PREDATOR killed my chickens


Adopt me please !
So, um, did you find out what is killing your chickens? My bet is on a opposum.

Not yet, last night was night 2 that it did not eat the egg in the coop, so it either didn't come or didn't get in. I wish I had one of those trail cameras to get pictures of it. I am getting weary of collecting the hens and transporting them over to the shed to a cage for the night.

Not all of them WANT to be caught, so my aerobic activity for the day is running around a 13'x26' coop with lots of obstacles in the way like dust-bathing bin, feeders, waterers, roosting poles and shelves (some like to roost on shelves)) to catch them for THEIR safety. Most of them run and freak out .... ooohhh noooo here she comes again ..... run faster Janet !!!!! I just think of healthy my heart must be after all this activity lol.


Adopt me please !
We will be going to farm stores this weekend to try and recruit some construction savvy guys (or gals) to help fix up the current chicken pen (more) and rebuild the 2nd one from the sections we have left from the last pen. Hoping to find people that can work either this weekend (Sunday) and/or next Sat/Sun. The rescue can't afford to pay much, so $10 cash per hour is all we can offer.

Not going to be a precise professional job, since it's just a small farm. But we need it to be done well enough to prevent predators from getting in. Using hardware cloth 12" underground, and on all the sides, and poultry wire on top. Then we will install the roof from 2x4's slant mounted to the barn, then screw in the corrugated roofing on the 2x4's. We can probably handle the gutter installation ourselves.

The worker guy who accompanied me to Lowe's to buy $250 worth of electrical supplies to run the electric from the house to the barn never showed up to do it. So now it's too late to take all that stuff back, and I have to HOPE I have the right supplies for whoever ends up doing the job. I was warned that I need to use someone who is licensed, or I risk a bad job which could result in a fire.


In My Opinion
Not yet, last night was night 2 that it did not eat the egg in the coop, so it either didn't come or didn't get in. I wish I had one of those trail cameras to get pictures of it. I am getting weary of collecting the hens and transporting them over to the shed to a cage for the night.

Not all of them WANT to be caught, so my aerobic activity for the day is running around a 13'x26' coop with lots of obstacles in the way like dust-bathing bin, feeders, waterers, roosting poles and shelves (some like to roost on shelves)) to catch them for THEIR safety. Most of them run and freak out .... ooohhh noooo here she comes again ..... run faster Janet !!!!! I just think of healthy my heart must be after all this activity lol.

There is a better way to do this so you wont cause the chickens stress
If you actually knew what you were doing you would already know this.

Dont have enough time here to spell it out slow for you, but Im sure that Katelin will be along soon to tell you what you are doing wrong.



Adopt me please !
There is a better way to do this so you wont cause the chickens stress
If you actually knew what you were doing you would already know this.

Dont have enough time here to spell it out slow for you, but Im sure that Katelin will be along soon to tell you what you are doing wrong.


Absolutely because she knows everything there is to know about wild critters :sarcasm:, and she also knows that you are talking about her again because she is a space cadet with special abilities. She also is perfect too :sarcasm:, I bet you didn't know that did you? :gossip: Yup she's something, she really is. :razz:
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Adopt me please !
There is a better way to do this so you wont cause the chickens stress
If you actually knew what you were doing you would already know this.

Dont have enough time here to spell it out slow for you, but Im sure that Katelin will be along soon to tell you what you are doing wrong.


You know Vrai is going to kick me in the butt for this right? I'm just going to blame your influence LOL


Obama destroyed America
We will be going to farm stores this weekend to try and recruit some construction savvy guys (or gals) to help fix up the current chicken pen (more) and rebuild the 2nd one from the sections we have left from the last pen. Hoping to find people that can work either this weekend (Sunday) and/or next Sat/Sun. The rescue can't afford to pay much, so $10 cash per hour is all we can offer.

Not going to be a precise professional job, since it's just a small farm. But we need it to be done well enough to prevent predators from getting in. Using hardware cloth 12" underground, and on all the sides, and poultry wire on top. Then we will install the roof from 2x4's slant mounted to the barn, then screw in the corrugated roofing on the 2x4's. We can probably handle the gutter installation ourselves.

The worker guy who accompanied me to Lowe's to buy $250 worth of electrical supplies to run the electric from the house to the barn never showed up to do it. So now it's too late to take all that stuff back, and I have to HOPE I have the right supplies for whoever ends up doing the job. I was warned that I need to use someone who is licensed, or I risk a bad job which could result in a fire.
Tell me what you're trying to do (electrical) and I can analyze it, make suggestions and tell you if what you have will work. I don't have time to do the install but will stop by and inspect the installation.


Adopt me please !
Tell me what you're trying to do (electrical) and I can analyze it, make suggestions and tell you if what you have will work. I don't have time to do the install but will stop by and inspect the installation.

ok thanks, I will PM ya'.