Politics is Downstream From Culture


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New York Venue Cancels BLEXIT Event Contract Over ‘Hate Speech,’ ‘Homophobia’

The venue condemned BLEXIT in a statement, remarking “It has become abundantly clear to us that in actuality this organization provides a platform for hate speech and homophobia, which The Bowery Presents will not tolerate, and we have canceled their rental contract.”

“This event will not take place in our venue,” the statement concluded.

BLEXIT shot back in a statement of its own, asserting, “The Music Hall of Williamsburg in New York has caved to the woke mob and disallowed BLEXIT and Turning Point USA to use their venue for an upcoming ‘Liberation Tour’ event this Saturday.”

“Publicly, they claim their decision is about making a stand against ‘hate speech.’ They are liars,” the statement contends before going on to say, “Privately the venue claimed their staff were getting doxxed, that protests were planned, and that they feared for their safety.” The statement added, “this is disgraceful, cowardly behavior.”

Turning Point USA Founder and CEO Charlie Kirk clarified, “Our event will go on AS PLANNED at a new venue. We will not let the radical left terrorize us and win. We’ll see you in NYC tomorrow.”

Why in hell would the hold ANY gathering in NYC or State


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High school math teacher is fired after comparing students' skin tones to coffee roasts including 'extra cream', 'medium roast' and 'dark roast'

  • Cary Altschuler, who worked at Lake Worth High School made the racially charged remarks in February
  • He was fired on Wednesday by the Palm Beach County School Board after they conducted an investigation
  • Some of the students came forward sharing with a few other teachers how the ordeal made them feel uncomfortable

Cary Altschuler, who taught AP statistics and precalculus at Lake Worth High School, posted photos of three students on his smart board along with the labels: 'Extra Cream,' 'Medium Roast,' and 'Dark Roast.'

He claims he did it in response to two students who began calling each other 'light-skinned'. Altschuler reportedly told the students that if they were going to mock the color of each other's skin, they should be more creative.

Altschuler pulled the shocking stunt in February and was fired on Wednesday by the Palm Beach County School Board after they conducted an investigation.

Lake Worth High School Principal Dr. Elena Villani called the incident 'egregiously inappropriate,' and in a letter sent to parents apologized for the 'disturbing' situation and referred to it as a 'racially charged incident.'


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The 10 most cringeworthy phrases you need to stop using in the office—because no one understands them anyway

In a post-pandemic world, office jargon is increasingly met with confusion and in some cases offense—with experts warning phrases like “boiling the ocean” just make communication more difficult.

It comes as a new report from LinkedIn and Duolingo identified not only the most confusing, but also the most overused, phrases in U.S. offices.

The study, which surveyed those age 18 through 76, also identified the phrases that are no longer acceptable in a professional environment.

And bad news if you’re a fan of “boiling the ocean” (meaning undertaking an impossible task): It was the phrase that a majority of respondents found most confusing.

Other baffling phrases included “herding cats” (a difficult task, particularly in terms of organization); “ducks in a row” (planning); “move the needle” (having an effect that people notice); and “run it up the flagpole” (testing the popularity of a proposal).

Also on the list of the top 10 most confusing phrases were “drinking the Kool-Aid” (demonstrating obedience); “out of pocket” (unavailable or unreachable); “building the plane while flying it” (engaging in a project before it’s thought out fully); “throwing spaghetti at the wall” (making a number of attempts to see what will be a success); and “juice worth the squeeze” (an effort justified by the outcome).

The problem with phrases like this? It actually makes it harder to communicate clearly between teams and geographies, said Chris Preston, founder of U.K.-based company culture experts The Culture Builders.

He outlined that there are three levels of jargon: global—phrases understood by those who speak a specific language; national—something only people of a certain nationality would understand; or local—something only people in a certain team or location would understand.

“Jargon creates an in-group and an out-group,” Preston said on a call with Fortune. “People often use these phrases because they think it sounds clever or have heard someone else say it, and thought they sounded clever.

“Often it’s aspirational, whereas if you actually listen to the best speakers and leaders they use stories and metaphors to get their point across, not jargon.”


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Jane Fonda Leading Hollywood Bigwig ‘Summit’ to Discuss How Movies Can be Used to Push Climate Change Propaganda

Breitbart News reports:

Jane Fonda Leading Hollywood Heavyweights in Summit to Push Climate Change Content into Movies and TV to Influence Audiences Around the World
Hollywood stars including Jane Fonda and the Oscar-winning directors of Everything Everywhere All At Once will meet in Los Angeles on Wednesday for a special three-day summit designed to show how the entertainment industry can influence the world in tackling “climate change.”
AFP reports the Hollywood Climate Summit unites “thousands” of filmmakers with scientists and activists in a bid to “change the industry’s culture and to encourage movies and TV shows to use their outsized influence on audiences around the world.”
That influence will come through increased efforts to subtly insert climate-related words, messages and phrases in TV and film scripts.
Fonda is seen in a key role, thus continuing her past efforts to frame the debate on climate matters.

Like all loyal leftists, Jane Fonda believes in intersectionality. The idea that all of her pet issues are linked together. Take a lok at the video below. It’s nice of her to admit that she is a climate activist first.


