Politics is Downstream From Culture


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Rotten Tomatoes BLOCKS Positive Reviews Of The Daily Wire's Lady Ballers & Critics Boycott!​



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How Stupidity Became America’s Most Valuable Social Currency

One of the most painfully stupid videos ever to grace the internet went viral this weekend. Since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, all sane people have come together to mock the “Queers for Palestinemovement that quickly popped up. Like chickens defending KFC, these LGBTQ activists rush to defend Islamic fundamentalism. But one transgender TikTok activist took it even further with her (yes, her — the mastectomy scars don’t lie) exegesis on the abundance of progressive liberal tolerance in the Muslim world.
“Historically,” she arrogantly explains, “the Islamic world is very open for queer people.” In her telling, the “Islamic world did not start off homophobic and transphobic,” but its bigoted turn came after “Western European colonialism came through and changed the culture and changed the narrative.” Thus, she rejects attempts by the “queer community” to “ostracize” her for “finding God” through Islam.

The Islamist-transgender activist is obviously an oxymoron. Islam — like all of the Abrahamic religions — rejects all forms of non-traditional sexual orientations and identities. The male-female union is a natural institution that honors God; anything else is a corruption of His will. With some of the highest levels of religiosity, it’s no wonder the Middle East is one the least LGBT-friendly regions in the world. To reduce centuries of Islamic culture and thought down to Western imperialism is to reject all notions of civilizational agency, and ultimately amounts to, well — Western imperialism.

This begs the question: how do people with such an astounding mix of stupidity and confidence exist? Is this a case of “ignorance is bliss,” the confidence of being too stupid to realize you’re stupid? Perhaps, but it only thrives — with over 71,000 followers — because our culture empowers it. In fact, the crazier the better. Everyone knows what she says is patently insane, yet no one with respectable credentials, a cushy job, or a position of intellectual influence would ever say so out loud. The radical, non-binary, Muslim activist said something is true — thus, it is beyond reproach.



PREMO Member

Apparently, I Am A Sexist Bigot

By Alicia Colon

The director of Disney’s latest flop, The Marvels, Nia DaCosta, is blaming hateful sexist, misogynists for the massive box office failure.

What is probably really upsetting Ms. DaCosta is that more men than women bought tickets to the film. Women, like me, are not at all interested in paying for a film starring macho women.

No thanks, Disney. Real women like strong men, even fake ones portraying superheroes.

The more I read about the antics of the hysterical karens or view the sickening videos of moronic exhibitionists on TikTok, the more convinced that I am a female chauvinist. I recall the heady days of the ‘60s when I was young and naïve but never stupid enough to fall for the crap that the feminist icons were spewing. Burn my bra? Like that wasn’t going to happen.

The hypocrisy of those chanting harpies was glaring and I’ve always wondered why those screaming at the women’s rights marches couldn’t figure it out. We were supposed to get bent out of shape if a man called us ‘broads’ but it was perfectly okay to call men ‘hunks’ and other terms of endearment. I could certainly understand getting equal pay for equal work but too much of the movement smacked of pettiness. I was convinced that the women’s movement was more concerned with destroying the average male than furthering women’s rights. Many, many years later I learned that I was right.


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Doja Cat Warns White Fans To Watch Their Mouths And DON'T Sing 'N Word' At Her Concert!​



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Is The Revival Of The Dumb Phone The Solution To Our Tech Addiction Woes?

Dumb phones aren’t always cheap or aesthetically appealing, but they do offer myriad benefits for people seeking to simplify their lives.

Investing in high-quality basic phones takes the pressure off of consumers to keep up with the new iPhones Apple keeps adding to its 40-something iterations. It also gives users a chance to distance themselves from the increasingly apparent negative effects and addictions that come with chronic technology use.

Some are returning to the iconic flip phones that dominated the 2000s. Nokia phone maker HMD Global reported a spike in global and U.S. flip phone sales in 2022. Millennials and Gen Z’s specific interest in the relic is boosting “a once fading and undervalued phone market.”

“I think I can tell the difference in like, the little things with social media, the way I listen and, honestly, like my memory. I feel like, I don’t know, like it makes my attention span shorter,” 20-year-old Mia Robertson, daughter of “Duck Dynasty” star Jase Robertson, explained on the “WHOA That’s Good Podcast” last week after admitting she’s switching from an iPhone to a flip phone.

Others are giving a chance to the new companies touting minimalist mobile phones that are specifically designed to reduce distractions, “be used as little as possible,” and increase security and privacy. The Light Phone, which features a “paper screen” designed to minimize users’ exposure to the blue light known to strain eyes and hurt healthy sleep patterns, reported its sales grew 50 percent from 2021 to 2022.

I'd love to have a modern Razr V3 ... my fav Cell

Motorola V3 RAZR BLACK flip-phone: cool, collectable, retro, all ...

Motorola RAZR V3 Special Edition - Black review

Motorola RAZR V3 Special Edition - Black review


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Iowa ABC affiliate KCRG-9 ran a viral story headlined, “Satanic display at Iowa Capitol vandalized ‘beyond repair’; arrest made.

The vandal is Michael Cassidy, 35, of Lauderdale, Mississippi, a Christian and a former U.S. Navy test pilot. Yesterday he was charged in Iowa with Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree, for beheading a darkly festive, life-sized statue of Satanic demon Baphomet that was recently and temporarily erected in Iowa’s Capitol building to celebrate the holiday season. Or something.

