Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member

South Park Panderverse ROASTS Kathleen Kennedy + Woke Disney Runs Damage Control | EndymionTv​

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PREMO Member

South Park Episodes BANNED As Paramount Bends Knee to Woke Weirdos + Into the Panderverse Attacked​



PREMO Member

When Men Define Morality, Evil Flourishes

Relativistic views of morality were first discussed in Greece, 500 years before the birth of Christ. However, moral relativism became embraced by the left in the 19th and 20th centuries. It provided a rationale to excuse aberrant behavior that runs counter to God’s commandments.

Moral relativism accepts cultural norms as “moral.” Simply declare some antisocial behavior as “normal,” and it also becomes moral under this philosophy. What was immoral in the 19th century becomes moral in the 21st, because society has accepted it. Sex acts in public would have been criminal 100 years ago. Now it’s celebrated if done in expression of one’s “pride.” Moral relativism places the definition of morality in the hands of men, and allows that definition to evolve, as societal expectations evolve. It replaces God’s interpretation of good and evil with that of men, and has enabled

  • The termination of life in the name of choice,
  • The indoctrination of children in the name of inclusiveness,
  • The advancement of theft and assault in the name of social justice,
  • The bearing of false witness against those who stand against tyranny, and
  • The impoverishment of mankind in service to Gaia — our new approved god.
Moral relativism has rendered us vulnerable to the creeping evil that invades every aspect of our society.

On October 7 of this year, we received a reminder that evil (of the non-relative variety) exists. The Jews suffered again when they were brutally attacked by terrorist insurgents. Hamas, the elected representatives of the Palestinians, overran the walls protecting Israel in a murderous rampage. They murdered over 1,400 innocent people and gang raped women in the streets. They burned children alive and beheaded babies in their cribs. In the ultimate display of moral relativism, Hamas celebrated their deeds — posting video of the atrocities online and taunting families of the victims on social media. They weren’t ashamed of their deeds. They were proud because they believed their deeds to be righteous. The Palestinian culture accepts their deeds as moral, therefore they must be — right? That is the fruit of moral relativism.

Is God is asking: Do you see it now? Do you see the evil that men will accept when unmoored to inviolable standards?

The world response to the savagery has been mixed. Many have condemned it. But far too many have also condoned it. The moral relativists say that the Israelis brought it on themselves, for daring to establish a free civilization after the Holocaust. They claim that Hamas’ actions are justified against the colonizers — who did nothing more than end a war on their terms that others started. Supporters of the Palestinians claim that it is moral for the oppressed to resort to barbarism in pursuit of their objective — because it is their most effective weapon.

Now we have



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
'I Wouldn't Have Gone Along With The Nazis In 1939,' Says College Student At 'Kill The Jews' Rally

CAMBRIDGE, MA — A local university student expressed her own tremendous virtue by proudly announcing she would never have gone along with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany as she walked across campus to attend a "Kill the Jews" rally taking place on the Quad.

"Oh yeah, I would have nipped all that Hitler stuff in the bud," said Harvard junior Dianna Stephens. "I'm telling you, if I was in Germany back then, I would have never participated in the horrific things the Nazis were doing. Now, which way to the rally where we're cheering for the entire nation of Israel to be pushed into the sea?"



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

When Men Define Morality, Evil Flourishes

Relativistic views of morality were first discussed in Greece, 500 years before the birth of Christ. However, moral relativism became embraced by the left in the 19th and 20th centuries. It provided a rationale to excuse aberrant behavior that runs counter to God’s commandments.

Moral relativism accepts cultural norms as “moral.” Simply declare some antisocial behavior as “normal,” and it also becomes moral under this philosophy. What was immoral in the 19th century becomes moral in the 21st, because society has accepted it. Sex acts in public would have been criminal 100 years ago. Now it’s celebrated if done in expression of one’s “pride.” Moral relativism places the definition of morality in the hands of men, and allows that definition to evolve, as societal expectations evolve. It replaces God’s interpretation of good and evil with that of men, and has enabled

  • The termination of life in the name of choice,
  • The indoctrination of children in the name of inclusiveness,
  • The advancement of theft and assault in the name of social justice,
  • The bearing of false witness against those who stand against tyranny, and
  • The impoverishment of mankind in service to Gaia — our new approved god.
Moral relativism has rendered us vulnerable to the creeping evil that invades every aspect of our society.

On October 7 of this year, we received a reminder that evil (of the non-relative variety) exists. The Jews suffered again when they were brutally attacked by terrorist insurgents. Hamas, the elected representatives of the Palestinians, overran the walls protecting Israel in a murderous rampage. They murdered over 1,400 innocent people and gang raped women in the streets. They burned children alive and beheaded babies in their cribs. In the ultimate display of moral relativism, Hamas celebrated their deeds — posting video of the atrocities online and taunting families of the victims on social media. They weren’t ashamed of their deeds. They were proud because they believed their deeds to be righteous. The Palestinian culture accepts their deeds as moral, therefore they must be — right? That is the fruit of moral relativism.

Is God is asking: Do you see it now? Do you see the evil that men will accept when unmoored to inviolable standards?

The world response to the savagery has been mixed. Many have condemned it. But far too many have also condoned it. The moral relativists say that the Israelis brought it on themselves, for daring to establish a free civilization after the Holocaust. They claim that Hamas’ actions are justified against the colonizers — who did nothing more than end a war on their terms that others started. Supporters of the Palestinians claim that it is moral for the oppressed to resort to barbarism in pursuit of their objective — because it is their most effective weapon.

Now we have

What I find very disturbing is when religious leaders here in the US make statements against the atrocities Hamas committed on Oct 7th, and then follow it up with "but...."


PREMO Member

Woke High School Student LOSES HER MIND Because White Student Is On Debate Team In UNHINGED RANT!​

White girl cannot make any debate points from the point of view of a person of color because she lacks real world experience

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