Public Service Announcement for SoMD Drivers


New Member
!!Attention Drivers of Maryland!!

As a matter of courtesy, if you are driving slower than the average rate of traffic, it is customary that you would ease on over into the right lane (where available) and progress at your snail speed and allow drivers to pass you in the left lane (as that lane is typically intended for this use).

In the event that you are unsure if you are going slow, having your fellow drivers passing you at speeds of 25 mph and faster on your right side is usually the first clue. When this happens, please display your desire to be a courteous driver (even if it is fake) and proceed to get in the right lane at your earliest convenience.

Failure to obey the customs and courtesies of the road will result in continued increases of road rage, and you may likely be the victim.

:burning: Your Fellow Maryland Driver :cussing:

sorry folks, this is BchBns' post ... too lazy to change the screen name.


New Member
Originally posted by tater
!!Attention Drivers of Maryland!!

As a matter of courtesy, if you are driving slower than the average rate of traffic, it is customary that you would ease on over into the right lane (where available) and progress at your snail speed and allow drivers to pass you in the left lane (as that lane is typically intended for this use).

In the event that you are unsure if you are going slow, having your fellow drivers passing you at speeds of 25 mph and faster on your right side is usually the first clue. When this happens, please display your desire to be a courteous driver (even if it is fake) and proceed to get in the right lane at your earliest convenience.

Failure to obey the customs and courtesies of the road will result in continued increases of road rage, and you may likely be the victim.

:burning: Your Fellow Maryland Driver :cussing:

sorry folks, this is BchBns' post ... too lazy to change the screen name.

And to show you how much this pissed her off...... the first thing she did when getting here, was hop right on the ole puter and start typing away like a madwoman. Could've been set to the "Flight of the Bumblebee" Maybe now, I can get the customary, "Hi honey, How was your day?" :rolleyes:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Public Service Announcement for SoMD Drivers

Originally posted by tater

And to show you how much this pissed her off...... the first thing she did when getting here, was hop right on the ole puter and start typing away like a madwoman. Could've been set to the "Flight of the Bumblebee"...

I think I'd try to take advantage of the unbridled aggressiveness... :whip: :biggrin:
I agree with all, however wanted to add that if I am doing 60-65 on my way up to Waldorf and some young brat comes roaring up behind me, it is not my problem or responsibility to get out of his way, so to me there is a limit to when you have to move over, courteous driving works both ways, if I am pushed, you might find a guy in front of ya slowing down to the speed limit. let's see, is getting to your loved ones house a minute faster as important as getting there ALIVE. I am only 42 but learned the hard way when I was younger, and so will the young people out there or they won't be around, just hope they don't take any innocents with them...


Cleopatra Jones
I'll be the first to admit that if I'm being judged by "legal" standards I drive like a moron. In a 55 without a buttload of traffic I go about 70. If going down a two lane road and someone is making a left hand turn, I WILL slow down and go around them. I hate my turn signal but do use it. If I'm polite enough to use my signal, you WILL be poilte enough to let me over or I will be a b!tch and come over anyway forcing you to put excess wear on your breaks. I'm not one of these lunatic kids that drives a million miles an hour weaving in and out of traffic. I am actually a very curtious driver and demand it back. If you want to be a jerk well so can I.


yeah yeah
Oh honey! I totally am with you on this one Bch. This is one good rant here. Glad you love us enough to tell us first over tater. :lmao:
that is totally unacceptable:boo: for people to do such things. And you are very right that they should have the common sense to move in the other lane. But of course its not.

I can not help but laugh though. I have been laughing for a bit was just MAN! Girl your to funny!

And pixie I am like you...I dont like to use my turn signal and if you are over enough for me to get through..I will be the girl known as formally behind you but now driving away in front of you pissed that you are in my way. lol
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New Member
The left lane thing has always been on my huge list of complaints about drivers,one of the guys at work used to refer to it as"the parade".Ironic that this subject comes up cause I just posted about driving stuff yesterday in another forum that I go to,this is what I posted there;

For starters how about the people who cut you off in traffic and then throw the ole hand up like you were nice enough to let them in when in fact you just made trouser chilli trying to defend your precious vehicle from there aggressive uncaring lane change they just performed.Some coworkers of mine and myself used to do it to each other on purpose sometimes to make fun of it and get a good laugh out of it.I call it the "excuse me wave".


