President of Pax River Raiders


broncosrule said:
Since you are clearly so close to him, ask him for the honest truth about it having to do with a child. Court records don't lie and hopefully he wouldn't lie to such a close friend. After you get your answer, let me know.

You intentions are clear with this thread Coach. I'm not feeding into this bs anymore :peace:



New Member
I'm not trying to instigate anything here, but why do you say the trash talking parents and screaming kids Harold's fault?

Well, yes. As the head of the league, he had the authority to boot anyone who didn't behave as they should. Chris Pixton wouldn't put up with such crap.
When you are the leader, then you set the tone.


Free Rent
Sweet! This is going to turn into another "Pigskin" drama!

You know, about this time of year, we see what, 3 of these kiddie football threads turn into massive Jerry Springer episodes? It's great entertainment. Keep up the #### talking, I am enjoying the show.


New Member
Sweet! This is going to turn into another "Pigskin" drama!

This is such bull####. Don't try to compare this to Pigskin. Half the issue the county has had with youth football is the small groups that thought they could do it better than pigskin. If they had combined forces, and determined the 'right' people from the clowns that cause issues in Pigskin there could have been a realy good league. Instead they watered down the handful of good people, spread them out across 3 leagues and now, SHOCKER the same BS still exist.


Free Rent
This is such bull####. Don't try to compare this to Pigskin. Half the issue the county has had with youth football is the small groups that thought they could do it better than pigskin. If they had combined forces, and determined the 'right' people from the clowns that cause issues in Pigskin there could have been a realy good league. Instead they watered down the handful of good people, spread them out across 3 leagues and now, SHOCKER the same BS still exist. Don would have done

Mad props for a name like meatfist. Seriously.


New Member
And even if you think Harold is the greatest guy on earth. The record is there, and he says he hasn't hid it. Now being long in the tooth I remember when the "county standards" were being stumbled through. One of those 'great intentions' but the county didn't want to apply themselves or the money to do it right.

Now saying that..... What exactly did Arthur Shepard and his county staff know about this? Hell what did Chris Pixton know, if anything, about this? Wasn't Berg in the league prior to taking it over? I'm guessing he had to be, how many people walk off the street to buy a youth league?


Football Mom!!!
Well, yes. As the head of the league, he had the authority to boot anyone who didn't behave as they should. Chris Pixton wouldn't put up with such crap.
When you are the leader, then you set the tone.

I've seen plenty of folks put off the field for their behavior. I have seen them police escorted when necessary too.


New Member
I've seen plenty of folks put off the field for their behavior. I have seen them police escorted when necessary too.

And how bad did it have to get before something was done? The folks who don't trash talk, and who teach their kids sportsmanship and all, end up bailing out of a league where such behavior is tolerated.
I understand that coaches and heads of leagues have to concern themselves with parents throwing fits, even at worst, threat of lawsuits for nonsensical discrimination. However, as a group we need to support the ousting of the losers.
Even at camp this year my son, who was a counselor, faced dealing with a couple of kids who physically assaulted other kids. Nothing of consequence happened. The kids and parents had a word with the head of the program and the kids were back the next day. That's BS! Is the camp afraid of losing money because that family won't come back? Are they afraid of rocking the boat with a family that is clearly...not right? I don't know. But the bottom line is, if you don't discipline/punish those losers then the whole program goes down the toilet. For some reason it seems that organization heads are too short sighted and don't realize they're doing more harm to their program than good.


New Member
And even if you think Harold is the greatest guy on earth. The record is there, and he says he hasn't hid it. Now being long in the tooth I remember when the "county standards" were being stumbled through. One of those 'great intentions' but the county didn't want to apply themselves or the money to do it right.

Now saying that..... What exactly did Arthur Shepard and his county staff know about this? Hell what did Chris Pixton know, if anything, about this? Wasn't Berg in the league prior to taking it over? I'm guessing he had to be, how many people walk off the street to buy a youth league?

I invite anyone to call me and I will explain what I learned yesterday about Mr. Berg background check that was submitted by myself when he Coached for us with the Pax River Raiders and our NFL Flag Football program.

All I know about is the background, I have no idea what he was charged with or anything like that or will comment on any of that.

So please feel free to call me 410-610-8444.

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Resident PIA
random observations and comments

To Jameo, my point was that his record was there and people will react to the listed offense. I've gotten a lot of noise when I've said, in the past, when I pointed out the corner cases in how people get on the sex offender registry. The best defense is a good offense, full PUBLIC disclosure.

Youth football in this county seems to have a lot of problems. I've never been directly involved. But I have friends and co-workers who have. I've also witnessed first hand the antics on the practice fields. (I was a soccer parent).

I can only compare what I saw, and heard, to my experience with the SMYSL.
No organization is perfect, but parental "involvement" during practice and games was always addressed early. Coaches always made it clear that the parents could watch from the sidelines but were not to coach. They were not to coach their child or the team. The league made it clear on what was considered acceptable conduct on the sideline. The game official was given the authority to "red card" a team and have a parent removed if they felt their was verbal abuse of players or officials. It was also made clear it was the responsibility of the coaches to keep their parents in line. Players and coaches on one side of the field, parents on the other. Bottom line, rules of conduct were clear as was the punishment. I never witnessed to the types of behavior I've heard about at youth football.
I will say that I also coached youth basketball and there were problems with parents who wanted to coach their child from the bleachers, often contradicting the coach. Again, discipline was up to the coach and the game officials and I don't ever recall a situation getting out of hand.

