Pregger Cravings..

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
julz20684 said:
:yikes: You want JAZZY to deliver the baby?

Sure, why not? There can't be that much difference between that and delivering puppies and kittens. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
jazz lady said:
:cartwheel I've got friends in that area that I've never visited since they moved down there several years ago. Road trip! :clap:
We have an air matress for now. Give us a few months and we'll have a sleeper sofa. :yay:


Nice lady!
Pete said:
You say that now but you would gak within seconds :lol:

I've had four, watched my sister have hers and I swear, I almost passed out. It was disgusting. I couldn't eat lasagne for a year. Now I won't again. :dead:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Pete said:
I told you to get the other one, you wouldn't listen.

:smack: YOU told me to get that one as I didn't have a clue what to look for. :buttkick:

I should have just paid the extra $$$ and gotten a John Deere instead of a Crapsman. :razz:


jazz lady said:
:smack: YOU told me to get that one as I didn't have a clue what to look for. :buttkick:

I should have just paid the extra $$$ and gotten a John Deere instead of a Crapsman. :razz:
It works now right?


jazz lady said:
Hey, at least I admit when I don't know something and ask people for help. I'll just know better next time who to ask. :lmao:
Just be sure that whoever you ask volunteers to deliver it for you and then when you bring them a jug of paint thinner and tell them it is gas and and they use it and the mower starts but sounds like a howitzer, they will go get tools, fresh gas and come allllllllllll the way back out to your house in the pouring rain to drain the bad fuel and put new fuel in it. :yay:
