Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member
Re-watching a Classic ... engineering challenges aside would you really save that much gasoline shutting off the blower as Max does in the beginning of the movie ... and how practical running a blower full time I know the 671 is designed to go 100,000's of miles on a Detroit Diesel ... sure you are saving some stress on the bottom end turning off the boost ....

I know a few cars have factory SC like the Cobra Mustang with the 4.6 Modular V-8, but this is not a factory setup ... lol, I'd be more concerned with long term oil consumption and availability



PREMO Member

How Jazmen Jafar Left her Legal Career for OnlyFans and Found Success

Former attorney Jazmen Jafar’s decision to leave her legal career behind and become a full-time OnlyFans creator is making waves in the news. Jafar has recently shared that she has earned over $180,000 on the platform in the first three months of 2023.

'I ditched being a LAWYER for OnlyFans - I'm breaking barriers for ...

I have natural G Cup's what else am I supposed to do .... vs being a lawyer

I'm lazy and can make more money with my tits



PREMO Member

Star Wars The Acolyte Called The GAYEST Star Wars, Fans REVOLT, Offer FUNERAL For Dead Series​

Lesbian Space Witches
The Acolyte

Acolyte CANCELLED? Leslye Headland COPES As Lesbian Space Witches Marks The End Of Star Wars!?

Lesbian Space Witches
The Acolyte


PREMO Member
One of oldest women’s studies departments in U.S. on chopping block

The Department of Women, Ethnicity, and Intersectional Studies will be dissolved and its degree program will be merged with the English Department, according to an action plan approved earlier this month by the Kansas Board of Regents.

“As part of the Board’s academic program review process, this year the six state universities in Kansas collectively looked at 31 programs that didn’t meet at least three of four metrics related to enrollment, graduation, employment and earnings,” regents spokesperson Matt Keith said.

Keith told The College Fix in a recent email the women’s studies department was one of five that Wichita State identified in the review. He said the merger will “maintain the program but reduce administrative costs.”

University spokesperson Lainie Mazzullo-Hart told The Fix in a recent email that, with the merger, “students with an interest in this academic area would still be able to pursue those interests at WSU.”

The action plan states the merger with the English Department “will ensure students’ interest in this area of study will remain a priority and students are afforded continued opportunities for in-depth study of the discipline through the field major … or as a minor.”


PREMO Member
Acolyte CANCELLED? Leslye Headland COPES As Lesbian Space Witches Marks The End Of Star Wars!?

Lesbian Space Witches
The Acolyte

Disney CANCELS The Acolyte after becoming Worst Star Wars Flop?! + George Lucas SLAMS Woke Agenda​



PREMO Member

TikTok and Instagram turned me into a leftist. Here’s how X (Twitter) helped me escape.

Social media plays a significant role in shaping the opinions of those 35 and under — it’s the primary news source for most in that age group, one survey found.

Some stats report that daily screen time for 16- to 24-year-olds is nearly eight hours among females and seven hours among males. To put that in perspective — that’s equivalent to the average time in a school day.

Regarding TikTok in particular, 44 percent of its regular news consumers are between 18 and 29, according to the Pew Research Center.

I am among that group — and my daily TikTok and Instagram usage nearly changed the trajectory of my life.

I grew up in Dallas and attended a Christian private school from kindergarten to eighth grade, and I wasn’t exposed to many alternative viewpoints. In my formative years, I was dedicated to and focused on my faith.

In sixth grade I got a cellphone, mostly so I could communicate and coordinate with my parents, who didn’t want me to have a phone, but allowed it for family logistics.

My interest in political and social issues took shape in eighth grade, when I increased my social media usage and began following feminist Instagram accounts, thanks to celebrities and influencers sharing posts and other algorithm suggestions.

Feminism, in and of itself, didn’t seem like a radical concept at first. But the accounts I viewed over time were intersectional feminist ones that intertwined their feminist messages with pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ messaging. This started to change my ideological outlook on the world. Highly emotional arguments from the left viewed over and over desensitized me.

Throughout high school, I continued ingesting countless hours of Instagram and TikTok content — and increasingly leftist political views. Looking back, I can see how social media drew me further and further away from reality, my family, and my faith.

By 2020, as a freshman in high school and at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement and COVID-19 pandemic, I was fully committed to leftist causes.

I even had the phrase “Black Trans Lives Matter” in my Instagram bio for a while. I took part in “Blackout Tuesday” on Instagram, posting my black square like a good little soldier, showing my solidarity with the cause. I knew very little about the Black Lives Matter group at the time.


PREMO Member

Should Cheaters Be Exposed On TikTok?​

Ah yes the morality police ... these same women will be screaming My Body My Choice

I guarantee if the Genders were reversed, ain't nobody saying anything
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PREMO Member

Kotaku Editor Has SALTY RANT About 'Fake' YouTube Journalists?!​

Yeah this primarily involves Gaming, but I have seen this as an large problem among Leftist / Progressive Media in general because they are getting their lunch money taken by Citizen News Reporters .... 'Journalist's ' need to have some sort of license or Gov Approval or blessing

YouTuber's, Tiktok, Twitter posters should be desisted, banned or pushed to the bottom of search results as NON Authoritarian Sources