What I did see at youth football practices were a lot of parents on the field near their child, often giving them directions. I watched a the kids dogged drills and the moms ran their mouths about how sweetie pie was to good for this or that. IMHO those practices were far from organized. I grew up playing organized football and we had a head coach and maybe 2 assistants. Parents were welcome to watch, but were not participants in practice or games. The head coach called the shots, the assistant coaches did just that, helped, they took their lead from the head coach. The word is ORGANIZED. Maybe it's a word the various clubs should learn. Maybe it's time to remember it's for the YOUTH, not for the parents to live vicariously through their child.


New Member
As a parent I would not be happy with having someone with a criminal record around my children. Apparently this guy is missing a few screws to think its ok to be envolved with a youth organization with his record.


Resident PIA
As a parent I would not be happy with having someone with a criminal record around my children. Apparently this guy is missing a few screws to think its ok to be envolved with a youth organization with his record.

You have every right to be concerned, that was my point to Jameo.
On the other hand, there are a variety of reasons people end up with a "criminal record". People take pleas on the advice of counsel. The advice is typically this, your rationale isn't going to persuade the judge, the plea typically comes with no jail time, so going to trail you risk jail time. The legal system doesn't care about entrapment situation, mistakes etc. There is no "your side of the story", you are either innocent or guilty and that's what the record reflects. In the case of sexual offenses, that leads to public record on the offender resistery. The best way to handle that would be full disclosure, get your story out there so people, parents, can make an informed decision. We, as informed parents, can provide justice while the courts provide the legal.


New Member
The legal system doesn't care about entrapment situation, mistakes etc. There is no "your side of the story", you are either innocent or guilty and that's what the record reflects. QUOTE]

I think this statement is far too broad for someone to make. I have been involved in the legal system in Southern Maryland for over twenty years and as far as this area goes, I would say you are wrong.

Are you getting this information first hand? Did something happen with you and you are disputing it?


Resident PIA
The legal system doesn't care about entrapment situation, mistakes etc. There is no "your side of the story", you are either innocent or guilty and that's what the record reflects. QUOTE]

I think this statement is far too broad for someone to make. I have been involved in the legal system in Southern Maryland for over twenty years and as far as this area goes, I would say you are wrong.

Are you getting this information first hand? Did something happen with you and you are disputing it?

No, I have never been charged with anything, not even investigated. I would say except for a minor speeding ticket many moons ago I have a unblemished record. But I have spent a lot of time sitting in courtrooms.
I know people who have been charged with various offenses.
Most cases are plead out, the most often cited reason is that the plea deal will come with a far lower penalty than what a trial by judge or jury would risk.
That said, the other aspect that the defense counsel makes clear is that you ARE guilty of the charges. That's the legal system, it's a binary verdict, guilty or not guilty.

Justice on the other hand takes into account other factors. So while a "record" looks bad, maybe if he put the entire story out (full disclosure) people might have a different reaction.
You know for example if you are riding in a car and CDS is found in the car al the occupants will be charged.
The moral of my story is, full disclosure, if you have a record, it's better for you to disclose and explain the details than to have them broadcast on the internet.


New Member
No, I have never been charged with anything, not even investigated. I would say except for a minor speeding ticket many moons ago I have a unblemished record. But I have spent a lot of time sitting in courtrooms.
I know people who have been charged with various offenses.
Most cases are plead out, the most often cited reason is that the plea deal will come with a far lower penalty than what a trial by judge or jury would risk.
That said, the other aspect that the defense counsel makes clear is that you ARE guilty of the charges. That's the legal system, it's a binary verdict, guilty or not guilty.

Justice on the other hand takes into account other factors. So while a "record" looks bad, maybe if he put the entire story out (full disclosure) people might have a different reaction.
You know for example if you are riding in a car and CDS is found in the car al the occupants will be charged.
The moral of my story is, full disclosure, if you have a record, it's better for you to disclose and explain the details than to have them broadcast on the internet.

Well this statement;

The legal system doesn't care about entrapment situation, mistakes etc. There is no "your side of the story", you are either innocent or guilty and that's what the record reflects.

Doesn't fit your explanation. Sitting in a court room, you don't get the whole story. The legal system does care about entrapment. The legal system does care about mistakes. Those cases don't make it to trial. Just because some defense attorney says it's entrapment doesn't make it so.

We are not talking about a speeding ticket here. We are talking about someone sexually assaulting, or in this case pleading to attempting to sexually assault another human being.

So often these cases are plead out to save the VICTIM from having to testify and relive the event that put the suspect into the legal system.


New Member
I invite anyone to call me and I will explain what I learned yesterday about Mr. Berg background check that was submitted by myself when he Coached for us with the Pax River Raiders and our NFL Flag Football program.

So please feel free to call me 410-610-8444.


I thank you for the offer. I hope some have taken you up on it. I am curious if there is any of the info you would be willing to share publically (whether here or somewhere else)? I only ask because with things like this it seems like all the info is part of a rumormill. People, especially supporters, will quickly write it off as gossip or someone being a 'hater'. Would be great if some info came straight from the source.


Well-Known Member
So you "attempt" 3rd degree sexual offence and because it is made public, it is a smear campaign? I don’t think so; I think it is making parents aware so they have a choice of letting their kids around you. Oh, and if you aren’t “coaching” and don’t need a background check, then why are you at the football camp with a yellow camp staff shirt and whistle on around all the kids after you stepped down as president?

He was my son's coach during the Spring Camp. :confused: