professional daydreamer
It takes all of about 30 more seconds.
..and that's just too long for some people.
camily, have you actually "timed" this? I bet it's not taking as long as it seems.
It takes all of about 30 more seconds.
Isn't she cute!
Shoot, I never even put my car IN park when dropping the kids at school, just stop and let 'em out.
Yes!! Does Booger love her?
There's a no parking sign at the student drop off? What are parents supposed to do? Kick the kid out the door at a slow roll?
Not that it matters why, but there's no room for her bag in my car.
PSA: Dropping off kids... 10-17-2007 12:39 PM Next time don't get a teeny little ugly ass car anwyays.
I drop my kids off on Mondays and the ther 4 days i get out because i have a smaller one that goes those days. My kids cant get out of the van themselves because it is safety locked from the inside, so someone has to let them out. I also kiss them goodbye. It takes all of about 30 more seconds.
No, its a drop off area. You stop, let the kid out, then move along. You're not supposed to just leave your car there.
Jealous much?
I think I was abused as a child. I had to walk three blocks to school without Mommy holding my hand. This was in LA, and it almost snowed once. Don't parents get arrested for that now?
..and that's just too long for some people.
camily, have you actually "timed" this? I bet it's not taking as long as it seems.
OMG, you poor thing!It almost snowed???!!! In California????!!!!!
You spelled smowed wrong.
He does, as does Forrest. Allie is still a tad miffed.![]()
I must have been sorrowfully neglected as a kid too. I had to walk to the main street (just over a block) from my house to catch the bus by myself from 1st grade on in District Heights.
Makes you want to ram the back of their grocery-getter, doesn't it?
I'm with ya, girlie. These bubble people who have to supervise their freakin' kid walking into the school, and have to pull *right* up front so little Prunella doesn't have to walk an extra 10 feet.