The picture above shows what the Satanic Temple’s display looked like before Mr. Cassidy installed some minor improvements to the authorized decorations. Here’s another picture, this one after the Temple’s sacred idol was beheaded and violently overthrown, or at least knocked over:

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And here is Baphomet’s decapitated papier-maché head, brutally ripped off its mannequin body and disrespectfully stomped-on till it looked nothing like a normal ‘frightful demon’ but was flattened out until it looked more like a squashed spider:

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I decided to post all these pictures and tell the full tale of the now-deceased statue since the U.S. media has embargoed all the details, which alerted me that the story was somehow more important than it looked. In all the corporate media stories about the scandal, all you’ll get to see is the original display. And the stories say nearly nothing about Cassidy. I had to go to the Hindustan Times to find a single quote. The reporters probably tell themselves they’re discouraging vandalism or something.

Anyway, here is the dangerous scofflaw who committed this heinous act of property interference — an intolerant Christian, vigilante, vandal, idol-hater, veteran, former Mississippi Congressional candidate, probable racist and accused criminal mischiever Michael Cassidy:

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The boogaloo began last week when the Satanic Temple of Iowa set up its Capitol holiday display pursuant to a legally-obtained permit. As shown above, the Temple’s Satanic holiday display included a fake, stuffed ram's head covered with dozens of little mirrors, which was perched atop a beheaded mannequin wearing a blood-red cloak. Plus there were some candles and a few innocent pamphlets about worshipping the Prince of Darkness and an order form for soul trades.

The Temple said it never intended to aggravate anybody, but just wanted to share with fellow citizens a joyful and seasonal celebration of Satanists’ “right to religious freedom.” Or something.

The holiday statue was a briefly popular, if somewhat controversial, attraction. Well, it was popular with some people, like Jessica Cornish-Tilstra, who drove three-and-a-half hours with her daughter and her broomstick to see the display. Jessica was aggravated about Baphomet’s unjust persecution by vandals, scofflaws, and vigilantes. “I would never do that to somebody else's property, and I don't think it's right that other people, based on their beliefs, think that they can do that just because they don't like it," Mrs. Cornish-Tilstra primly explained.

Suggesting something — you tell me — on December 1st Mrs. Cornish-Tilstra most recently posted to her Facebook a simple shot of a sleepy black cat overseen by a cute little shadow devil:

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All last week the media delightedly covered the responses of people offended by the display. Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds blasted the Satanic statue as "absolutely objectionable," and one Republican lawmaker vowed to draft a bill banning all Satanic displays on state-owned property. Many citizens rallied to oppose the display. Alert citizen Shellie Flockhart quickly organized a large prayer group against the display last week, and said she's since received backlash and hate mail following her prayer efforts.

(It appears their prayers were answered.)

Despite the Satanic Temple’s very best efforts to spread light and joy for the holiday season through their demonic display, Shellie Flockhart remains unsatisfied. "To me, it felt harassing," she said. While Ms. Flockhart didn't personally appreciate the display’s merits, she did broad-mindedly agree that everyone has the right to free speech. But she questioned the Satanic Temple’s motives, wondering whether instead of just a benign religious holiday decoration, the demon statue was really intended to troll Christians, Jews and Muslims, or worse, to draw an evil curse down on the State of Iowa.

"That entire thing felt like it was an attack on our State, on our legislators, on our governor,” Ms. Flockhart explained.

As it turned out, Mr. Cassidy did not share Ms. Flockhart’s broad-mindedness about free speech. More of a man of action, Cassidy felt convicted that he could not just stand by. “I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted,” the former Navy pilot explained simply.

After adjusting Baphomet a little, Mr. Cassidy turned himself in to officers at the scene. The Satanic Temple promptly pressed charges and wants the book thrown at Mr. Cassidy.

As you can imagine, despite the news embargo, social media lit up. Memers sprang to Cassidy’s defense:

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Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA pledged $10,000 to Mr. Cassidy’s legal defense:

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Mr. Cassidy’s brand-new GoFundMe for his legal defense rapidly reached its goal, and he closed it off, showing both grit and integrity. So, no multiplier is needed. Not yet anyway.

Human Events editor Jack Posobiec is organizing a calling campaign to Governor Kim Reynolds, to demand she pardon Mr. Cassidy. You can reach Governor Kim Reynolds’ office at (515) 281-5211. The office is open today between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Central Time.

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It’s a fun, feel-good holiday story, good versus evil and all that kind of stuff, but I’d like to engage with two thornier issues related to the Great 2023 Baphomet Beheading: the First Amendment and legal implications, and the media’s reaction.

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“My heart dropped and I started panicking, I thought for sure something absolutely horrible had happened.

“They had a very stern look on their faces and told me that they needed to talk about something serious. My mind was absolutely racing.”

After preparing for the worst possible news, she felt a weight lift after the cops confirmed that their visit had nothing to do with anyone dying.

In what she describes as a bizarre twist, they were there to talk about one of her videos that had recently gone viral on social media.

“I was so confused, I just stared blankly at them,” she explained.

“I couldn’t understand what had happened. The cops were at my door over a video? It didn’t make sense.

“I never expected what they were about to tell me.”

The two cops had been sent to Kelly’s house to talk about a playful video she had filmed in a nearby Bunnings hardware store weeks earlier.

As a popular pornographic film star, she explained, she uses social media to hook new views and advertise her profile on subscription-based adult content site OnlyFans.

In one of her clips, she and a friend filmed themselves jokingly taking their underwear off and leaving them in parts of Bunnings as a “surprise for the dads” and the “hard-working tradies [construction workers].”

It rapidly went viral, racking up over 15 million views.

She explained that this was simply meant to be a funny joke, and assured that she did not leave any pairs of underwear inside the store.
