ProBlacks ......


PREMO Member
This woman has NO ****ING CLUE how corrupt .... Africa is,

Police pull you over instead of fines, you pay bribes NOT to get a ticket or arrested
Sure there is voting, but people are bribed to vote a certain way, opposition murdered or jailed, coups are still the rule of the day

Look at South Sudan, my Kenyan friend blames the CIA or other western interests for the violence and coups ... especially Eritrea and Ethiopia right now.

IMF or World Bank makes loans to Gov for economic development - corrupt leaders steal the funds blind,

Nairobi for fox sake has MUD roads a 1km from the airport, the Capitol looks like a West Virginia Trailer Park, Trash everywhere

As you can imagine EVERYTHING in Africa is still tribal ... so the current president spends Gov money on the tribal areas where his tribe lives .... and the other Tribes suffer ... oh and the ' politically ' correct term is Community

My friend was without power for a week as the transformer short circuited, the ' power ' company - [ owned by the Kenyan Presidents Brother ] workers drug there feet for 4 days until the work week was over [ they have a 6 day work week ] paid their supervisor a bribe to put in a work order for Sunday overtime, and then they fixed the problem. EVERY apartment building has its own salt water well, because the city water is so unreliable [ also shallow and ground water not a proper deep well ] you do not drink this only bathe

There is a ' public ' healthcare system, but you pay Baksheesh to be seen ...

Tribesmen in the Bush go about shooting each other with AK-47's stealing cattle ...

Go look at the post on TikTok, everyone is cheering for


Totally fuc king delusional ....

Africans LAUGH THEIR ASSES OFF at American Black Culture and all their nonsense ....

the Cold War has been over for 30 some years now ....
so no more Proxy Wars on the continents, sure the fallout ... from Russian / East German spreading Marxism

As I mentioned the bank loans, that will NEVER be paid off, siphoning off the money ...
The economic forecasts are always way over generous on the returns

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Hardcover – November 9, 2004


Now the Chinese are moving in with the Belt and Road Program

All friendly like, loans, infrastructure upgrades, factories and industry .... thing is the Chinese bring in Chinese Workers, hiring very few locals and when the country defaults on a loan, the Chinese COMPLETELY take over the mine or factory and keep all the output for themselves, snd some places PLA Troops are their as security .....

All these PRO AFRICAN BLACKS need to back there bags and head back to Africa and help kick out all the leftover whites and show them dumb hick locals how smart they are .... show them how to UNITE Africa


PREMO Member

Democrats FREAK OUT Over WOKE Black Woman LOSING HER MIND In DERANGED Rant Against White People!​



PREMO Member

DELUSIONAL Jemele Hill Calls Caitlin Clark's WNBA Salary 'A Form of Misogyny'​

Charles Barkley HUMBLES Woke Black Women That Can't Stop HATING on Caitlin Clark​

Sunny Hostin Says It's RACIST To Like Caitlin Clark​



Just sneakin' around....
Ok, so everything....EVERYTHING.. that isn't black is racist and should be eliminated.

Let's think about doing this: They want freedom from whites in every respect possible. Let's give them their own nation. Since beaches and boating are racist, give the shorelines to the whites. Since skiing is racist, the mountains go to the whites. Farming? Racist. All the producing plain states go to the whites.

Section off a portion of the country, looks like southern mid country. Erect huge walls to keep each other out. Make sure that the new country has working utilities: power, refineries, agriculture, water, airports with travel restrictions and required visas to visit the original USA... and them leave them to their own devices. Just give them, hand over, a complete, working nation.

And then take bets on the complete downfall.