges against left-leaning academic biases.

TPUSA has been remarkably successful, and many folks consider Charlie’s work essential at helping to slow leftwing indoctrination of young Americans as much as possible. But for some reason, only now is Rolling Stone paying any attention to Charlie Kirk, and trying to assassinate his character.

The article’s unstated mission, revealed in the first sentence, is to sick the IRS on Mr. Kirk for political persecution, while cloaking itself in virtue and righteousness. Rolling Stone suggested one way to get Charlie might be to compare how much time he is spending on spreading Christianity as opposed to spreading “fiscal responsibility and the virtues of free markets,” which was Turning Point’s original mission, as described in its federal tax-free registration back in 2012.

Here’s how Rolling Stone described what it sees as an unforgivable breach in Charlie Kirk’s methods:

In recent months, TPUSA has adopted a cause that’s very different from foisting Milton Friedman on frat boys. The group is putting its cash, and its political cachet, behind Christian nationalism, promising to “restore America’s biblical values.” Indeed, TPUSA has embraced a new crusade to “empower Christians to change the trajectory of our nation.”

One can hope.

Anyway, the magazine’s unstated, highly technical argument is something like TPUSA’s non-profit donor funds aren’t being used for their “approved” purposes, instead, they’re just talking about Jesus all the time. But the joke’s on Rolling Stone, because if the magazine is right and not just wildly exaggerating, TPUSA would be a tax-exempt church.

You might be thinking, so what? Let Charlie go play with all those kooky Christians, and good luck to him. But Rolling Stone REALLY doesn’t like it. Not one bit. To Rolling Stone, somebody should DO something. In fact, the magazine pretty much accused Charlie of being a straight-up Domestic Terrorist:

[Kirk’s] focus on fundamentalism represents a clear-and-present danger to democracy. Targeting a younger generation to raise up champions of lower taxes and fewer regulations is one thing. It’s quite another to seek to organize end-times zealots, with the aim of achieving a religious takeover of the secular United States.

A religious takeover! Oh no, Rolling Stone has figured out what Charlie Kirk is really up to! And he must be stopped, at all costs, because he’s really going to do it! Take over the United States! Religiously!

more meat at the link
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PREMO Member
“I wanted to layer up,” she added. “The filmmaker was like, ‘No, I need to see her underwear. Otherwise why is anybody coming to watch this movie?'”

“He didn’t say it to me,” Chopra continued. “He said it to the stylist in front of me. It was such a dehumanizing moment. It was a feeling of, ‘I’m nothing else outside of how I can be used, my art is not important, what I contribute is not important.'”



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Beatrix Potter Accused of Stealing ‘Peter Rabbit’ Stories from ‘Enslaved Africans Working on American Plantations’

In a recent essay, Emily Zobel Marshall, who teaches postcolonial literature at Leeds Beckett university in England, claimed Beatrix Potter ripped off the oral “Br’er Rabbit” folk tales told by slaves working on southern plantations. In addition, she accuses Potter of deliberately hiding the “sources” of her literary inspiration.



PREMO Member

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott And Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations – Here Is One Way To Do It


Fortunately, there is a company that isn’t woke — and it provides many products you can use to replace the brands in that graphic.​

This company is::​

— a family-owned manufacturer​

— provides non-toxic products for every area of your home​

— supports American jobs and families​

— is committed to making their products in the USA​

Not only that, but they’ve been doing it for over 35 years!​

In fact, reports are that their founder was once on Barack Obama’s “Most Dangerous Conservatives” list.​

So….why haven’t you heard of them?​

Because they do ZERO mainstream advertising.​

They stay off the radar and find new customers through personal invitations only.​



PREMO Member

Tom Hanks laments truth 'no longer empirical' in Harvard commencement speech

Actor Tom Hanks lectured new graduates on truth during his commencement speech at Harvard University Thursday.

