Proud of My Daughter!

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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I was trying to make a point about the death of an animal to be eaten. It isn't pretty and not for the light-hearted. Honestly, there are many more shows on television in which shows the graphic death of another animal. Plus there is Bizarre Foods where he dines on eyeballs pulled right from the head taken off an animal and cooked, as well as MANY bugs, lizards, monkeys, ect.

Good for her for speaking up about it but honestly if she's 19, she's a big girl and it is a wakeup for her to see were here pulled pork sandwich really comes from.

The show that got to me was the one where a lion was bringing up a baby antelope or something like that,,,just loving it.....and then..I can't remember if she eventually ate it or another lion ate it.. but I eventually got over it, circle of life..:blahblah:


Well-Known Member
I am very proud of my daughter Brandi for expressing her feelings for the entire county to read. She is nineteen and very compassionate about the treatment of animals. When she came running into the room crying about what she just witnessed on tv, I told her to write it down and send it to those she hoped would share her same feelings. I am extremely appalled by the majority of rude and hurtful responses she received from this site! I am a forumite and have had great success with this community. I am very disappointed that this is the treatment she received for her first post!

She did change the channel, but the damage was already done. It only takes less then a minute to know when you see something like the pig slaughter, that it was cruel! Animals are slaughtered all the time for human consumption, but I don't recall ever seeing a pig, cow, horse or any other animal being killed like this and shown on any public tv.

I am very proud of my daughters compassion for animals and for having the guts to put it out there for all the world to see! Her feelings are still strong and she has sent her letter to our local delegates, congressmen, and newspapers.

Congratulations to you Brandi for a job well done!

I may have missed someone else asking this question, but I get the impression from yourletter that she changed the channel less than a minute after coming upon the show. How then was she able to describe what seems to be the entire show in her letter?

I cry PETA:bs:


pretty black roses
You daughter would be very upset to see an actual deer hunted, tracked down to finish the kill, and then field dressed. It is just as gorey as the pig she saw on tv last night. Maybe if all of these girly girls were taken out hunting just one or work on a real working farm, then they would not be all boohoo over the actual slaughter of an animal when they see it.

Proud of My Daughter! 03-07-2008 04:14 PM I hope you fall out of a tree stand



Who's there?
Proud of My Daughter! 03-07-2008 04:20 PM Please tell us just one thing that you have going for you?

I will give you a few.

1. I have great kids.
2. I have 2 great jobs.
3. I have a wonderful family.
4. I have super friends.
5. I share cycles with BS Gal.

and your avitar rocks!


Well-Known Member
Proud of My Daughter! 03-07-2008 04:20 PM Please tell us just one thing that you have going for you?

I will give you a few.

1. I have great kids.
2. I have 2 great jobs.
3. I have a wonderful family.
4. I have super friends.
5. I share cycles with BS Gal.

Oh :starcat: dont forget you are smokin :hot:


Who's there?
Proud of My Daughter! 03-07-2008 04:20 PM lonely are you?

Not really but I guess you are since you are trying to talk to everyone by giving all the lovely blood red karma!:blahblah:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Proud of My Daughter! 03-07-2008 04:20 PM Please tell us just one thing that you have going for you?

I will give you a few.

1. I have great kids.
2. I have 2 great jobs.
3. I have a wonderful family.
4. I have super friends.
5. I share cycles with BS Gal.

:lol: We could make good use of the pig blood. :carrie::evil:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I am very proud of my daughter Brandi for expressing her feelings for the entire county to read. She is nineteen and very compassionate about the treatment of animals. When she came running into the room crying about what she just witnessed on tv, I told her to write it down and send it to those she hoped would share her same feelings. I am extremely appalled by the majority of rude and hurtful responses she received from this site! I am a forumite and have had great success with this community. I am very disappointed that this is the treatment she received for her first post!

She did change the channel, but the damage was already done. It only takes less then a minute to know when you see something like the pig slaughter, that it was cruel! Animals are slaughtered all the time for human consumption, but I don't recall ever seeing a pig, cow, horse or any other animal being killed like this and shown on any public tv.

I am very proud of my daughters compassion for animals and for having the guts to put it out there for all the world to see! Her feelings are still strong and she has sent her letter to our local delegates, congressmen, and newspapers.

Congratulations to you Brandi for a job well done!
Good for you, you should make something special for her. Parsley potatoes, green beans, sweet corn, and a Boston Butt would be perfect.
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