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Bud Light: 'Please Drink Our Beer Again, You Oafish Hicks'

I see what Bud Light was trying to do here with the “easy to enjoy” slogan and the silly summer pitfalls and pratfalls. It’s hot out, nobody wants to work that hard — not even at enjoying a beer. So one guy walks through a screen door, a woman won’t let a windstorm interrupt her watermelon, another woman gets a silly tan line on her tummy from her smartphone, etc. Life is easy-breezy, nothing matters too much, pop open a beer. Given the modern rural setting, the decision to go with Chic’s 1979 disco anthem, “Good Times,” is curious, and so is the Twitter tagline: “Crack a cold one: we’ve got an epic summer ahead. Sock tans included.”

Drinking Bud Light = nerdy sock tans? Is that the message?

Overall, the ad is cute enough, I suppose.

The problem is that this is the wrong message at the wrong time.

Bud Light is on a mission to sort of surreptitiously apologize to customers they offended — by some accounts, purposely — with the brand’s “inclusive” new messaging that badly put off their core buyers.

That can be done.

In fact, I asked my Right Angle colleague, friend, and boss Bill Whittle about that on a Bud Light segment we recorded back in April. Bill said he’d run an ad showing a drunk beer marketing executive, his desk littered with empty cans of Miller Lite (!!!), being given his walking papers. With one last Miller Lite in one hand and his sad little box of personal possessions in the other, he’d stumble out of Anheuser-Busch headquarters and into the street.


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Celebrity Chef Bans Vegans, and the Meat-Loving Counter-Backlash Is Phenomenal

Later, the young woman became increasingly hostile in a series of Facebook direct messages with the restaurant. “I hope to see some improvements in your menu as I have lived in Connolly for quite some time and have seen many restaurants come and go from that building and none of them last,” she finally warned. “If you don’t get with the times, I don’t hold out faith that your restaurant will be the one that does.”

ASIDE: I don’t know about you, but I see a restaurant with a name like Fyre and I think MEAT. Just like when I see a restaurant called Daisy’s Farm-to-Table Turnip Emporium, I figure it’s a vegan place. So I make my reservation at Fyre and let the vegans do their thing at Daisy’s. But imagine the fuss if I even dared to inquire if Chef Zoey at Daisy’s would grill me up a ribeye on Friday night.

Soon, Fyre’s Facebook page was flooded with one-star reviews from likely fake customers:

“You can’t call yourself a chef if you can’t even cook veggies. Owner is very arrogant and can’t take criticism.”
“Extremely rude staff & disappointing & not up to par dishes.”
“Food tastes horrible. Chef is rude when queried. Will not go back.”

Finally, Mountain had enough: “F**k vegans seriously… I’m done. At the end of the day, it’s not what I want to do, they can f**k off.”

So I have nothing but empathy for Mountain when he announced that “Sadly all vegans are now banned from Fyre” — and this is the kicker — “for mental health reasons.” I assume Mountain is referring to his own mental health, after having had to deal with all those angry reviews, most of which were probably fakes. But my snarky side hopes that he was referring to the mental health of people who choose to avoid the omnivore diet that human bodies were built for.

What happened next warmed my heart to medium rare.

“As news of the ban spread,” according to Fortune, “a wave of support for the chef’s controversial stance has seen strangers come to the restaurant owner’s defense and flood social media platforms with positive reviews for Fyre.”

“I am lactose intolerant, and like an adult I didn’t eat dessert because it didn’t fit my dietary requirements. Perhaps other people with specific diets should do the same and act like adults?”

“Absolutely love the Menu at Fyre! Very BASED food and even more BASED staff.”

Fyre’s reviews, which had dipped to less than three stars under the vegan Facebook assault — hurting business — rose back up to a much more respectable 4.4 as meat-lovers came to its defense.

A notorious local animal rights activist named Tash Peters compared Fyre’s refusal to prepare vegan dishes to banning Muslims. “I don’t see it as any different to banning Muslims or women, it’s a blatant form of discrimination,” she said to a local news station. “Veganism is on the rise and places should really cater for everyone.”


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Get Out of My Class and Leave America

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.


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The latest example is Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, the prequel series to the 1978 hit film Grease. I’m not sure who wanted this — it’s bad enough to hear any of the original songs and get them stuck in your head — but once again, the effort seemed less about telling a compelling story, and more about making it an anachronistically diverse, LGBTQ story, flaunting same-sex romances and obsession with racial identity.

Woke reboots, sequels, and prequels don’t have a stellar track record, and it’s hard to understand how Hollywood hasn’t gotten the hint. It’s bad enough that Hollywood doesn’t have enough new ideas it constantly has to borrow from past works, but it’s particularly bad when woke writers take period pieces and shamelessly insert LGBTQ ideology into them or diversify the cast in a way that makes them grossly inaccurate to the point where they’re arguably rewriting history. For example, Disney’s live-action reboot of Lady and The Tramp portrayed interracial relationships and race relations in a way that was grossly unrealistic for the era it took place in. The characters Jim Dear and Darling were made an interracial couple even though interracial marriage was illegal at the time and place the movie was set.

After premiering on April 6, the cancellation of Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies was announced last week. Apparently, the show was so poorly received that it will also be permanently removed from the Paramount+ platform. Though this is being done reportedly as a cost-saving measure, the move essentially memory-holes the movie out of existence.



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NYC college slams graduate who went viral for mic-drop tantrum

He criticized Iman for her “disruptive and inappropriate behavior,” which he said affected the “celebration for graduates and guests.”

“Her mistreatment of a staff volunteer was unacceptable. We are currently reviewing the incident to gain a better understanding of what occurred and what we might do in the future to prevent something like this from happening again,” Romero said.

Last week, Iman posted video on TikTok of her wrestling the microphone out of the hands of the white woman on the campus of Queens College, where the ceremony took place.