Hanks himself attended Chabot Community College in California, but he received an honorary doctorate degree and a Harvard volleyball in homage to his Castaway character's prop, Wilson, during the ceremony. The actor attempted to motivate graduates to pursue "sacred" truth instead of the truth that has evolved from today's society.

“For the truth to some is no longer empirical. It’s no longer based on data, nor common sense, nor even common decency,” Hanks said

“Telling the truth is no longer the benchmark for public service. It’s no longer the salve to our fears, or the guide to our actions. Truth is now considered malleable, by opinion and by zero-sum endgames.”


PREMO Member

They’re Conditioning Americans to Hate White People

With the most dehumanizing epithets against white people, they’re pushing anti-white government policies, anti-white media portrayals, anti-white corporate decision-making, anti-white curriculums in schools, and an anti-white oppression narrative onto the judicial systems.

Slithery politicians groveling in black grievance is nothing new. But what is new – and extremely dangerous – is a ruthlessly corrupt administration, wielding the immense machinery of American power, to demolish fundamental institutions by demonizing white people, while daring anyone – black or white – to disagree.

Never in my lifetime have so many institutions conspired, all at once, to slop twisted narratives onto imaginary issues to force free Americans into orgies of unwanted political intercourse against their deepest convictions.

“If you don’t like what we’re doing, too bad,” they spit. “You’re going to lay there and take it, or else.”

This is not politics. This is not a revolution. This is political rape.

Just recently, the same guy who told a black audience that, if elected, Republicans “gone put ch’all back in chains” and launched his 2020 campaign on the provable lie that Trump called Nazis “great people,” told a black audience at Howard University that “white supremacy … is the most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland.”

Biden’s transportation secretary sees racism in America’s infrastructure. His defense secretary sees it in the military. Outgoing Gen. Mark Milley wanted his “Milley-tary” to learn about white rage. Biden’s treasury secretary said “the U.S. economy has never worked fairly for black Americans.” A Biden education official once said that school discipline is part of a “racist system” of “whiteness,” especially for black girls.

“Black girls are more likely to be disciplined, frankly, because black girls experience race and sex-based discrimination in classrooms, and they are disciplined often for simply being black,” said Kayla Patrick, a special assistant, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the DOE.

Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told Al Sharpton’s group that “… the threat of white supremacy … is something that we are equipping law enforcement in better addressing.”

Does this stuff sound familiar?

How is it so different from the way anti-Semites conditioned Europe to hate Jews? Hitler’s horrors would never have been possible without people at the centers of influence, for decades, normalizing the demonization of the Jews.

Decades before Hitler’s Great Action and Final Solution, Lithuanians, for instance, were slowly being conditioned to treat Jews as expendable. And expendable didn’t always mean that Lithuanians hated Jews; it also meant that when bad things happened to them, people just didn’t care.

Over time, mass social conditioning wore down their moral inhibitions. When mass murders began – much of it by Lithuanian partisans sympathetic to Germany – a populace that was initially shocked by the butchery was numbed into collaborating with outright genocide.

“Only two days prior, we were free and equal citizens in our hometown,” wrote William W. Mishell in Kaddish for Kovno (1988) of his firsthand account of being rounded up by heavily armed Lithuanian partisans when Nazis took the city. “… and now suddenly, we were totally devoid of any rights, prey for any hooligan. … [W]e were suddenly more afraid of our neighbors yesterday's neighbors, people whom we had lived with for generations, than of the Germans.”

Of the roughly 30,000 Jews in Kovno, Lithuania, 90 percent were “liquidated,” many of them by former neighbors.


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Of the roughly 30,000 Jews in Kovno, Lithuania, 90 percent were “liquidated,” many of them by former neighbors.
My direct paternal great grandfather was born into the Jewish community in Butrimonys, Lithuania in1872.
His parents sent him and a maternal side 1st cousin, to join his mother's older brother's family in Boston, MA.

By the time WW2 came, there were about 1,000 Jews left in Butrimonys. After the war, zero, as they were murdered by Germans and Lithuanian collaborators.