Port Security Poll

Whats your stance on the new Port Security concept

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To save time because I'm at work -- are you for or against, inbetween or unaware. Thanks! :flowers: BTW I created this to be a pubilc poll - other viewers can see which option you opted for.


Working for the weekend
dems4me said:
To save time because I'm at work -- are you for or against, inbetween or unaware. Thanks! :flowers: BTW I created this to be a pubilc poll - other viewers can see which option you opted for.
Let Bush turn over the Secret Service to the Arabs, then I would feel more comfortable!! :yay:


citysherry said:
Why did it take so long for the poll to appear? Anyway, I'm totally on the fence about it.

Someone couldn't grasp a yes or no question :shrug:

Don't know why there wasn't one. I was just wondering as a whole whether most folks on here are for or against it. It was too hard trying to figure out on the thread and this way its a little more compartmentalized. :smile: I was just wondering thats all. :lol:


Well-Known Member
citysherry said:
Is it a question of port security or just the management of the port?
Do you believe that the Port managers can affect security? If you do, as every right thinking individual would, then you MUST vote...No, I'm against it.


Lem Putt
What is this new port security concept? I've heard about the port operations deal, but last I heard, port security was still in the hands of DHS. What has changed?


MMDad said:
What is this new port security concept? I've heard about the port operations deal, but last I heard, port security was still in the hands of DHS. What has changed?

I just KNEW a yes or no poll would be too much comprehension for you. Here's a link - just for you - read and then answer yes or no :huggy: I'll reword this - do you think it will adversely affect security. :smile:

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Lem Putt
dems4me said:
I just KNEW a yes or no poll would be too much comprehension for you. Here's a link - just for you - read and then answer yes or no :huggy:


"administration's decision to allow a company from an Arab country to operate six major U.S. ports"

It doesn't say anything about removing DHS from port security. I still don't understand your question. Are you asking about the port operations deal or some new port security deal?


MMDad said:
"administration's decision to allow a company from an Arab country to operate six major U.S. ports"

It doesn't say anything about removing DHS from port security. I still don't understand your question. Are you asking about the port operations deal or some new port security deal?

uggh. create your own damn poll then and take your posts and opinions and shove em up your thoughtful and kind azz. :huggy: You know what I am implying. Most people think that as a result of this new change, security will be affected. I concur. Obviously, you are not among the 12 others that were able to figure this poll and my quick (and at work) phrasing out and could not comprehend what I was trying to say by even any context clues. In the future I would recommend that you stick to comic book reading instead of delving into anything above a 5 year old reading and comprehension level. :huggy: Have a super blessed day :huggy: LYMIAH :huggy:
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24/7 Single Dad
dems4me said:
In the future I would recommend that you stick to comic book reading instead of delving into anything above a 5 year old reading and comprehension level.
I guess I'm having trouble with the reading and comprehension. Could you please copy and paste the part from the article you linked where it says Dubai Ports World is buying U.S. property or is going to be in charge of port security. I could only read the black parts.


dems4me said:
I was just wondering as a whole whether most folks on here are for or against it.

There was doubt as to where this crew would stand?

Me, I'm on the fence. My first impression was that of flabbergasted shock that the idea was even considered, but after I've read more on the subject, I'm less and less horrified by the idea.

My problem, now, is the entire concept of ANY foreign company (not just this particular one) controlling United States ports, even if US Customs and DHS are in charge of maintaining national security. I was unaware of this practice until this issue brought it to the spotlight.


24/7 Single Dad
willie said:
You're screwin' this up. The answer to the NEW question is....YES
Ted Bilkey, chief operating officer of Dubai Ports World, said the company "will fully cooperate in putting into place whatever is necessary to protect the terminals."
Gee, Ted Bilkey doesn't sound like an arab name.


Lem Putt
Can someone who believes that this a security problem please clarify one thing:

What would this allow someone to do to threaten our security that is not possible if the port were operated by an american company?

Can you give a scenario?


Lobster Land
According to Rush L. this afternoon, there are NO American companies that are in the business of running a port. I have no idea and Rush didn't say when there was one. He also pointed out that our Navy has been and still is refueling and taking on stores in UAE ports. He also said Hillary isn't going along with the masses against this but her reasons can only be speculated at this point. The more I hear on this the more I'm inclined to believe it's not that big of a deal.