Larry Gude
Strung Out
I am opposed... ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government. ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government.
Larry Gude ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government.
Then why opposition to this? They will not own the port, they will fulfill a contract to operate State or City owned ports.Larry Gude ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government.
I agree,Larry Gude ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government.
dems4me said:Most people think that as a result of this new change, security will be affected. I concur.
I'm with you Tox.Toxick said:Me, I'm on the fence. My first impression was that of flabbergasted shock that the idea was even considered, but after I've read more on the subject, I'm less and less horrified by the idea.
My problem, now, is the entire concept of ANY foreign company (not just this particular one) controlling United States ports, even if US Customs and DHS are in charge of maintaining national security. I was unaware of this practice until this issue brought it to the spotlight.
MMDad said:Then why opposition to this? They will not own the port, they will fulfill a contract to operate State or City owned ports.
Bruzilla said:Hey Dems... can you quickly outline the specific security concerns that this new setup will create? What will our enemies be able to do tommorrow that they can't do today?
Well fortunately we don't allow any of Chavez's government oil company into the U.S.Larry Gude said:...a little pun there, he he he...
How about Pakistan? Can Libya do this? Maybe the Russians? I had a fit when Bubba let the Chicoms in. How about Hugo Chavez, he's a portly bastard. He might run things REAL good...
MMDad said:Well fortunately we don't allow any of Chavez's government oil company into the U.S.
We never see Citgo here, do we.
Yes.Larry Gude said:...Venezuela own Citgo?
MMDad said:Yes.
Should the US play by the same rules? Should our government give up ownership and control of all foreign soil?Larry Gude ownership and control of ANY US ground by a foreign government.
Railroad said:The popularity of container ships, with the accompanying security vulnerabilities, makes our ports huge security risks nobody can get their arms around to control. If it were possible to inspect all of these trojan horses, I'd feel a lot better. With them out of control, it almost doesn't matter who owns the companies that manage the ports. You can fit a lot of destruction into a container. But as a matter of principle, the fewer Arab-owned things the better. Jihad is, after all, Jihad.
MMDad said:Can someone who believes that this a security problem please clarify one thing:
What would this allow someone to do to threaten our security that is not possible if the port were operated by an american company?
Can you give a scenario?
Anyone who would like to answer the question would be great. It doesn't need to be you, unless you want to.dems4me said:Are you talking to me?
MMDad said:Anyone who would like to answer the question would be great. It doesn't need to be you, unless you want to.