10 Warning Signs You're A Pathetic Beta Male
Alright, SIMPS! These days, it's getting harder and harder to find any real men. Not guys who are "in touch with their feelings" or "enjoy a good pair of barefoot wingtip shoes" — we're talking real-deal, manly men. If you want to be a testosterone-filled HIGH-VALUE bro, you need to keep a sharp eye out for any signs of wussiness and purge them from your body immediately.
1. Ordering a filet instead of the 42-oz. tomahawk: "Filet" is a French word. A tomahawk is a type of axe. Eat a real steak, bro.
2. You once thought about petting a cat: Really? A cat? C'mon. SOFT.
Alright, SIMPS! These days, it's getting harder and harder to find any real men. Not guys who are "in touch with their feelings" or "enjoy a good pair of barefoot wingtip shoes" — we're talking real-deal, manly men. If you want to be a testosterone-filled HIGH-VALUE bro, you need to keep a sharp...