That is an absurdity that is being forced onto our society.
To help any child we must help the child's parent(s) and then the parents will take care of their own children.
Claiming to help a child by harming their parents is what goes on now.
The law does not represent the children - that is the parents place, so the Court is violating the parent's authority and breaking up the family unit.
It is like having a hungry family and then feeding the children and give nothing to the parents and then saying look how self righteous we are because we help children.
The need is to feed the parents and then the parents will feed their own children accordingly.
Anything that attacks or harms either parent is harming the child.
Having laws that are only representing the "interest of the child" is shutting out the parents and violating the family unit.
If we want to help the child then we must help the family, but now we have laws that claim to help the child by dividing the family unit, and the family unit is the building blocks of every society and thus the misguided laws are hurting everyone and the so-called help is vain.