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Cracka
The left lane thing has always been on my huge list of complaints about drivers,one of the guys at work used to refer to it as"the parade".Ironic that this subject comes up cause I just posted about driving stuff yesterday in another forum that I go to,this is what I posted there;

For starters how about the people who cut you off in traffic and then throw the ole hand up like you were nice enough to let them in when in fact you just made trouser chilli trying to defend your precious vehicle from there aggressive uncaring lane change they just performed.Some coworkers of mine and myself used to do it to each other on purpose sometimes to make fun of it and get a good laugh out of it.I call it the "excuse me wave".

The "excuse me wave", lol. I do this... Like I said if you don't let me over, well I'm coming over anyway. I will however be poilte enough to give you the "thanks d!ckhead, I got over anyway wave". I might be a b!tch but at least I'm polite about it. :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

The "excuse me wave", lol. I do this... Like I said if you don't let me over, well I'm coming over anyway. I will however be poilte enough to give you the "thanks d!ckhead, I got over anyway wave". I might be a b!tch but at least I'm polite about it. :biggrin:
:lol: You must drive in D.C. too Pixie.
That's where I learned the philosophy "If you can't be courteous, I can be rude!"


Asperger's Poster Child
The whole "50mph in the left lane" bugs me as well.

Another thing is when someone is making a left turn on a two-lane road, and other drivers pass on the right shoulder. Some roads have shoulders marked for this, but most do not. Years ago, a kid was killed when someone did this in front of Spring Ridge MS.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Then there are the dumbasses that actually passed my husband in our front yard! He was backing into the driveway and the idiots did not want to wait, so he actually went onto our grass and around him! Happened 2 times in one week. :burning:


Football season!
I think they teach people in driver's ed here to drive slow in the left lane because I see it a lot more here than other parts of Maryland.. During my usual weekend get-aways from this lovely place, I ALWAYS end up behind SLOW drivers in the left lane.. If i'm going towards the baltimore area, I will encounter this problem ALL THE WAY to route 301.. Once I hit that things seem fine.. Coming back.. same problem.. Things are great on 301 and the interstates, then I make that turn onto route 4 south and it is brake time again in the left lane..

And how about those tractor trailer trucks?? One truck going 45MPH to pass a truck in the right lane going 44MPH (when the speed limit is 55 or higher).. Then they hit a hill and its down to 35MPH... Completely unaware of people behind them.. Arghh.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
That's a bit much. I'd be :burning: too!
Well, after those two episodes, we moved our mailbox across the street to our yard... I'm now waiting for them to do it again and get some nice damage to their cars. They'll be :bawl: then....


Cleopatra Jones
And how about those tractor trailer trucks?? One truck going 45MPH to pass a truck in the right lane going 44MPH (when the speed limit is 55 or higher).. Then they hit a hill and its down to 35MPH... Completely unaware of people behind them.. Arghh.

Oh not unaware, they don't give a crap!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I give the rigs a little leeway. I used to drive one myself when nessesary, so I know what they have to contend with. When your moving 35-70,000lbs behind you it's hard to maintain 40mph up a steep hill and if you're going 10mph faster than a heavier rig you go around, and maintain what speed you have, not slow down.

Overall, even in a car, I've had more major complaints with people driving the Fisher Price Mobile Adult Models (i.e. Geo, Focus, Honda etc.). They think nothing of pulling in front of someone, even truck traffic, doing 25mph under the speed limit, -50 feet in front. I've watched hundreds of them do this to a truck and get pissed when the trucks driver is laying on the air horn and standing on the brakes. :cussing:


Cleopatra Jones
Overall, even in a car, I've had more major complaints with people driving the Fisher Price Mobile Adult Models (i.e. Geo, Focus, Honda etc.). They think nothing of pull in front of of someone, even truck traffic, doing 25mph under the speed limit, -50 feet in front. I've watched hundreds of them do this to a truck and get pissed when the trucks driver is laying on the air horn and standing on the brakes.

I think you meant Civic not Honda. I have a Honda Accord which is suprisingly quick with great pick-up.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
...I think you meant Civic not Honda. I have a Honda Accord which is suprisingly quick with great pick-up.
Not casting stones your way Pixie. :peace:

To me they all seem to look alike. :biggrin: