Politics is Downstream From Culture


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The High Price of Historical Illiteracy

Thomas Jefferson, in an 1816 letter to a member of the Virginia General Assembly, made this observation: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” He wrote this passage to highlight the need for a system of primary schools in the Old Dominion. Eventually, the Commonwealth did establish a public school system, though Jefferson didn’t live to see it. That is just as well, perhaps. He would certainly be horrified by the ignorance of the people who attend and receive diplomas from our public schools.

During recent years, numerous studies have found that most Americans don’t know enough about the nation’s history and Constitution to pass the U.S. Citizenship Test. A particularly thorough 50-state survey of 41,000 Americans was published by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation in 2019. Nationally, only 4 in 10 passed. In only one state, Vermont, was a majority (53 percent) able to earn a passing grade for U.S. history. This dismal state of affairs was clearly exacerbated by the ill-conceived school shutdowns that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the low 2023 ACT test scores demonstrate.

But the problem predates the pandemic, which arrived on our shores a year after the foundation’s survey was conducted. The real explanation can be derived by breaking out the scores by age group: In the 65+ group, 76 percent passed. Only 51 percent of the 45 to 64 group passed. In the under 45 group, a mere 27 percent passed. This suggests that history instruction has been neglected in public schools for decades. As Timothy S. Goeglein explains in his book, Toward a More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story, this neglect of history in public schools comes at a high price:

When there is no historical context to draw upon, no shared history, and no understanding of how government works, it becomes seed to sow division and discord in hearts and minds. When people are not equipped to refute an argument and lack the critical thinking skills to see beyond the rhetoric, they tend to accept it at face value. They become easy prey for demagogues — from the Left and the Right alike. They become tools to be exploited for a certain agenda.


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Where There is No Respect for Life, Evil Flourishes

By Steve McCann

The heinous actions of the Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 can unequivocally be described as evil. It had as its genesis the inculcated belief that Jews are malevolent and subhuman, therefore, they are deserving of death, destruction and being conquered by any means possible including the unconscionable and premeditated slaughter of women, children and the elderly.
In keeping with a tactic almost as old as mankind itself, the self-appointed leaders of Middle Eastern Islamic terrorist groups and the political leaders of nations such as Iran have manipulated their maleducated followers or citizenry into believing Israel and the Jews have either taken what is rightfully theirs, are the personification of evil, or are responsible for their misery.
Throughout the history of mankind unscrupulous leaders and their disciples have exploited mankind’s base nature as exemplified by what the Catholic Church defines as the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. These human failings invariably lead to a near-irreversible loss of respect for human life and in due course a society riddled with uncontrolled evil.
The loss of respect for life has also begun to dramatically infiltrate the American ruling elites and the overall society as over the past two decades the following, previously unthinkable, changes have occurred within the United States:
  • Unfettered abortion up to the point of birth and post-birth infanticide has become a policy position of the Democrat Party.
  • Euthanasia is openly discussed and supported by an ever-growing (73%) segment of the population.
  • Sexually confused teens are being coerced into mutilation and permanent disfigurement in order to appease the gods of transgenderism, accompanied by an unabashed campaign to legalize pedophilia.
  • A significant plurality of Americans is demanding the censorship, imprisonment, and persecution of their political adversaries while they, and recent Islamic immigrants, are openly supporting and justifying the slaughter of Jews by Hamas.
  • Tribalism has been mainstreamed and with it the belief that certain ethnicities or races are inferior to others and also responsible for society’s ills, therefore, they are deserving of disrespect, abuse and discrimination.


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October 19, 2023

Indigestion, Ethics, and College Protests

By John M. Grondelski

He wants to ensure that “never again [should] we have our students make patently uneducated and alarmingly immoral declarations.”

But, given the “dictatorship of relativism” in modern thought, I wonder how he hopes to accomplish this.

First, he proposes ethics classes. As a moral theologian, I am all for: it guarantees me a job. But, to be honest, teaching ethics will get you only so far.

Morality, after all, is fundamentally in the will, not the intellect. People may be mistaken about what is right and wrong, but right and wrong is not basically a matter of knowing. It is, above all, a matter of choosing. All dissimulation aside, most people know perfectly well what is right and what is wrong — and they still choose the wrong. And modern American life pays no small tribute to the “ethic of choice.” We even have it on the warrant of a much-saluted Supreme Court justice that defining “one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and the mystery of human life” (Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 at 851) is the heart of liberty. Weren’t the pro-Hamas demonstrators merely voicing an alternate “concept of existence,” their own view of “the mystery of human life”?

Can we overcome the reduction of morality to procedural ethics: how rather than what we decide? Casey’s sweet “mystery of human life” passage is procedural: who chooses rather than what is chosen. The one philosopher Emanuel cites is John Rawls, the star of modern American ethical proceduralism.

But even if we pass beyond the way station of proceduralism, what “ethic” do we adopt? The primary contender in secular American ethics to proceduralism is some form of utilitarianism, some calculus of “benefit/bane” or “pleasure/pain.” But every form of ethical calculation ultimately depends on what factors one considers relevant to the costs of the ethical choice. Is the “benefit” of long-term national liberation commensurate to a few lost lives? After all, don’t you have to crack some eggs to make an omelet?

As a Catholic theologian, I’d contend your ethics is only as good as its underlying theory of reality: is there a real world of good and value outside your head, or are good, value, and even being created and defined in your head? That conundrum bedevils not just American, but larger Western thinking today.

So not just any ethics will do. Nor, in the end, will just teaching it. Ethics involves not education, but formation, a deeper and more personal process that makes me not just know, but want the good.


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Liberal Woman GIVES UP On Working Because Thinks Gen Z Has A HARDER Life Than Everyone Else!​



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The ‘Tube Girl’ Trend Shows How Gen Z Lives In The Digital World, Not The Real One

All over TikTok, young women are taking videos of themselves in .5 zoom suggestively dancing in various public places, particularly public transit.

The trend was kicked off by 22-year-old TikToker Sabrina Bahsoon, who recorded herself dancing in the London Underground, known colloquially as the tube. Participants in the trend began using the hashtag “tubegirl,” which currently has over 1.2 billion views on TikTok.


Either everyone participating in the tube girl trend has had their sense of propriety and self-awareness completely broken by the internet, or they do feel awkward dancing in crowded public spaces with no music.

If they do feel embarrassment, why do it? There are plenty of causes in the world for young people to stand up for and bravely deviate from the crowd. Christians are called to do this every day. The tube girl trend isn’t about courage, though.

Participants are making themselves look foolish and the people around them feel uncomfortable for views, likes, and shares on TikTok. The only “cause” the tube girl trend promotes is self-obsession. TikTokers are engaging in it “for the gram” or for “clout.” In other words, they are sacrificing their dignity in the physical world for validation in the digital world.

This development is an entirely new and backward concept in the scheme of human existence. My Gen X parents used to tell me how growing up, there would always be a “spot” young people would meet in junior high and high school to socialize. There wasn’t much planning, and you never knew who exactly was going to be there. With the dawn of social networking, the idea of “the spot” died out, and millennials grew up using apps and text messaging to plan events and hang-outs.

For Gen Z, things are different. Apps aren’t used to coordinate social interactions — they are the social interactions. Zoomers are reportedly glued to their screens for an average of over 7 hours a day. For young people who spend exorbitant amounts of their waking hours online, it’s only natural that their internet personas would matter more than their real-world identities. This is why swaths of young women are willing to look silly in public in order to look sexy and carefree on TikTok.


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SW boards those with pre-board stamped on their pass (the lame, infirmed, etc.) at the very beginning. The only time I was A1 for a SW flight there must have been about 10 pre-boards, and each one of those had a person with them.


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Actress and former SAG-AFTRA president Melissa Gilbert slammed the rules, “THIS is what you guys come up with? Literally no one cares what anyone wears for Halloween. I mean, do you really think this kind of infantile stuff is going to end the strike? We look like a joke.”

“Please tell me you’re going to make this rule go away … and go negotiate!” she added. “For the love of God, people are suffering mightily and this is what you have to say … c’mon.”

In response, the Hollywood union issued a clarification that the “SAG-AFTRA issued Halloween guidance” was not meant to apply to “anyone’s kids” and instead was “in response to questions from content creators and members about how to support the strike during this festive season.”

“This was meant to help them avoid promoting struck work, and it is the latest in a series of guidelines we have issued,” the statement added. “… We are on strike for important reasons, and have been for nearly 100 days. Our number one priority remains getting the studios back to the negotiating table so we can get a fair deal for our members, and finally put our industry back to work.”



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Spiderman 2 REMOVES All LGBTQ Content, Side Quests & Flags FOR MIDDLE EAST VERSIONS While BANNING Players For Doing The Same​



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“As you know, SOMSD is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion meaningfully – not just saying the words but also promoting an inclusive school,” the superintendent wrote.

“Each year, questions arise from families, students, and staff about what SOMSD schools will be doing regarding Halloween,” Taylor wrote. “Is promoting school-sponsored Halloween activities creating indirect and unintentional financial hardships for students and families? Do school-sponsored Halloween activities violate the dignity of some of our students and families, either culturally or religiously? Does the promotion of school-sponsored Halloween activities create tensions with the equity and access values of SOMSD?”

The district said it surveyed school principals to ask whether school-sponsored Halloween celebrations should continue or if the district should pivot to something like a fall festival that focused on the season of autumn.
