Positive Young People...anywhere?

Originally posted by happy_bee4
well..if you are one of the many males around here that only go to Target or the Leonardtown, McDonalds looking for females..then you are correct with your statement...if not...you need to try harder...
Hmmmm.... no. Try again. I don't even eat at Mcdonalds. Their food is ####. :barf: I only go to Target for one thing; to buy odds and ends. You make it sound like this place is one kick ass happening town. :rolleyes: Well hate to bear the news. This place sucks. :boo:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
Hmmmm.... no. Try again. I don't even eat at Mcdonalds. Their food is ####. :barf: I only go to Target for one thing; to buy odds and ends. You make it sound like this place is one kick ass happening town. :rolleyes: Well hate to bear the news. This place sucks. :boo:

Yeah, that's real positive :rolleyes:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
Care to elaborate on what is negative on what I posted?

I said that McDonalds food and somd sucks. Not the women. Sounds pretty positive to me. :clap:

Positivity (...:confused:...) should be a state of being, applied to all facets of life. For example, "McDonald's has great triple-thick milkshakes and is an awesome way for hood-rats to get off the street and earn a living", or "I miss where I used to live, but laughing at the crazy SMIBS is an awesome way to pass the time"...:yay: Live it, learn it, love it :wink:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
Yeah, I do miss Jacksonville, FL. :( But being closer to my son kicks ass. :) :) :smile:

My guy is from there too, apparantly somd pales in comparison...:lol: Where does your son live and how old is he?
Originally posted by Nickel
My guy is from there too, apparantly somd pales in comparison...:lol: Where does your son live and how old is he?
Lol... oh yeah... for sure. ;)

My son lives off of Great Mills Road. I am divorced, I opted to stay closer to him so I live in St Mary's Landing apartments off of Great Mills Rd. Total about 2 miles away from one another. Oh yeah he is 3 yrs old. (Does ur son need a play mate?) I like to take Anthony to the park on Chancelors Run Rd.

Rsx's are pretty spiffy cars. :cheers:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
Lol... oh yeah... for sure. ;)

My son lives off of Great Mills Road. I am divorced, I opted to stay closer to him so I live in St Mary's Landing apartments off of Great Mills Rd. Total about 2 miles away from one another. Oh yeah he is 3 yrs old. (Does ur son need a play mate?) I like to take Anthony to the park on Chancelors Run Rd.

Rsx's are pretty spiffy cars. :cheers:

The bf and I took my son to a really nice park in St Mary's County (I live in Charles, so I don't know the names off all the streets down there), it had a boat that rocked back and forth, pretty cool. My son is 2, and a total meanie. He's been better the last week or so, but I know it's just temporary. He'll be back to his grumpy "Go Away!" self in no time...


New Member
I've been here for 3 years and there's really nothing to look forward to romantically. I'll be 30 this summer. Socially, I've wasted 3 good years of my life down here and it has been incredibly frustrating to live down here, find nice ladies in my age range. All of the good women are married. The rest are too old, drink/smoke their life away, or are uneducated/non-professional.
I like my job and what I do but we really need younger people here. (Maybe next year when the BRAC occurs and the new JSF people come in.)
Go up to DC, B'more , or Annapolis for better action and interesting people.
If you don't know what's going up there, just go to :


and sign up for events.

That's what I do. I'm going to look for a room to rent (a cheap one; I just need a crash pad) up there so I can avoid the multiple commutes during the weekend and still be able to live/work down here.
I think at my age, I'm past chasing after the liberal arts girls down by the college so I have to opt for the mid 20's crowd in DC. If you're still in your early 20's you can try to find something by the college. Otherwise, head north until you find civilization.

More links:

Yeah, you can tell I've researched my escapes well.
Good luck!:cheers:
Originally posted by Haohmaru
All of the good women are married. The rest are too old, drink/smoke their life away, or are uneducated/non-professional.
I like my job and what I do but we really need younger people here. (Maybe next year when the BRAC occurs and the new JSF people come in.)
Go up to DC, B'more , or Annapolis for better action and interesting people.
OMG! Dude, you read my mind!!!!!
If they are not married, they are with the idiots that treat them like ass. I have heard this before:"Oh, but I love him." Yeah... :rolleyes: as he is banging your best friend. :rolleyes:
Should we really have to drive more than one hour just to have a stable relationship? I don't think so. Like you I really hope that with the JSF programs, and the upcoming T-38C programs (yes I work at the Test Pilot School) that there will be available women. That would make me smile. :clap:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
OMG! Dude, you read my mind!!!!!
If they are not married, they are with the idiots that treat them like ass. I have heard this before:"Oh, but I love him." Yeah... :rolleyes: as he is banging your best friend. :rolleyes:
Should we really have to drive more than one hour just to have a stable relationship? I don't think so. Like you I really hope that with the JSF programs, and the upcoming T-38C programs (yes I work at the Test Pilot School) that there will be available women. That would make me smile. :clap:

Maybe you're all trying too hard. I know when my last relationship ended (before this one), I was relieved, b/c he was one of the "idiots" that treated me like ass...but also kinda depressed b/c all the guys around here seemed to suck. When you have a kid you tend to attract the wrong crowd, the good guys are scared off by it. But when I least expected it I found a great guy and feel silly about the way I thought before...that's just me though.
Originally posted by Nickel
Maybe you're all trying too hard. I know when my last relationship ended (before this one), I was relieved, b/c he was one of the "idiots" that treated me like ass...but also kinda depressed b/c all the guys around here seemed to suck. When you have a kid you tend to attract the wrong crowd, the good guys are scared off by it. But when I least expected it I found a great guy and feel silly about the way I thought before...that's just me though.
"Geez Ton, you have a son!!??" I'll never hear from them again.
It sucks, if they can't accept my son, then they won't have me. That's how it goes.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
"Geez Ton, you have a son!!??" I'll never hear from them again.
It sucks, if they can't accept my son, then they won't have me. That's how it goes.

:yay: That's the right attitude to have. I've always said that my son is a part of me, so if they can't accept him, they can't accept me. I'm a mother first and a girlfriend second, that's the way it will always be...the good ones are the ones that aren't threatened by that.
Originally posted by Nickel
:yay: That's the right attitude to have. I've always said that my son is a part of me, so if they can't accept him, they can't accept me. I'm a mother first and a girlfriend second, that's the way it will always be...the good ones are the ones that aren't threatened by that.
Do u have any single friends? :cool: :biggrin:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
Do u have any single friends? :cool: :biggrin:

No, sorry, I only really have one female friend, and she's been with her guy (who is awesome) for about 4 years. I do have one on-again/off-again friend who might be single this week, but I'd never fix her up with anyone, she's the man-eater type.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by SilverIntrepid
You're just a neutral party. No responsibility on your part. ;)

I can call her tomorrow if ya want. She's my age, 22, how old are you? She broke up with her boyfriend of like 4 yrs (a total jerk) a few months ago, last time I talked to her she was dating an 18 year old (why, I don't know). She might not be with him anymore though. She has a 2 yr old daughter, and isn't real good at monogomy. Still interested?