President of Pax River Raiders


New Member
So was it a mis-quote in the County times article?

I'll let you read it and find it for yourself.


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New Member
I just don't know what to think about all this.

My son, too, was coached by Harold Berg. Definately in the Spring "Scrimmage" season, and he was supposed to be his coach for contact camp AND for fall, before he removed himself from the position.

I am more upset about the public LIE about "not coaching" than what happened over a decade ago. What is it about youth football that attracts these men who blatently lie?

My son(s) also took part in Chris Pixton's leagues. There were lies then too.

WHY do egos create lies? WHY can't my children participate in something ACTIVE, under the supervision and guidance of responsible, honest, professional men and women? I'm sick of hearing, "it's all for the kids" from these coaches, commissioners and league owners. If it was, every one of them would have the professionalism to conduct themselves as positive role models. A positive, respectful and communicative COACH grants a positive and respectful outlook returned from the parents. THAT exchange, in itself, creates an atmosphere that is "for the kids." No one person can create that.

Yes, I'm sure we all have some skeletons in our closets. But you can't hide a public record (google MD Judiciary Search) - or at least, you shouldn't. We all have times in our past that we'd like to forget, however, if such an event causes you to have a questionable persona around a certain demographic, then steer clear. If you have a poor driving record, DON'T drive a public bus. If you have a something on your record that would cause parents to question your intentions - steer clear of working with children. OR, if you have that "black mark" be HONEST about it and deal with how people will react to it. One black mark does not a bad person make.... but hiding it or covering it up, makes a LIAR.

Yes, it's a bit extreme, but with all that went on with Penn State, I can't help but alarm myself to the parallels. As a responsible parent, I'd be stupid not to! However, how was I TO KNOW??? I put faith that when local sports organizations advertize they do background checks, demand training through the NYSCA, and claim that no person can be "on the field" without meeting this criteria they actually do it - even for themselves! I ASSUMED that if a person was in a supervisory position around my child (and part of the registration fee covers the cost of background checks) that they PASSED without question. IF there was question it should have been brought to my attention AND dealt with promptly!

I am irritated that the results of these "background" checks are not shared. I am frustrated that coaches do NOT wear their NYSCA badges at all times. I'm mad that someone somewhere thought that Harold Berg's criminal record wasn't worth mentioning!

In fact, I now have checked a variety of coaches who interact with my son via the MD Judiciary Search, and I'm not pleased with the number of DUIs, Domestic Disputes, Pot Charges and general "black marks" that are publicly apparent. A speeding ticket is one thing... but I don't want a person coaching my child if they have or have had a restraining order put on them for one reason or another!

Ok, so the defense I hear, is "hey, it's tough getting volunteer coaches to begin with!" BS. If you can't find decent volunteer coaches, then so be it. My son can stay home and play in my backyard. There's enough pressure in his life - and he's only 6 for crying out loud!
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New Member
I invite anyone to call me and I will explain what I learned yesterday about Mr. Berg background check that was submitted by myself when he Coached for us with the Pax River Raiders and our NFL Flag Football program.

All I know about is the background, I have no idea what he was charged with or anything like that or will comment on any of that.

So please feel free to call me 410-610-8444.


See that your post was edited. So he coached. Did he submit to a background check? If so how could he possibly have passed? Seems like 'St Marys Standard #1 would have him covered.



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Well-Known Member
This whole situation has me a little curious. I have a question for those who are defending this guy as such a good person. What did he tell you happened for him to get this conviction?


New Member
This whole situation has me a little curious. I have a question for those who are defending this guy as such a good person. What did he tell you happened for him to get this conviction?

Must have not been that bad of a thing as I went by the field the other day to talk to Parents about our new league and he was running the Concession Stand. So if it was that bad how can he still be running the Concession Stand, oh I know how $$$$ in his pocket.


Well-Known Member
Must have not been that bad of a thing as I went by the field the other day to talk to Parents about our new league and he was running the Concession Stand. So if it was that bad how can he still be running the Concession Stand, oh I know how $$$$ in his pocket.

You went to parents that are already registered with one league and spoke with them about a new league? :confused:


Football Mom!!!
Must have not been that bad of a thing as I went by the field the other day to talk to Parents about our new league and he was running the Concession Stand. So if it was that bad how can he still be running the Concession Stand, oh I know how $$$$ in his pocket.

What new league is this?


Well-Known Member
What new league is this?

Probably the new recreation (non-competitive) league, AKA Wussy Ball. Pay out of the butt to play 8 games against the same few teams, all in the same mindset. I cannot see where it will help any child learn/play football. There's no challenge. AYF tackle teams will have all of the good players. Rec league will get all of the lazy kids or the ones that their parents are too scared of them really getting hit. It's more like an intramural league. Doesn't cost much less than AYF tackle. They still have the same costs (insurance, equipments, refs, and fields).


Football Mom!!!
Probably the new recreation (non-competitive) league, AKA Wussy Ball. Pay out of the butt to play 8 games against the same few teams, all in the same mindset. I cannot see where it will help any child learn/play football. There's no challenge. AYF tackle teams will have all of the good players. Rec league will get all of the lazy kids or the ones that their parents are too scared of them really getting hit. It's more like an intramural league. Doesn't cost much less than AYF tackle. They still have the same costs (insurance, equipments, refs, and fields).

I thought they didn't have enough kids for that and everyone that didn't want to play AYF got their money back?


Well-Known Member
I thought they didn't have enough kids for that and everyone that didn't want to play AYF got their money back?

There's someone else that has started up a rec league. I can't think of the name but I'll do some googling and find out.


Football Mom!!!
There's someone else that has started up a rec league. I can't think of the name but I'll do some googling and find out.

Seriously? Is there really enough kids for all of these leagues? So glad that this is my last year of dealing with youth leagues.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Is there really enough kids for all of these leagues? So glad that this is my last year of dealing with youth leagues.

There is no way possible that this league will do well unless all of this drama causes parents to give up on the program. Let's all hope that this all gets cleared up and that AYF will not pull the program next season. It's truly a great program minus the drama that has gotten completely ignorant lately.


Football Mom!!!
There is no way possible that this league will do well unless all of this drama causes parents to give up on the program. Let's all hope that this all gets cleared up and that AYF will not pull the program next season. It's truly a great program minus the drama that has gotten completely ignorant lately.

Short of SMAC ball, AYF is the best thing that has happened to football in the county. Now that they're SMCAYF and not METROAYF, the travel won't be nearly as extensive.


Well-Known Member
Short of SMAC ball, AYF is the best thing that has happened to football in the county. Now that they're SMCAYF and not METROAYF, the travel won't be nearly as extensive.

Looks like they're still going to Culpepper and Fauquier, VA on top of Chuck and PG County. :shrug:


Football Mom!!!
Looks like they're still going to Culpepper and Fauquier, VA on top of Chuck and PG County. :shrug:

Really? I haven't seen the schedule yet. Was only told that there wasn't enough teams in our division in the SMC, but those teams would be coming to us. Either way, I don't have any major complaints with the league (didn't with Pigskin either), or Harold. Good luck to your son this year!


New Member
We will release all of the information about our league once everything is in place.

Stoped by Lancaster this weekend to watch the games and went to the Concession stand and saw Mr. Berg working in there and also doing the Dj'ing. I guess most of you haven't seen the charging documents of what he did, if you did, you wouldn't take your kids to Lancaster when he was there.


New Member
So how many of the Cheerleaders were hanging out at the concessions? That was always one of those on the line (of being questionable) things. But then hearing of his history it's really concerning.

I guess its ok though, he's done so much for the county.